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Hyaluronidase injection
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06/26/2014 20:16
06/26/2014 20:16
Re: Hyaluronidase injection

Thanks for the info! Good luck and hope it all continues well. I am on my way to prof S for second time and was really happy for first time, so hopeful here also.


    06/27/2014 00:57
    06/27/2014 00:57
    Re: Hyaluronidase injection

    Shmiddo: There was relatively no pain involved. The sting of the local I would get each time I got really used to and that sting is about 25 seconds. The site is a little sore for a week or so after. As far as I know, there was no damage to surrounding tissue. The fibroma is not gone and it was not 100% successful, but I do believe if I had done this first, it may have been. I did not do radiation and I would not do that as a first line of treatment if I get another fibroma. I would do the injection first. Dr. Davis has a saying of "do no harm," and I think he is right.

    Edited 07/05/14 13:24

      06/28/2014 01:12
      06/28/2014 01:12
      Re: Hyaluronidase injection

      So I have now completed three rounds of the H. injections. I do believe if I had not had two unsuccessful Tenex procedures done on my fibroma, I would have had even better results. Tenex looked like a great solution and so many places were claiming huge success. It only aggravated my situation and the fibroma grew very large and I was unable to walk on my left foot or wear just about any shoe. Including the Tenex procedure, I have had 13 needles stuck in the arch of my foot since January of this year. I'm kind of done for now!

      After the first injection, I had very much the same experience that Penny did. It was AMAZING! I didn't limp when getting out of bed in the morning and my pain decreased by about 50%. The nodule was so large, that I didn't expect much of a reduction, but probably 25% or so.

      The second injection was three weeks later. I got pain relief that brought me to about 75% of where I was originally. The fibroma decreased in size once again.

      The third injection was about four weeks ago. My fibroma is certainly not "gone," but it is small now. Unfortunately, it appeared to wrap around the fascia and there was a part of it that could not be accessed by the needle. I would say it is about 85% to 90% better though. There is still a small amount of pain, but not enough to go back for a fourth shot and the fibroma would be hard to fill with the solution now as it is rather small.

      Shortly after the LD started in my foot, I also developed Neuropathy. It is in both feet and my hands now. At first I thought it was LD and DD, but the symptoms were more nerve related so I saw a Neurologist and that was my diagnosis. I'm not sure if one causes the other, but it would make some sense that nerve damage could occur.

      Anyway, I would absolutely do these injections again. I would also do them as a first line of treatment if conservative measures didn't work. Dr. Davis was very helpful and gave his protocol to my doctor so that I didn't have to travel to TX three times. I could never have managed the airports back then. The key is to find a doctor open enough to be willing to speak with Dr. Davis if TX is too far for you to travel. The shots themselves take about 5 minutes and cost about $100-$150 each. I hope this helps.

      Thanks Jeanie for such a thorough account of your treatment.....please keep us in the loop with what happens in the future

      All the best to you Gazza

        07/05/2014 19:15
        07/05/2014 19:15
        Re: Hyaluronidase injection

        Great News Jeanie! Really happy to hear the wonderful, and promising report! Truly think, especially those with large, painful fibromas should consider the H. injections. Know I will be when the time comes!

        Keep us all posted every now and then on how you are doing. And thanks so much for taking the time to keep us all informed and updated.


          08/04/2014 18:27
          08/04/2014 18:27
          Re: Hyaluronidase injection

          The smaller fibroma that wasn't fully formed yet when I had my injections appears to have really taken off and since it is painful, I've made an appointment for another injection. I really hope it has formed enough so it can be done. This poor foot can't take much more. I must be walking on the outside of it since I have a callus there and it just plain hurts to walk. The original one has pretty much stayed the same. I guess I would say 75% better overall. It didn't completely go away and there still is some pain. As long as my doctor can do the injection, I really don't see much of a downside to this procedure. It doesn't stop them from growing in other places though. I would be curious to read how Penny is doing. Hopefully well!

            08/05/2014 00:17
            08/05/2014 00:17
            Re: Hyaluronidase injection

            The smaller fibroma that wasn't fully formed yet when I had my injections appears to have really taken off and since it is painful, I've made an appointment for another injection. I really hope it has formed enough so it can be done. This poor foot can't take much more. I must be walking on the outside of it since I have a callus there and it just plain hurts to walk. The original one has pretty much stayed the same. I guess I would say 75% better overall. It didn't completely go away and there still is some pain. As long as my doctor can do the injection, I really don't see much of a downside to this procedure. It doesn't stop them from growing in other places though. I would be curious to read how Penny is doing. Hopefully well!
            Thanks for the update.....I was getting curious to how you were doing......how many injections have you had in thefibromas so far??......how long before they grow back ???.....do you think this attack on the disease stirs it up and creates more activity??.......from my experience new growing fibromas are painful then once established they seem to settle....I hope this is the case for you....

            Wishing you the best


              08/05/2014 12:41
              08/05/2014 12:41
              Re: Hyaluronidase injection

              I had three injections one one fibroma. This new one was already starting to form, but was not solid enough to do the injection when I had the other one done. I don't think the injections seem to stir anything up, as this one was already there. Now that it's become more painful, I'm hoping it is solid enough to fill with the solution.

                08/07/2014 17:53
                08/07/2014 17:53
                Re: Hyaluronidase injection

                Well I think my feet are about the same, though some days do seem better than others. However I have decided to pursue adipose-derived stem cell treatment. I have been doing some research and it sounds promising. My feet are better since the hyaluronaidase but would love to have them be really better. Do some searches on stem cell not PRP (platelet rich plasma) not bone marrow stem cell but the adipose-derived stem cell and see what you think.

                Edited 08/07/14 21:04

                  08/07/2014 18:49
                  08/07/2014 18:49
                  Re: Hyaluronidase injection

                  Well I think my feet are about the same, though some days do seem better than others. However I have decided to pursue adipose-derived stem cell treatment. I have been doing some research and it sounds promising. My feet are better since the hyaluronaidase but would love to have them be really better. Do some searches on stem cell not PRP (platelet rich plasma) not bone marrow stem cell but the adipose-derived stem cell and see what you think.

                  I was hoping that the injections would have been a better outcome for you Penny. Thanks for your continued input on the injections and good luck with the stem cells.


                    08/08/2014 14:09
                    08/08/2014 14:09
                    Re: Hyaluronidase injection

                    Penny: I'm sorry the hyaluronidase injections weren't more helpful. I do wonder if mine will also get less effective over time. It's just hard to be on my feet very much even after the injections. The adipose-derived stem cell treatments look very interesting. I did have to laugh that they feel one day there will be "fat drives" just like there are blood drives today. Please keep us posted on what you decide to do. You are quite amazing with research!

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