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I have it....:-(
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09/21/2010 09:24
09/21/2010 09:24
Re: I have it....:-(

I love what you just said it makes so much sense with this terrible disease. Thanks for making me feel better about all this! You should post this on the facebook dupuytren's wall for everyone to see.

Yes thanks, I might do that...Im reviewing and researching as muchas I can without becomming paranoid, cos life goes on and at this stage its almost unnoticiable. The fact that it has been diagnosed makes its more of a concern....:-)

09/21/2010 09:44
09/21/2010 09:44
Re: I have it....:-(

I love what you just said it makes so much sense with this terrible disease. Thanks for making me feel better about all this! You should post this on the facebook dupuytren's wall for everyone to see.

ohh and I dont have a facebook account and do not really want one at this stage..:-) But you or anyone else is welcome to copy and past the story on behalf of myself.....

09/21/2010 11:53
09/21/2010 11:53
Re: I have it....:-(

Well described development ! Please, Continue with your careful observation, but ...
make a decision about the point, where you will start to consult most experienced
doctors to decide about the possible treatment options ...

Don't delay if decision is due ! Don't consult unexperienced doctors ... JoJo


09/21/2010 22:28

not registered

09/21/2010 22:28

not registered

Re: I have it....:-(

Mr. England, sorry to hear your diagnosis, but I'm glad that you're taking it with such good humor. I also spent a long time speculating on the cause of my DC, which was confined to the PIP joint of the left ring finger. I do think there may be a genetic element--I'm the classic Northern European male over 40, and my late mother, although never diagnosed with the disease, had something resembling contractures on several fingers. I also wondered if my contracture might have had something to do with my wedding ring. The gold ring always caused skin irritation on that finger, so I finally stopped wearing it. (My wife was not thrilled...) Shortly after that, I started noticing a thickening in the finger, and the rest is history.

Anyway, it took about five years, but I finally had the finger taken care of. You can read about it in the thread "My Xiaflex Experience."

My advice to you is to look into possible treatments sooner rather than later, since early treatment seems to result in more successful results. One thing to keep in mind, though. In my experience (and I saw a total of four orthopedic surgeons about my condition), if you go to a traditional surgeon, he or she is likely to recommend traditional surgery. I'd try to find a surgeon who is also trained in alternative treatments, like NA and collagenase injection. In that case, the surgeon can make an unbiased call on what is your best choice of treatment. Good luck!

11/20/2010 23:29
11/20/2010 23:29

Re: I have it....:-(

Mine developed from trauma from a particular agressive rolfing session (my first ever) that left me withvery bruised in my hands. My hands are very delicate to begin with and the viens very close to the surface.

The main thing listed as a cause is too much alcoholic drink or being diabetic. So there is that to consider if you haven't heard of that for a diagnosis. Also being on anti-seizure meds or mega doses of vit C (I have read) can also trigger DD ( I was on mega doses of vit C for years so I have 2 triggers).

My Dr said men get it more agressively and mine may not even contract so I am just waiting for now. He blamed it on my N. European anscestry I don't think he wanted to blame the Rolfer.

My Podiatrist who diagnosed my LD actually told me about DD several years ago and said there was a possiblility of develping it wince I had an agressive case of LD in both feet.

Keep a watch on yours and take action if needed.


11/23/2010 15:37
11/23/2010 15:37
Re: I have it....:-(

I didn't know that vitamin c did that. And can it make it worse after you have DD?

11/24/2010 03:29
11/24/2010 03:29

Re: I have it....:-(


I only read that mega doses of C were a trigger. That being said I am wary of taking too much C (I take just a small amount). I have not taken mega doses for some time but it is just like alcohol if I was a drinker I would difinitely cut back or stop, since it is a trigger.
I do take a drug for my fibro that is anti-seizure but my Dr thought the warning for that class of drug being a trigger would be people taking in the grams and I am taking a very small amount. It is something I wonder about though. My trigger was hand trauma so I continue to take my med.


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unpredictability   possiblility   continue   experienced   possibilities   development   dupuytren-online   anti-seizure   contractions   disease   consult   unexperienced   decision   contractures   observation   Dupuytren   treatment   traditional   centremetres   doctors