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My PF is disappearing
03/26/2009 03:09
03/26/2009 03:09
My PF is disappearing


I'm a new user on this site, and am posting my health experience in case it will help anyone with a similar history. I'll start from the beginning:

About 10 years ago I was extensively exposed to mold in a water damaged building. For about 1 1/2 years after, I was sick with flue like symptoms half time, arthritic pains, fever. Eventually a Rhumatologist wrongly diagnosed me with Sjogrens syndrome. During that time I also developed lumps on both feet, eventually diagnosed as Plantar Fibromatomas (PF), and a knuckle pad on each hand.

When my knee began hurting, I saw another Rhuematologists who said I didn't have arthritis. I had loose cartiledge removed from my right knee, and started to wonder what i did have. I had an odd collection of heath problems at the age of 35 which started about the same time.

My PF's were both getting large and painful, sometime waking me up from a sound sleep. About 4 years ago I decided to have one PF removed. The whole fascia was removed, and the PF has not come back. I did develop a DVT (blood clot) in the leg above the operation shortly after.

I had a frozen right shoulder about 3 1/2 years ago. The second Dr I saw gave me a cortisol shot, and it resolved in days. This shoulder is now more flexible than my left shoulder.

Several doctors and many blood tests later, I was diagnosed with both Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) and Clamydia Pnuemonia (CPn). This was based on tests showing extremely elevated antibody levels. Many Dr's are not familiar with these infections and do not understand the testing required. Sometimes these infections are not diagnosed, and the patient is told they have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or Fibromyalgia.

EBV and CPn are both upper respiratory illnesses that are found in the mouth and throat of about 80& of the adult population, but normally stay there and do not cause problems. My immune system was overloaded with toxins from the mold exposure, allowing this bacteria and virus to spread farther into my body, where they could persist and replicate.

For the last two years I have been taking a combination antibiotic protocol for the CPn. and the anti-viral Valtrex for the EBV. About a 1 1/2 years ago I started onT3 Triiodo-L-Thyronine for Hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone levels).

About 6 months ago I discovered my remaining Plantar Fibromatoma has shrunk. The largest and oldest lump which had completely filled my arch at one time has completely disappeared, with a smaller grape size lump to the side remaining.

As thyroid problems are suspected as a cause of PF, I thought this was significant outcome. It is also possible that either the EBV or CPn infections are a cause for this weird disease. Maybe even another undiagnosed virus I had was effected by long term antibiotics. If you have other unexplained and undiagnosed syndrome, you should see an endocrinologist to check your thyroid, and possibly an infectious disease specialist.

Good luck to all

03/26/2009 03:23
03/26/2009 03:23
Re: My PF is disappearing

After posting above, I saw "NAC' under other therapies. As part of a treatment for Chlamydia Pnuemonia, I took 2,000 mg of NAC per day for about 1 1 /2 years . NAC is effective against the active form of CPn, and is considered a litmus test for this infectious bacteria. Feeling worse after taking NAC means it is killing CPn because of a bacterial die off reaction. Possibly another piece of the puzzle? The NAC treatment use for CPn is described on the web site www.cpnhelp.org.

07/06/2009 10:44
07/06/2009 10:44
Re: My PF is disappearing


After posting above, I saw "NAC' under other therapies. As part of a treatment for Chlamydia Pnuemonia, I took 2,000 mg of NAC per day for about 1 1 /2 years . NAC is effective against the active form of CPn, and is considered a litmus test for this infectious bacteria. Feeling worse after taking NAC means it is killing CPn because of a bacterial die off reaction. Possibly another piece of the puzzle? The NAC treatment use for CPn is described on the web site www.cpnhelp.org.

Would you mind telling me, how did you test for CPN? The reason I ask is I myself tested positive Igg titers for CPN, and am thinking it is a big part of my numerous problems. Could you email me at patandpaula@sbcglobal.net if you don't mind so we can discuss? I tested positive for CPN a month after my first nodules appeared.

07/16/2010 00:48
07/16/2010 00:48
Re: My PF is disappearing

It is also possible that either the EBV or CPn infections are a cause for this weird disease.

I found your post very interesting. I have a relative with Duputren's, which I understand is related somehow to Ledderhose. I don't have it myself, but am familiar with weird disease, having done a CAP (combined antibiotic protocol) for Fibromyalgia for 14 months with very good results. I wonder whether you ever posted to cpnhelp.org? If so, could you tell me your username so that I can look up your posts there? I also post on cpnhelp as Ladybug and have a blog there.
Many thanks,

Rhuematologists   completely   Rhumatologist   disappeared   infections   diagnosed   treatment   significant   disappearing   Hypothyroidism   Pnuemonia   understand   Fibromatomas   Fibromatoma   antibiotics   Triiodo-L-Thyronine   Fibromyalgia   infectious   undiagnosed   endocrinologist