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I know the Cause
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07/30/2012 12:25
07/30/2012 12:25
Re: I know the Cause

I guess i need to explain my theory .What is Dupuytrens & ledderhose? I think it is the tiny black lines you see at the nail beds of your fingers & toes..It is Fungal and invades the nail bed & nail fold daily..What you see is thickening of the skin at the nail bed,that is untreated for many years 5 /10/20 years, you may have seen a change in the shape of the nails over the years.I think most who have this are chronic nail biters & toe nail pickers...Ripping the nail beds & puncture of the nail fold daily.I also think the skin you see in the hand is the nail fold tissue that has gone under the nail bed with the fungus and is growing right under your skin....Can you cure or reverse this?I hope so,i have found a way to pull these fine lines out of the nail beds,killing the fungus with a powder,and by keeping the powder under the finger nails & toenails helps protect the nail bed from daily invasion.The only defense you have against this is a healthy tight line where the nail bed meets the finger nail,most with dupuytrens have never had this because they bite the nails so low..Woman who have Dupuytrens & get fake nails should stop today.The nails can not breath & some fungus may come from the nail salon.Its a start & it seems to be working on myself...I also think Guillaume Dupuytren had it himself ,and wanted to cure it .He would look at so many people to see what they had in common with him....The only reason i think this is from this statement--------- Dupuytren’s name has been applied as an eponym to at least 12 diseases, fractures, operations, and instruments. He hated to write, and all his “literature” was recorded and published by his students in the local medical journals as “Leçons orales de clinique chirurgicale de Dupuytren.” For his time, he had a scientific and inquiring mind and was a caring physician who visited his patients every day. On ward rounds, he dressed distinctively in a green coat, white vest, blue trousers, and a small green cloth cap, which he had designed himself. The picture of this domineering, all-confident surgeon was marred by his almost constant “nervous habit of gnawing the nails of his left thumb and index finger” . His assistants were in awe of him

    07/30/2012 13:41


    07/30/2012 13:41


    Re: I know the Cause

    Hmmm...thanks for sharing. Not sure it holds together, at least in my case. I don't have black lines under my nail beds tip or base, have nodules in the palm but not fingers (so how did the fungus get there and skip the fingers). Although I'm a man, I look after my nails and fingers (play piano you see), so no finger or nail abuse there.

    A simple topical fungicide ought to fix your hand and feet nails, if it is fungus, or a systemic one taken orally for nail fungus. That would based on your theory clear up your DD too. Easy to try too.

      07/30/2012 13:48
      07/30/2012 13:48
      Re: I know the Cause

      Yes you must play the piano alot-it is a constant transfer from the keys into your fingers..try a soak of baking soda paste on the fingers & toes for about 1 hour & see what comes out....It could enter from the toes

      Edited 07/30/12 16:48

        07/30/2012 13:59
        07/30/2012 13:59
        Re: I know the Cause

        When i say tiny black lines -i mean some people may need a microscope to see them

          07/30/2012 18:13
          07/30/2012 18:13
          Re: I know the Cause

          I don't have "tiny black lines" even with a microscope. I have never chewed my nails. Are you maybe suggesting this includes Peyronie's disease, also?

            07/30/2012 18:39
            07/30/2012 18:39
            Re: I know the Cause

            What kind of microscope did you use?Yes it is a form of onychomycosis, is caused by fungus called dermatophytes.

            Edited 07/30/12 21:40

              07/30/2012 19:19
              07/30/2012 19:19
              Re: I know the Cause

              I found out mine was a fungus from soaking my hands & feet in white vinegar for 2 months--i was getting better & my feet would stop hurting..I could see change & release of the skin on my hands....white vinegar will make it feel better & kill some ,but will not cure you..

                07/30/2012 19:23
                07/30/2012 19:23

                Re: I know the Cause

                Us members have been to the best Hand Doctors on the planet,How could so many Great Doctors not know?Did you invent this yourself?Where will we be treated?Is this FDA approved?I am only one member I bet they all have questions for you.WE are listening.Dave

                If we were all expecting that great doctors knew the best treatments, none of them would have told us to wait until it is bad enough for surgery, and all of them would recommend RT at early stages...
                Unfortunately, many great doctors do not even know about RT for DD. Someone had to test it at some point. I am relatively new to this disease, but I recognize myself trying to find THE cause and THE miracle treatment that everyone missed. Unfortunately, so far, everything I did made it worse or had no effect.
                Brainstorming is not bad in itself. Actually, the fungus thread made me think I had nails problems in past years. after investigation it was not fungus, but rather anemia and thyroid problems (common for premenopause women) and corrected by proper medication. But the nails could be indicative of a common liver problem and limited capacity to properly metabolize some nutrients.

                  07/30/2012 19:27
                  07/30/2012 19:27

                  Re: I know the Cause

                  I found out mine was a fungus from soaking my hands & feet in white vinegar for 2 months--i was getting better & my feet would stop hurting..I could see change & release of the skin on my hands....white vinegar will make it feel better & kill some ,but will not cure you..

                  Vinegar disolves calcium. Isn't there calcium deposits in nodules ?

                    07/30/2012 20:15
                    07/30/2012 20:15
                    Re: I know the Cause

                    I absolutely mean no disrespect, however, I am TIRED of getting constant Emails in my inbox of garbage theories that make no sense to me whatsoever, nor am I interested. Could someone please tell me why am I recieving these emails from this thread, and how to shut it off? Thank you, Metzie.

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                      inflammation   anthocyanosides   Dupuytrens   blueberry   affordable-its   blueberries   Unfortunately   osteoarthritis   sorefeet   statement---------   “literature”   doctor--------------but   dermatophytes   periodontal   bacteria----and   ledderhose   arteriosclerosis   fingers   Flavonoids   scientifically