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Lack of sunlight and auto immune diseases
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04/11/2011 20:57
04/11/2011 20:57
Re: Lack of sunlight and auto immune diseases


Thanks for that article. That is really intresting. Sure makes me give it some thought. Funny though, the side of my family that diabetes runs in does not have DC, it is the other side. I believe when I go for my physical in July I will take this article and get a blood workup. It will be intresting to see the results.


09/05/2018 20:21
09/05/2018 20:21
Re: Lack of sunlight and auto immune diseases

Found these recent published Med Hypothesis relevant to this older thread. Not the results of a specific study but rather an hypothetical extrapolation from findings relevant to other fibrotic conditions:


Vitamin D deficiency may stimulate fibroblasts in Dupuytren's disease via mitochondrial increased reactive oxygen species through upregulating transforming growth factor-β1.


Dupuytren's disease, a benign fibroproliferative disorder of the palmar fascia, represents an ideal model to study tissue fibrosis. Transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) and its downstream Smad signaling system is well established as a keyplayer during fibrogenesis. Vitamin D has been extensively studied as an anti-fibrotic agent in malignant chronic diseases. A number of studies have shown that myofibroblasts are main target cells of 1,25(OH)2D3 inhibitory action. The myofibroblast in the palmar aponeurosis of patients in different stages of Dupuytren's disease was found by electron microscopy to contain a large number of mitochondria. Mitochondria play a critical role in cell metabolism being the major source of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cells. TGF-β1 has been shown to increase mitochondrial ROS production in different cell types, which mediate fibrosis related gene expression and myofibroblast differentiation. TGF-β1 increases mitochondrial ROS production in patients with Dupuytren's contracture potentially in consequence of Vitamin D deficiency, leading to myofibroblast differentiation. Thus, targeting this basic pathomechanism seems suitable to establish new treatment strategies.

09/05/2018 22:40
09/05/2018 22:40
Re: Lack of sunlight and auto immune diseases

Every vitamin D study I have read, and it has been many dozens, has been severely flawed. What matters is the amount of the vitamin (actually functions as a hormone) in the blood. How much you take orally is not what counts. I take 10,000 IU of vitamin D daily to get my blood serum level up to 40 ng/mL which is not even to the mid point in the recommended range. Above sufficient is 70 ng/mL so it is extremely unlikely that someone will have too much vitamin D.

Given cholesterol and sunshine, the body can synthesize its own vitamin D. Serious deficiencies in vitamin D can lead to rickets. Low levels increase risk for forearm fracture in children. 44% of postmenopausal women treated for distal radius fracture were vitamin D deficient or insufficient. High doses of vitamin D lower the risk for fracture by 14% to 30% in people age 65 or older.

A study[7] conducted in Australia found that children with type1 diabetes are more likely to have low levels of vitamin D. Women with low levels during pregnancy[12] may have children that are more prone to excess body fat at age 6. Studies have linked autism to low vitamin D during pregnancy, a connection that was strengthened by a map showing that autism rates were highest among children living in states with the lowest levels of ultraviolet B radiation.[15] People with Alzheimer's disease tend to have low levels of vitamin D, and better cognitive test results are linked to higher vitamin D levels.[16] Vitamin D3 may help clear the brain of amyloid-β.[17] And low vitamin D levels in pregnant women have been associated with poor language development in their offspring. Studies link vitamin D to multiple sclerosis (MS), and all of them tie low levels of vitamin D to the disease. Low levels appear to be linked to need for steroids in asthma.

In an Australian community-based cohort, baseline vitamin D levels below 55–65 nmol/L are predictive of all-cause mortality, CVD death and heart failure.

Dupuytren's symptom reduction is the last reason for my monitoring my blood levels of vitamin D. There are benefits for everyone from supplementation unless they work outdoors in the southern latitudes or the tropics.

09/06/2018 07:31


09/06/2018 07:31


Re: Lack of sunlight and auto immune diseases

Morbus Chron (= chronically inflammed gut) might be another reason for low Vit D levels. Mine had dropped down to 12 ng/ml. The building of Vit D in sunshine reduces with age making it increasingly difficult to build enough naturally.


11/02/2021 08:43

not registered

11/02/2021 08:43

not registered

Re: Lack of sunlight and auto immune diseases

Thanks for that article. That is really intresting. Sure makes me give it some thought. Funny though, the side of my family that diabetes runs in does not have DC, it is the other side. I believe when I go for my physical in July I will take this article and get a blood workup. It will be intresting to see the results.

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misinformation   differentiation   Dupuytren   mitochondrial   Vitamin   ens-contracture   auto-immune   Wolfgang   dupuytren-online   sunlight   disease   fibroproliferative   contracture   credible-sounding   medicalscience   vitamin-d-000340   research   autoimmune   non-Scandinavian   diseases