New to Ledderhose. Should I limit walking ? |
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02/22/2024 11:32
02/22/2024 11:32
Re: New to Ledderhose. Should I limit walking ?
I have the same thing and so far never found any professional who knew much about it. I think it's because everyone is different. All I can say is it took me 3 years to emotionally come to terms with it and socks, shoes etc
08/23/2024 07:10
08/23/2024 07:10
Re: New to Ledderhose. Should I limit walking ?
So, I use thick soled shoes that fit exactly. This stops and rubbing the lumpies. Tight socks hold the lumps in and I can walk long journeys. Stretching is important ten gentle stretching a day. That is foot upwards. Keep going, never give up. You will be fine. I also use red light therapy, I bought a intense red light mat for £140 opatra. Yes ten minutes a day does help All the best
08/23/2024 22:06
08/23/2024 22:06

Re: New to Ledderhose. Should I limit walking ?
Never stop living your life. Walking is still import for the health of your entire body.
Your feet have to maintain strength and you have the confidence to understand what is important for maintaining a good quality of life.
In my case I have had these nodes for over 20 years. They get bigger as time passes but my ability to walk ,continue my lifestyle is not interrupted . I garden, horseback ride, and when on my feet I take small rest breaks. Important to understand our limitations and know how to cope , do what is right for you. Also important to take care of our feet and not pursue any activities that will cause more injury . For instance climbing up ladders to trim trees I don’t do any more. You will never ever see me at a podiatrist office. My mother had this on her feet and after surgery on her feet caused more pain and more injury. She was limited as to what her treatment was then as we still are today. Not much is known other that treatment actually exacerbates the nodes becoming more painful.
That’s it keep it movin I try to implement a healthy lifestyle, stay active and most importantly leave the nodes alone . Never ever allow any treatment , injections or exercise that will harm , hinder or disturb the nodes. The nodes on my feet rarely are painful even though many are quit large.
Everyone is different . Find what works for you is the bottom line. Keep in mind never allow treatment on nodes.
Edited 08/23/2024 22:34
08/31/2024 06:42
08/31/2024 06:42
Re: New to Ledderhose. Should I limit walking ?
Thank you for your answers. You do give me the way forwards. I really never ever found a professional that understands Lederhose. So we, are on our own. Thank you again
09/01/2024 03:34
09/01/2024 03:34

Re: New to Ledderhose. Should I limit walking ?
Stevo; I agree with Lumpzzz. Whatever you do don't interfere with the the lumps. I had surgery on one foot when I was 13/14 and within 2 years it had grown back twice the size.
On the Should I Limit Walking question also a firm no. I am now 70 so I have had Ledderhose for more than 55years. I pushed through the pain when I was young and eventually it went away. Then as the lumps grew I had to deal with blisters etc as the lumps rubbed on my shoes. Currently I am dealing with a new large large lump in front or the arch of my left foot. Not a great place and it started cause issues but the skin in that area is now hardening as it has done elsewhere and all I now do is regularly apply heal balm to stop cracking.
Throughout this time I have never worn special shoes of any kind or protected my feet in any way. I have Ledderhose on both feet and chronic Dupuytrens both hands. I go to the gym nearly every day, I play tennis 2 times per week (3 hrs on Saturday afternoons) and my wife an I do not limit our walks. 10-15km walks are common and we have been on guided walking tours a couple of times without issues.
So my advice is to just go for it.
09/03/2024 06:49
09/03/2024 06:49
Re: New to Ledderhose. Should I limit walking ?
Thank you so much. I am hoping the lumpies won't cause and toe joint wear. I do keep walking, but no longer run.
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