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Improvement with Night Splint
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08/03/2012 04:11
08/03/2012 04:11
Re: Improvement with Night Splint

Yes, I think the splint does reduce the contraction. My hand had tightened up by the time I got my hand splint about 6 weeks after I had NA last July. My hand was very tight in the splint and now it is loose in the splint. It was very tight at first and when I woke in the morning it ached a little but quit after a week or two. I went out of town for a week and forgot my splint, so it was tighter, stiff in the mornings, but it loosened again when I started wearing it again.

Maybe we should start our own research project of using a splint early. Maybe Dupuytren's is passive-aggressive. I love resisting it's aggression and think it may give up.

I promise, I will get pics of my hand splint on this thread. Mine is different because my contracture was/is across the palm from thumb to pinky with almost no contracture in the fingers except where Dups goes up into the MCP joint from the palm.

08/12/2012 23:44
08/12/2012 23:44

Re: Improvement with Night Splint

Is there some equivalent splinting for Ledderhose ?

09/02/2012 16:01
09/02/2012 16:01

Re: Improvement with Night Splint

Just anectodal, but since I was aware of this post, I have tried wearing a bicycle glove during the night on the left hand. Made with neoprene with lots of padding on the palm, it forces the palm and finger to stay straigt at rest, although I can still close the palm and fingers with slight effort.
Result, every evening, I get to bed with about 5 degree difference in my ring finger with other fingers, and every morning, all fingers all aligned. I was afraid that the glove would put some stress on the othre parts of my hand, but so far it's ok. The glove is not tight at all but i would rather use a larger one. No doubt that it would be better to have a personalized splint.

Edited 09/02/12 19:45

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contractures   fingers   contracture   confortable   presentation   Improvement   prescription   progression   splinting   encouraging   therapist   intentionally   deal-breaker   experience   uncomforable   uncomfortable   passive-aggressive   Additionally   v=882JB9cXDME&lr=1   personalized