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knuckle pad removal scheduled
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07/11/2009 11:37
07/11/2009 11:37
Re: knuckle pad removal scheduled

FYI I developed knuckle pads in my teenage years. I had surgery on one which arguable made it worse (grew back larger with less movement afterwards). That was a long time ago (I'm now 58), so things may be different now.

However the one thing I did want to communicate to was that I developed pads on all fingers, but in my fifties they have all diminished to a state where they are almost not noticeable. I don't know if that is common. The same thing happened with my mother who also had them.

Best of luck, Chris.

    07/11/2009 18:25
    07/11/2009 18:25
    Re: knuckle pad removal scheduled

    Great to hear it, Chris! I'm feeling much better about it now. Thanks!

      09/13/2009 04:40
      09/13/2009 04:40
      Re: knuckle pad removal scheduled

      Hi all.

      I only just discovered this forum. It looks like there's some great information here. I have had bump (pads, i see they're called) on my knuckles for several years. I went to a hand specialist a few years ago who diagnosed me and said nothing can be done. They are not cosmetic; they hurt. Sometimes a lot. A few of my fingers I cannot bend far enough to make a fist. The pads are painful if I accidentally bump them. I've tried to ignore it for a long time, but now I am asking for anyone's advice. I, too, play guitar (used to semi-professionally) and while I still do it, it's hurts like mad.

      Thank you all for reading.

        09/15/2009 14:33
        09/15/2009 14:33
        Re: knuckle pad removal scheduled

        A little late on this response to you Jim but there is mention of spontaneous knuckle pad remission in several research artcles I've come acrross so I am surpised that your doctor was surprised...

          09/15/2009 20:09
          09/15/2009 20:09
          Re: knuckle pad removal scheduled

          I've now had them come and go on several fingers. There's been other misinformation in circulation, for example I've read several times that the thumb is never (or almost never) involved. Both my thumbs have contractures and I recently had NA on one.

            09/16/2009 17:32
            09/16/2009 17:32
            Re: knuckle pad removal scheduled


            You are the first case I've seen that is virtually identical to mine. Pads, pain, stiffness, and inability to completely flex. Also like me, playing guitar is possible (sort of) but very painful. Also pads are sensitive to touch and really light me up if I bump them on a hard surface. Identical symptoms and identical advice from the hand specialists. Cosmetically my pads are relatively insignificant but they hurt like hell.

            My pads and joint pain are much worse in my left hand (fretting hand) than my right which has always led me to suspect guitar as a factor. Is this true for you as well?

            Did your doctor tell you the pads are Dupuytren's tissue or Dupuytren's related?
            Are you in the US? Where?

            I have had cortisone shots in all PIP joints of my left hand except for pinky. Before cortisone, I could not bend my left index PIP past 90 degrees so playing was impossible. In fact, it was very painful to even get to the 90 degree flex point. After a year away from guitar, a cortisone injection, and very slow but routine stretching however, I can now bend my left index finger back into an almost completely closed fist. I tried to go back to playing a little, but the pain is still there so I'm gong to rest for another several months.

              10/16/2009 17:15

              not registered

              10/16/2009 17:15

              not registered

              Re: knuckle pad removal scheduled

              Thanks everyone- very timely info. I was considering surgery to remove my caps, but have decided that it carries enough risk to make it unattractive relative to payoff. If anyone has other expereinces I would love to hear them. My passion is equestrian jumping and dressage. It requires a lot of hand dexterity and some strength. I have exactly the previously described pain when I hit a hard surface and I have to work to get a fist made, but I am loath to give up riding for even a few weeks to do the surgery unless it was going to give great results.


                10/16/2009 17:35
                10/16/2009 17:35
                Re: knuckle pad removal scheduled

                Have you tried NSAIDs? The pads seem to be initially associated with inflammation which subsides over a long period of time

                  11/02/2009 22:22
                  11/02/2009 22:22
                  Re: knuckle pad removal scheduled

                  FYI, I've tried all the NSAIDs (prescription and non) for my knuckle pads but the only thing that has worked on both the pain and inflammation is cortisone...

                    05/05/2011 18:44

                    not registered

                    05/05/2011 18:44

                    not registered

                    Re: knuckle pad removal scheduled

                    I have 30 years experience with this disease. I was diagnosed with fiber mitosis knuckle pads. This was in the U.S. Navy. I have been fighting this case for 30 years. These knuckle pads are early stages of DUPYTRENS. Of course the Navy never want to admit this. I am 100% disabled from this disease from the Veterans Administration. And now trying to obtain backpay for the cover-up. My e-mail is
                    peb11200@yahoo.com. Many veterans do not know where they are disability evaluations come from. It's called the Code of Federal Regulations 38 or better known as CFR 38. This book can be obtained to Amazon.com. Had I had this book in 1980 out of one my disability then. For all of you veterans on TDRL, that enormous temporary disabled retired list this is a scam. They tried to get the DA to on diagnosed you so you will lose your disability in five years at year-end of your temporary disabled retired list. Get educated people. In fact while I was in the military 1980 a biopsy both hands at the same time to destroy evidence in my knuckle pads. U.S. Navy then called my disease fiber mitosis knuckle pads. In fact I am now typing with my voice. The best thing you can do is do not continue doing vibrating work. Spread the news to other veterans where you can obtain your benefits CFR 38 Amazon.com

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