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09/21/2012 01:31
09/21/2012 01:31
Re: New Update

Hi Luba,
Thanks for your reply. I am getting 3GY's for five days. Maybe you were getting 2GY's?? The doctors seem to be changing their protocal all the time. I feel a little like a guinea pig!! At least there are more doctors and hospitals who are offering RT.

Did your nodules get hard after your treatments? Mine are hard and sore. Also, did you have nodules in your feet first or your hands. Sorry for all the questions, but if it weren't for this forum I would never have known about Ledderhose or the treatments available.

Hi Elin,
Yes, I got 2 GY's a day x 10 days, total of 20 GY's. In 2009 I believe Dr. T. was just starting to treat Dupuytrens patients. I'm sure that in the last 3 yrs, he has had many more RT patients and might have re-considered his protocol.

I didn't experience any hardening of nodules or soreness. I first developed multiple nodules (and dimpling) on my left hand, then one nodule on left foot, then nodules on right hand and second nodule on foot right next to the first nodule.

I only did RT on left hand and left foot. Couldn't do it on my right hand because it has a badly contracted pinkie finger, PIP joint. Have had NA (Needle Aponeurotomy) twice for contracted finger.

Continue to ask questions. We are all here, in the same boat and happy to share information and help if we can.

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