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How soon until I will see RT effects
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08/06/2013 18:14
08/06/2013 18:14
How soon until I will see RT effects

Hello all. I just started RT yesterday. I have one nodule (middle finger) which I noticed in May & the cord started forming in June. I have soreness, but no contracture yet. Wanted to nip it in the bud early, so I contacted a radiation oncologist in Houston who has done this before. How soon should I see a change in my hand? Should I notice an effect quickly or is it normally a gradual reduction if it's going to do what it's supposed to do? Also, I only have it in one hand now. Do most people have it show up in both hands? Just wondering if that'll be happening...I sure hop not! Thanks!

Edited 08/13/13 11:26

08/06/2013 19:32
08/06/2013 19:32
Re: How soon until I will seenRT effects

I had RT about six months ago. I did not notice much except that it wasn't getting worse. It did feel like the nodule was no longer active, but it would be difficult to quantify that feeling. I could tell that the soreness/tenderness was gone. It hurt before the RT when playing baseball catch with grandson. That went away complete after RT.

08/06/2013 19:36
08/06/2013 19:36
Re: How soon until I will seenRT effects

Both hands? It is very common. The interesting thing is that each hand can react differently. My left hand (little finger) went from zero degrees contracture to over 90 degrees in about 16 months. Similar nodules on my right hand stayed dormant and almost went away for over 13 years. I have friends whose nodules never did turn into contracture.

08/06/2013 20:30


08/06/2013 20:30


Re: How soon until I will seenRT effects

Both hands? It is very common. The interesting thing is that each hand can react differently. My left hand (little finger) went from zero degrees contracture to over 90 degrees in about 16 months. Similar nodules on my right hand stayed dormant and almost went away for over 13 years. I have friends whose nodules never did turn into contracture.
I had RT in one hand two years ago. I keep a photo log. There has been no observable difference. There has also been no softening of the nodules or cords. The one thing that has reduced is the soreness. Maybe this would have reduced anyway without the RT. On the other hand there have been some skin changes and other signs that the condition is still there ready to flare up. So I don't think you can expect for all cases a reduction, and I don't believe this is what is claimed. Just a halting of progression in most cases, for a while.

08/06/2013 23:13
08/06/2013 23:13
Re: How soon until I will seenRT effects

As a newbie and going for a second opinion tomorrow, I have several nodes and a cord going into my pinkie,
Does a cord always lead to contraction?? I am considering asking about radiation . live in Cleveland and hope it can be done locally

08/07/2013 06:42


08/07/2013 06:42


Re: How soon until I will seenRT effects

As a newbie and going for a second opinion tomorrow, I have several nodes and a cord going into my pinkie,
Does a cord always lead to contraction?? I am considering asking about radiation . live in Cleveland and hope it can be done locally
No, a cord does not always lead to a contracture. But other factors may have an influence on the outcome. Your age, family history, risk factors.

08/07/2013 11:01
08/07/2013 11:01
Re: How soon until I will seenRT effects

Thank you for your speedy reply. The cord popped up quickly but hopefully due to the fact I am 62 maybe won't be an issue. I am still going to look into radiation. Thanks again

08/07/2013 14:38
08/07/2013 14:38
Re: How soon until I will seenRT effects


That is exactly what happened last year for my little finger. I had RT about 6 months ago.

08/07/2013 16:37
08/07/2013 16:37
Re: How soon until I will seenRT effects

I have attached pictures of my hand. The second picture is before treatment. the first picture is about 6 months after treatment. After the first round of RT, the nodule bagan to soften and all the pain went away. My hand continued to improve and I had more ability to grasp objects and to have more flexability as the year progressed.

I only have visable DD in one hand. Good luck with your RT.


handFEB2010.JPG handFEB2010.JPG (52x)

Mime-Type: image/jpeg, 19 kB

hand8..JPG hand8..JPG (40x)

Mime-Type: image/jpeg, 25 kB

08/07/2013 23:07
08/07/2013 23:07
Re: How soon until I will seenRT effects

Thanks for your responses. Will let you know how it goes. 3 days down!

Edited 08/08/13 02:08

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well-accepted   prophylactic   treatment-either   classification   Seegenschmiedt   patients   contralateral   non-significant   effects   radiation   contracture   appointment   recommendation   insurance   progression   considering   nodules   degrees   treatment   well-tolerated