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I need more information about Dupuytren's Contracture
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09/17/2007 06:21

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09/17/2007 06:21

not registered

Re: I need more information about Dupuytren's Contracture

What sense does it to apply for the collagenase trial with a 50 percent chance of not being treated if I can get the same effect now from NA where I can choose an experienced doctor?? Just wondering.

09/17/2007 12:39
09/17/2007 12:39
Re: I need more information about Dupuytren's Contracture


Who do you work for? Auxilium? Please disclose.

For questions and emotions: how about reading posts in this forum? There are many, many questions and emotions!


I do not work for Auxilium. Just trying to better understand Dupuytren’s Contracture.


09/17/2007 12:42
09/17/2007 12:42
Re: I need more information about Dupuytren's Contracture

Thank you for all the great information! From you description it seems as if there should be more disease awareness information available regarding the importance of seeking treatment even if there is no pain associated with the contractures. Before your husband had the NA, was there any he did to cope with his embarrassment or frustrations? Something I did not think about before you response was the aspect of help or support. If the contractures limit your physical functioning such as not being able to grip items or do necessary housework, a support system is very important, would you agree with this?


09/17/2007 12:43
09/17/2007 12:43
Re: I need more information about Dupuytren's Contracture

In your opinion, why do you think the CHS have their head in the sand about NA even after being presented the facts?


09/17/2007 17:52
09/17/2007 17:52
Re: I need more information about Dupuytren's Contracture


Thank you for all the great information! From you description it seems as if there should be more disease awareness information available regarding the importance of seeking treatment even if there is no pain associated with the contractures. Before your husband had the NA, was there any he did to cope with his embarrassment or frustrations? Something I did not think about before you response was the aspect of help or support. If the contractures limit your physical functioning such as not being able to grip items or do necessary housework, a support system is very important, would you agree with this?


I know there are people with much worse cases than my husband's. I'm sure in those cases they are not able to use their hands. My son took medical classes in college and he said then, that it was Dupuytren's and that if he didn't get help for it soon, he would become disabled. That is true. My husband didn't want to admit to anyone, including himself, that he was becoming disabled. He compensated whenever possible, like wearing a mitten instead of a glove, etc.

09/17/2007 17:55
09/17/2007 17:55
Re: I need more information about Dupuytren's Contracture

Stephie, I am courious why the interest in Dupuytren's and not something else? Sandie

09/22/2007 23:07

not registered

09/22/2007 23:07

not registered

Re: I need more information about Dupuytren's Contractre

I am 72 years old and was just diagnoised wtj Dupuytren. How fast does this disease progress in people my age.

09/23/2007 06:49

not registered

09/23/2007 06:49

not registered

Re: I need more information about Dupuytren's Contracture

The speed with which this disease progresses is fairly unpredictable. It might be stable for 20 years or it might contract a finger within a year, at least by some 10 degrees. And that might even happen to the same person, one finger stable for decades, the other contracting quickly. Nobody knwos what makes the difference. In your case I would assume that progression has been slow and might stay slow. If you already have fingers contracted, have a look at NA (needle aponeurotomy) which is a minimal invasive way to straighten them again. NA, like any other known therapy, does not cure this disease but buys time. Nothing wrong with that.



I am 72 years old and was just diagnoised wtj Dupuytren. How fast does this disease progress in people my age.

09/23/2007 17:50
09/23/2007 17:50
Re: I need more information about Dupuytren's Contracture

Faruk - you're exactly right. I wouldn't be interested in wasting all that time (many followup visits) even if there was a guarantee of real treatment at the conclusion of the study. For one thing, Auxilium's history provides no assurance that these trials will ever complete.

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