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knee and shoulder pain
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10/22/2013 09:42
10/22/2013 09:42
Re: knee and shoulder pain

Thanks marcelmiester. My shoulders are just getting worse and worse. They are always better once im up and about, I can cook do some house work with little or no pain but the odd movement is agony. Its in both my shoulders now. Neuro physio I saw 2 weeks ago cant help and said it will get better on its own. My shoulder exercises I do every day but im stuck and restricted by pain. I have been referred to a local musculoskeletal clinc. I'm waiting for appointment date. Ive been prescribed amitriptyline but only a low dose. I wake up in agony still but with a muzzy head! Cant put hand on my right hip at all. I was wondering if your problems got better how long it took. Its probably been about 14 months now. Keeping my arm positioned in bed is super helpful but the other arm hurts all the time now. I would have thought codiene paracetamol gabapentin amitriptyline would have made some difference. Ive had a xray which showed no rheumatoid changes. I hope they will be able to help. Thanks again.

10/22/2013 11:58
10/22/2013 11:58

Re: knee and shoulder pain

cookie;What you describe sounds like frozen shoulder to me.

A few years back I had frozen shoulder in both shoulders at the same time. Putting a belt into my trousers became the most painful and difficult task I had to face each day. I tried all manner of treatments and was seen by a number of specialists. I opted not to have surgery and declined cortisone injections and proposals that I have forced rotation of my shoulders.

I did take pain killers and played tennis and that seemed to help my right shoulder. I also had a procedure that involved fluid being pumped into my left shoulder with questionable results.

It was very painful at the time but the good news is that it did eventually self resolve and I now have no issues at all. You say you are already 14 months into the problem which suggests to me that your are closer to the other side than the start. My advice is do what you can with the condition but avoid radical procedures and just let it play out. It will simply pass with time.

10/22/2013 12:21
10/22/2013 12:21

Re: knee and shoulder pain

Jolene; I'm sure most will think that I am a bit brutal but my view is that your best option is to stop. Stop the doctors and stop looking for the magic solution. Manage the symptoms don't worry about the cause.

Frozen shoulder will eventually go, DD is a nuisance but its not that bad. Think of all the other terrible things you could have. I have a friend who would like to travel with me to Paris and get NA treatment for his DD but his wife has stage 4 ovarian cancer. Now that is a far more serious problem that he and his wife are dealing with. I have another friend who has recently been diagnosed parkinson's disease. etc etc.

I feel lucky. All I have is bilateral DD and LD and I have been through a patch with bilateral frozen shoulder. We have the good cancer.

10/22/2013 12:44
10/22/2013 12:44
Re: knee and shoulder pain

Hi Seph,

I do not think you are being cruel. You are being real and honest. I thank you for that. I do know my situation could be so much worse. I am grateful for the nerve pain medication the neurologist put me on.To some degree it does help the tibia nerve pain. The rapid pins and needle sensation often brings me to tears. Although not life threatening it has been life altering. Some days it just gets the best of me and today was one of those days. Thank you for sharing about your friend That must be awful.

12/24/2013 13:13
12/24/2013 13:13
Re: knee and shoulder pain

Your discussion really interest me and help me to understand and decide on methods of treatment. I was offered to use ***deleted as advertizing link*** to understand the source of pain.
Maybe I'm confusing, i will happy for a little guidance.

01/07/2014 03:12
01/07/2014 03:12
Re: knee and shoulder pain

Hi Cookie-

I too have knee pain that started right around the same time I was diagnosed with DD. After MRIs which revealed nothing of significance according to the neurosurgeon, he determined with some additional physical testing and manipulation that I had synovial plica syndrome in both knees. Simply put, synovial plica syndrome is when a fold of connective tissue or plica exists in some people's knees (most plicas are absorbed at the embryonic stage-guess I missed that boat by a bit!) and it starts to get caught between the patella and tibia on the medial side during flexion and extension. It often presents like a torn meniscus because of where the pain is located. The plica then becomes irritated which further increases the likelihood that the plica will get pinched between the patella and tibia.

Both of my knees are affected and I have a sometimes painful popping or snapping that happens when my knees are at 35-45 degrees of flexion and are then extended. It feels like my knee is rolling over a pencil which in my case would be the plica. This has made going up stairs or brisk walking extremely uncomfortable for me. That combined with my DD has almost eliminated my ability to workout (much more because of the knees than the hands).

There is quite a bit of literature on the internet on the topic. Some individuals have success with PT and in some cases surgery is done to remove the plica. The problem with the surgery is that it is often unsuccessful in relieving the pain as the plica is replaced by scar tissue which creates the same interference with the knee cap that the plica did. I have no way of knowing if there is any connection between the synovial plica syndrome and DD but I certainly didn't like hearing I had another connective tissue issue. As our symptoms seemed similar I thought this may be of some use to you.

02/24/2014 07:25
02/24/2014 07:25
Re: knee and shoulder pain

Is knee pain associated with dupytrens? My knee is very painful and kind of locks or 'catches' when I straighten after kneeling! Ive also got shoulder pain I can't put my arm behind my back grabs sometimes when im reaching for things and it wakes me up at night. The gp has given ome one steriod injection into the top of my shoulder which hasnt helped. Ive had us guided steriods into ledderhose in my feet by a specialist ortho some years ago which got loads better. He warned me not to have steriods without imaging after a disastrous encounter with a hand surgeon who injected my pip joints . my gp is rubbish so im not having another try. Wouldn't some kind of imaging help diagnose my shoulder and knee. I have hypothroidism and had a brain lesion and double vision last year and a few months ago got multiple brain lesions and a spinal lesion-(I had to firmly insist that I wasn't suffering with anxiety) and im desperate to get back to work. Im a critical care nurse and this shoulder and knee thing is very visable (aside from the whole ms thing) does anyone know of a Dupytrens specalist in north east Middlesbrough area?I think theres one in newcastle! Im sure the knee will be another autoimmune driven condition. Many thanks if you read this or can help!

Osteoarthritis is a name of that disease that is concerned with the knee pain. It mainly occurs when an individual faces difficulty while walking. That is the worst time as the joints of knee are the main tools that help us to walk properly. After taking treatments for year one hardly gets to see some difference. The reason is simple that medical science might have invented the ways to cure the pain but at the same time permanent cure of such diseases are still not possible.

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