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I need help with complications after NA
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09/15/2013 20:56
09/15/2013 20:56
I need help with complications after NA

I can't find the post where I reported after my NA on Wednesday so I'm starting a new thread for my Thursday procedure. (Wed was on my left hand and very painful.)The conscious sedation did not work at all. Dr. Pess explained that the light sedation was purposeful because of all the nerves in the index finger. The release on my index finger was only partially successful and already both my index and middle finger are back to pre-NA contractures. Luckily I have an OT appointment on Monday to get splints. ( The fiberglass splints my hands were wrapped into after the procedure are very curved and too small to get my fingers back into even though the bruising and swelling has all but abated.)

I saw the OT hand therapist about two weeks prior to my procedures to get things set up for having splints made and get measurements done. The strangest thing- she measured my contractures at about 15 to 30° LESS than Dr. Pess. She measured my worst contracture, my right hand pinky, at 40° and he measured it at 69°.

My procedure on Thursday on my right hand was totally opposite of what I had experienced the day before. ( My procedures were at two different Surgery centers )First of all, on Thursday it was a Surgi center at a mall. I thought I was in a nail salon to begin with. (On Wednesday it was a fully professional Surgi center with a surgical gurney right at the beginning.) On Thursday it was a recliner. After I undressed, they started my IV - anti-biotics – and then I had to get up from the chair and walk into the operating room rather than being wheeled on a gurney.

Next , in the OR, the anesthesiologist started my conscious sedation IV, put an oxygen mask over my face and that's the last thing I remember until I came to in the "recovery room." I don't remember seeing or talking to Dr. Pess, they wouldn't let my husband come into the recovery room and Dr. Pess was not available to talk to him or to me. When I asked, I was told my procedure lasted only 11 minutes. I have a few needle holes and some bruising but my contractures do not look any different than they did prior to the procedure. I have emailed the doctor asking what happened during the procedure but have not heard back.

My instructions after the procedure were to exercise my hands – make tight fists, put my hand flat on a table and push down hard with the other hand to stretch the joints straight and to massage the nodules and needle insertion points. I was only able to do this for a day after each procedure because it is so painful.

Here is what the problem is. Every time I attempt to even partially extend my RH it is very painful. Both my ring finger and pinky, which were the treated fingers on my RH, are totally numb and the needle- like tingling is very painful. ( This also happens sporadically on my left hand, along with numbness, especially near the tip of my index finger. ) There is also a weird tearing-like sensation that reminds me of that after Xiaflex.

I am very alarmed and somewhat freaked out. I seem to remember a post from Maddie after her procedure with somewhat similar symptoms but I cannot find it. I would appreciate any and all advice and a link to Maddie's post and the advice given her would be very helpful . I will attempt to contact my doctor again on Monday.

09/15/2013 21:16


09/15/2013 21:16


Re: I need help with complications after NA

The link to maddie's thread is http://www.dupuytren-online.info/Forum_E...-na-0_1557.html

It seems in her case a nerve was nicked and it took a while to recover.

Maybe this is your case too, but I am confused when you say there is no straightening, and also you don't have a memory of the procedure. I don't know Dr Pess but reading from others on the forum indicates he has experience and is well thought of. So, (s)he should be where to get answers.

09/15/2013 21:33
09/15/2013 21:33
Re: I need help with complications after NA

The link to maddie's thread is http://www.dupuytren-online.info/Forum_E...-na-0_1557.html

It seems in her case a nerve was nicked and it took a while to recover.

Maybe this is your case too, but I am confused when you say there is no straightening, and also you don't have a memory of the procedure. I don't know Dr Pess but reading from others on the forum indicates he has experience and is well thought of. So, (s)he should be where to get answers.
Thank you for the link. As I said in my original post the doctor has not responded to my questions and he was not available after the procedure. I will have to contact him again on Monday. He did suffer a torn muscle in his calf on Tuesday and that may explain some time off.

One of the features of conscious sedation is that you often do not remember what has happened during the specific procedure (I have had this for dental implants and colonoscopies and have no memory of being awake during it even though my oral surgeon told me I was able to respond to his requests). Since I had conscious sedation on Wednesday and was aware and awake the entire time – and could feel pain – and spoke to the doctor after the procedure, I have no idea why Thursday was so different and I have no memory whatsoever from the time the oxygen mask was placed on my face until I awoke in the recovery room.
I was assured that I would only have light sedation and would remain aware and awake so as to let the doctor know if I experienced tingling near a nerve. I was told, however, that since I had experienced so much pain on Wednesday I would be given more anesthesia on Thursday.

It would be highly unusual for a nerve to be nicked in all four fingers. I have had NA previously on my right hand four times and twice on my left and Xiaflex once on my right and I have never had symptoms like this.

Edited 09/16/13 00:47

09/15/2013 23:59
09/15/2013 23:59
Re: I need help with complications after NA

Let me try asking a different question. I've never had instructions after NA to exercise, stetch and manipulate my hand so vigorously and I'm wondering if that could contribute top irritation of the nerves and/or numbness.

I know there are lots of folks here that have had NA with doctors other than Dr. Eaton. Have any of you had instructions to vigorously massage, stretch, smash and manipulate the same day as NA?

