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Help please - When can I start work after RT?
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03/16/2015 05:16
03/16/2015 05:16
Help please - When can I start work after RT?

I finished RT for early stage Dupuytrens 3 weeks ago in a distant city. After 2 weeks my hand became red and sore and itchy, so I use hydrocortisone cream. I was given little in the way of rehab advice.

I work as a physiotherapist and my hand hurts if I lift anything heavy, such as someone's leg. I started work last week, but have now stopped as I felt I could be harming my recovery. In my job I can't predict whether my next patient require heavy lifting or what. An aftercare advice sheet I found on this website suggested that I avoid 'mechanical stress'

How will I know when I am better and it is safe for me to resume hard physical work such as lifting and pulling and grasping?
I do not want to set my recovery back and re-start the Dupuytrens contracture again.

I can't open up shop and then turn people away because they require too much physical work. How much time off should I take?

I am self-employed and can choose when I work or don't work

Edited 03/16/15 21:55

    03/16/2015 07:20


    03/16/2015 07:20


    Re: Help please - When can I start work after RT?

    I had slightly sore hands for a while after RT. I play piano and play tennis, and ProfS said that was fine to do straight away, but advised against more intensive forms of activity such as using weights for fitness and some forms of DIY that required hand strength, for 6 -12 weeks. I think you will know when your hands feel ready to resume. He gave me a simple sheet on 'aftercare' that described likely post RT effects and some do's and dont's. I'm a bit surprised you did not discuss this with him, maybe send an email.

      03/16/2015 17:40
      03/16/2015 17:40
      Re: Help please - When can I start work after RT?

      I am a massage therapist in northern Ca. I have a busy schedule and specialize in sports and chronic injury rehab, so I work very deeply with many clients.
      I had RT done in July 2014 and never missed a beat. Worked before during and after the 5 treatment protocol. I had perhaps some additional tenderness at the treatment site, but nothing significant. I didn't experience any of the skin changes that I've read about either.
      Anyway, about 8 months post treatment, the nodules seem pretty much unchanged, so I guess this is a positive result!

        03/17/2015 16:07
        03/17/2015 16:07
        Re: Help please - When can I start work after RT?

        I had slightly sore hands for a while after RT. I play piano and play tennis, and ProfS said that was fine to do straight away, but advised against more intensive forms of activity such as using weights for fitness and some forms of DIY that required hand strength, for 6 -12 weeks. I think you will know when your hands feel ready to resume. He gave me a simple sheet on 'aftercare' that described likely post RT effects and some do's and dont's. I'm a bit surprised you did not discuss this with him, maybe send an email.

        I am confused. I was told there are no side effects to RT and am getting it a week before starting a new job that requires being at they keyboard all day long.

          03/17/2015 17:06


          03/17/2015 17:06


          Re: Help please - When can I start work after RT?

          The immediate side effects of RT are usually small http://www.dupuytren-online.info/radioth...de_effects.html but your doctor should have informed you about risks when planning the treatment. You might tell him that you will need to work with your hands soon after the treatment. But it ought to be OK I would guess.


          I am confused. I was told there are no side effects to RT and am getting it a week before starting a new job that requires being at they keyboard all day long.

            03/19/2015 02:18
            03/19/2015 02:18
            Re: Help please - When can I start work after RT?

            I had no side effects from RT and it never occurred to me to curtail activities at all. I played tennis and lifted weights without interruption during and after RT.

              03/19/2015 08:36
              03/19/2015 08:36
              Re: Help please - When can I start work after RT?

              I had no side effects from RT and it never occurred to me to curtail activities at all. I played tennis and lifted weights without interruption during and after RT.

              Did you have any contractures that the RT improved.?

                03/19/2015 08:42


                03/19/2015 08:42


                Re: Help please - When can I start work after RT?

                RT won't improve contractures. At best it can stop progression and shrink nodules but that's pretty good already if you catch the nodule early. If your finger is already contracted it's too late for RT.

                Did you have any contractures that the RT improved.?

                Edited 03/19/15 10:43

                  03/19/2015 09:32
                  03/19/2015 09:32
                  Re: Help please - When can I start work after RT?

                  RT won't improve contractures. At best it can stop progression and shrink nodules but that's pretty good already if you catch the nodule early. If your finger is already contracted it's too late for RT.
                  Did you have any contractures that the RT improved.?

                  I think my contracture may still be at N1 stage. I heard if it is less than 11 degrees RT still ok. I need to have it measured.

                    03/19/2015 11:51


                    03/19/2015 11:51


                    Re: Help please - When can I start work after RT?

                    If your cord is quickly growing it might help irradiating it but don't expect any improvement on the contracture. RT is best if applied within the first year after the start of the nodule. If you already have contracture then you are probably beyond that. The Odds that RT is beneficial go down with disease time. Did you RT physician discuss that with you?


                    [I think my contracture may still be at N1 stage. I heard if it is less than 11 degrees RT still ok. I need to have it measured.

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