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I have had surgery to remove my Plantar Fibroma Please read
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01/07/2010 01:22
01/07/2010 01:22

I have had surgery to remove my Plantar Fibroma Please read

I will start from the beginning but then I will make a long story short. I found my lump in my left foot arch area. It scared me but it wasnt painful so I chose to forget about it that was last february 2009. By August it had grown and was now painful to wear my boots to work and stand 8-12 hours a day. There was cort. injections didnt do anything but make my lump madder. So my pod. did surgery the end of September 2009. I am better but not much it feel like somethings pulling when i walk and it still gets swollen the whole foot and ankle area if im up on my feet to long. The incision sight is also very hard and shooting pains happen if up on it to long. So I am still off of work.I also have several more growing in the other foot causing me pain. The doctor doesnt want to do anything with my right until the left one is fixed The Doc now has suggested this CRYO surgery I have read mixed things on it can anyone give me any experiences that you have gone through. Has anyone had this procedure Im scared now since surgery didnt work. They think a fibroma has grown back..... Or its really bad scar tissue.. Helpppp Please !!!!! Thanks

01/07/2010 04:50

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01/07/2010 04:50

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Re: I have had surgery to remove my Plantar Fibroma Please read

Hi peekaboo, I haven't had cryo myself but there are some reports on http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytr...s_research.html.


01/07/2010 14:35
01/07/2010 14:35

Re: I have had surgery to remove my Plantar Fibroma Please read

I was just informed by my Insurance Company that this procedure is covered Yeah for me but on the other hand this to however is not permanent Boo for me. Is there anything to forever take away the pain ??? And why isnt there more research being done for us sufferers ??? I wish now sometimes that I wouldnt have had surgery. Is there anything we can do as sufferers of this disease to get a cure ????

01/07/2010 14:46

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01/07/2010 14:46

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Re: I have had surgery to remove my Plantar Fibroma Please read

The bad news is that there is no cure for this disease but there is also good news

a) Dupuytren Society amd Dupuytren Foundation will host a conference on Dupuytren's and Ledderhose in May 2010 in Florida http://dupuytrensymposium.com/. So there is some research going on, though more would sure be better.

b) Radiotherapy might slow donwq progression and reduce pain, see menu on the left, specifically http://www.dupuytren-online.info/ledderhose_therapies.html and http://www.dupuytren-online.info/radiation_therapy.html


01/08/2010 02:42
01/08/2010 02:42

Re: I have had surgery to remove my Plantar Fibroma Please read

Hi Australia Calling. I was diagnosed in 2000 with Ledderhose in the arch of my left foot. I was prescribed orthodicts which were Ok until 2007. I went to Germany to see Prof. Seegenschmiedt for my Dupuytrens on a recent repeat surgery. During my examination I discovered that the Ledderhose was forming on the ball of the right foot as well. I decided there and then to have Low Dose Radiotherapy. ( 2 X5 treatments a total of 30 Gy.) It is now 2 1/2 years since the RT . The orthodictics have been dispensed with. The nodule in the arch has deminished that I can only find it when I stretch the foot under stress. I am more than happy with the results. I use a creme containing Urea every now and then for a week at a time which removes any hard skin. Regards.

Edited 01/08/10 12:01

01/08/2010 17:23
01/08/2010 17:23
Re: I have had surgery to remove my Plantar Fibroma Please read

I have also had Radiotherapy in Germany due to rapidly growing plantar fibromas and was very satisified with the results.

01/08/2010 20:15
01/08/2010 20:15

Re: I have had surgery to remove my Plantar Fibroma Please read

Has anyone had to go on disability or do they even recognize this for disability? I have been off of work 4 months now doctor said could be a year. And then what to do with the other foot ?? That means more time off of work .. Unfortunately for me Germany as great as it sounds is not going to be an option due to finances. Why doesn't the Podiatry society accept radiation therapy as one of their options here in the U.S.A. ???? Since some of us respond differently to different treatments why haven't there been more studies and trials to help find a cure if not a treatment to ease the pain and suffering we all have been and still are going through??This is in its rough stages is very debilitating. Has anyone after Surgery experienced swelling after 3-4 months where you cant see your ankle swollen..... ??? I'm sorry for all the questions all at once but this is all new to me and very frustrating at times. Thanks for any feed back good or bad or indifferent.

01/09/2010 03:31
01/09/2010 03:31
Re: I have had surgery to remove my Plantar Fibroma Please read

Seems like you should be eligible for disability. Talk with you doctor. He/she would have to sign a paper saying you can't work. Insurance does pay for radiation treatment, at least some of them do. It is a recognized Medicare covered procedure.
Other people have petitioned/fought their insurance companies and got RT covered.
I'm not sure what you'd search for on this site to see what others did to get insurance company to pay for RT, but try different words. Some people have been very descriptive about what process they went through with their insurance companies.

03/05/2010 05:53

not registered

03/05/2010 05:53

not registered

Re: I have. had surgery to remove my Plantar Fibroma Please read

I've had surgery on both feet. Right foot in 1993 and left foot 1997 and again 3 weeks ago. This is the worse recovery of the three surgeries. In 1997 I was putting weight on the foot at around 4 weeks out. I don't see that happening this time. I have pain when the foot is down and it tingles constantly. It is still swollen and I'm icing and elevating a lot! It was getting painful pre-surgery. I waited as long as I could. I think I have nerve damage but hope it will not hurt long term. I didn't know RT was an option but will look into it b/c I have a nodule again on my right foot (the foot done in '93). I've also had Dups in both hands and had NA done by Eaton last year and worked out great. I have a few more nodules pop on the same hand but no pain. I am an active tennis player--at least before surgery. If anyone knows of RT being in FLA, please post.

03/07/2010 22:17
03/07/2010 22:17
Re: I have had surgery to remove my Plantar Fibroma Please read

It takes a while to get used to finding all the information on this great website, but here is info that you can access from the menu on the left side of this page. To find in, click first on Radiation Therapy, then scroll down to clinics in the US and you'll se Florida in bold print. I don't know anything about him, but evidently somebody who has used this website had RT done by him.

Southside Cancer Center

Dr. Michael Sinopoli
3599 University Boulevard South
Jacksonville, FL (Florida) 32216

Phone: (904) 391-1100

(please verify address, we are not sure about it)

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