09/16/2013 02:16
09/16/2013 02:16
Re: I need help with complications after NA

Let me try asking a different question. I've never had instructions after NA to exercise, stetch and manipulate my hand so vigorously and I'm wondering if that could contribute top irritation of the nerves and/or numbness.

I know there are lots of folks here that have had NA with doctors other than Dr. Eaton. Have any of you had instructions to vigorously massage, stretch, smash and manipulate the same day as NA?

My mom just had NA two months ago on two fingers of one hand. No, she was told to leave the bandage on for two days and then return to the doctor. He removed the bandage and at that time he had her go directly to an OT who had a list of exercises to be done at home. They were all pretty simple - bending the finger straight and then bending it down toward the palm, rolling it over a pencil on a table, etc. He did have her gently massaging the fingers while she sat around watching tv or reading. There was nothing vigorous done at all. Fact is, he told her to be careful about putting too much weight or pressure on the hand at all. He explained that the tissues had been traumatized and that they needed time to heal completely.

I'm trying to imagine if there would be a reason for anyone to need to do all of what you are describing? Especially not on the first day and I can't imagine being that forceful in the first week.

I hope you are able to talk to the doctor in the morning.

~ dawn

09/16/2013 03:12
09/16/2013 03:12

Re: I need help with complications after NA

I have had NA done now 6 times with 2 different doctors. 3 times each hand, multiple fingers each time. On one occasion I was fitted with a splint to wear on one hand for a few weeks. On the last occasion (3 weeks ago) the doctor suggested that I tape a magnum ice cream stick to my ring finger at night to try and get the last 10 degrees that did not happen with the NA.

I have never been asked to massage or manipulate the fingers. Quite the opposite. Instructions from both Doctors have been to be gentle with the hand and leave the bandages on for 2-3 days (To prevent infection) then no heavy lifting for 10-15 days. That's it. No manipulation, no massaging, just get on with life and use the hand normally.

09/16/2013 03:24
09/16/2013 03:24
Re: I need help with complications after NA

Thanks for responses so far. In one case, I had bandages to begin with for a couple days and then multiple Band-Aids for close to a week. With Dr. Eaton it was Band-Aids for only a day.

I still remember my first procedure with Dr. Eaton – it was only one finger, MCP joint, I went back to the hotel after the procedure, slept for an hour and then went out shopping – oh for the good old days!

Another question. My post NA instructions say to massage my hand with vitamin E oil. I recall that in the Xiaflex trials they also suggested vitamin E oil but only provided a hand cream with added vitamin E oil. I don't recall ever seeing any information about any benefits of using vitamin E oil on DD. Is there any information to be provided?


09/16/2013 03:42
09/16/2013 03:42

Re: I need help with complications after NA

moondanc; When I read your post where you talk about light sedation, IV, antibiotics and anesthetists etc I find this completely at odds with the treatment that I have had in Paris. Getting undressed, presumably to put on a surgical gown, doesn't make any sense to me. It is a 20 minute procedure on your hand.

You say that the light sedation is because of all the nerves in the index finger. The nerves are the very reason that you don't want to be sedated. With the NA that I had 3 weeks ago I felt pain when the doctor entered in a new spot and she stopped immediately and quizzed me on whether it was electric pain. When we determined that it was not she simply injected a little more anesthetic in that area, waited a second or two, and carried on.

My wife is with me the whole time during these procedures.

The needle like tingling you describe sounds like a nerve has been nicked and it seems to me that you should not be manipulating it as you may do further damage. I had a nerve nicked when I had NA the time before last. The sensations were similar to what you described. The doctor and I both new that it had happened as I was fully alert and when she touched the nerve. It was like a bolt of electricity out the end of my finger. Good information for the doctor as she withdrew immediately and approached from another direction. The doctor told me that the nick would result in sensations that might last 3-4 months. In my case the issues went away in 6-8 weeks. The good news is that if you are getting those sensation then the nerve hasn't been cut completely but you don't want to do something that breaks it now. The numbness is a bit more concerning. My suggestion is that you stop all the manipulation and give the nerves a chance to heal.

N.B. I have no medical knowledge so just experiences but I would be looking for a new doctor if I was you.

09/16/2013 04:21
09/16/2013 04:21
Re: I need help with complications after NA

Just another thought ... often, with light sedation, they will add a drug like Versed into the mix. Versed helps you to relax and it also has an amnesic effect. That simply means that you won't have recall of the procedure after the fact. But during the procedure, you are very aware and able to talk and answer questions.

Every year for the first 12 years of my daughter's life, she had to undergo tests for a kidney/bladder problem she had. It was a traumatic test and the doctors needed her to cooperate in order to get proper results. The problem was that she remembered from year to year the trauma of the tests and would panic and get hysterical. So after a few years they decided to give her Versed about 30 minutes prior to the testing. It helped her remain calm and she would talk to the doctor and nurses and to me and was totally coherent. A few hours later when we'd be back at home, she'd have no recall of the tests at all. My husband has a colonoscopy every few years due to his Crohn's disease. They give him Versed and he has no memory of the procedure even though he is awake.

I'm thinking that maybe a drug like this was in the mix of the sedation.

~ dawn

09/16/2013 04:55
09/16/2013 04:55

Re: I need help with complications after NA

I think someone is putting that drug in my morning coffee.

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