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My story.
05/24/2009 04:47
05/24/2009 04:47
My story.

Hi I'm new here and wanted to share my experiences with all of you and get your feedback on any possible similarities. Thanks!

When I was 7 years old, I discovered a pea-sized hard lump in the bottom of my right foot in the arch. I remember being very scared and trying to "rub" it away. I went and showed my grandmother (an old e.r. nurse) and she replied, "Well, looks like you're going to carry on the family curse." She proceeded to show me the bottoms of the both of her feet, which to my surprise looked like golfballs in the arch of each foot. She also showed me where her hands were attaching skin in her palms and showed me that she could not fully open her hands like mine.

"You'll get that too when your my age (60's-70's). As for your foot,I was in my 50's when I got my first one. You're kind of young but it does skip a generation. It comes from the scottish side of my family."

She went on to tell me that operations would only make them return and return much larger, so never to waste my time as she had done in 3 previous surgeries.

My lump would quickly begin to grow and cause me problems with my posture, as well as many, many sleep deprived nights. I have a great deal of nerve pain and have been in pain to some level everyday since I was a young child. There are times when the pain was so intense, had there been a scalpel around I just might have tried to remove the fibroma myself.

My lump is now the size of a golfball. I have okay days and terrible days. Somedays my entire foot and fibroma will swell in a matter of minutes and the pain is intense. I have iced my foot, iced bathed it, run hot water over it, rubbed it until the skin was raw, applied icyhot, I even make my foot cramp as to reduce the nerve pain.

Shoes are always a difficult find, but atleast I always have the excuse to buy expensive shoes and it keeps me from getting in trouble with the husband.

About three years ago, my mom began developing pea-sized lumps in each foot. Against my advice she had the first one operated on only to have it return within the year. She too gets the shooting up the leg pain, but not any of the other nerve pain I associate with.

Researching on the internet I found it interesting that Ledderhose's is somehow attached to Epilepsy. I was diagnosed with epilepsy and was showing the signs of seizure activity the same period of time my lump came into my life. Anyone else have that?

I have been to 2 doctors in my life. The first when I was eight said that I would spend the rest of my life walking with a cane if he removed it, my parents just weren't liking what they were hearing. Then last year when I still had insurance. The doctor walked in and told me I had the biggest fibroma he's ever seen, prescribed an MRI (which at a $2000 price tag I just could not afford) and informed me that my only option was to have my entire plantar fascia removed!Um, no thank you.

Thanks for everyone's support it's good to finally meet others

08/17/2009 15:37
08/17/2009 15:37
Re: My story.

Interessting reading your story, but depressing also.
I have two questions for you..

1. How can you live with your fibroma? Can you run? walk?

2. Can you ad picture so I can se how it looks?

/Kajsa Sweden

08/17/2009 16:49
08/17/2009 16:49
Re: My story.

Check out cryosurgery - it is the most effective treatment I've heard of. My condition isn't painful but if it were, that's what I'd be trying.

The association was not with seizure disorders themselves but with anti-seizure medications.

medications   depressing   cryosurgery   interesting   developing   operations   discovered   themselves   grandmother   similarities   anti-seizure   generation   association   fibroma   pea-sized   Ledderhose   Interessting   experiences   Researching   prescribed