Second trry- verapamil gel 15% |
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10/20/2012 19:39
10/20/2012 19:39
Second trry- verapamil gel 15%
I tried the Verapamil Gel 15% a few years ago, but a breast cancer dx made me put it aside and concentrate on the cancer situation. (see my 2008 post) I went to my doc again on Aug 31st of this year and after seeing how much the lumps have grown he started me again on the gel. I started on Sept 6th and I had the lumps photographed, measured with calipers, diagramed started a journal book. Because I am not interested in doing anything that doesn't work. I've been really diligent about using the gel 2x day. I have three lumps on the left foot and two on rt. foot. Left foot much worse than right. My doc asked me to give it a 5 month trial before giving up. Thankfully my insurance covers it. Today was re-measure and re-photograph day. There was no change to right foot, but left foot, the bottom of the three lumps has shrunk a full 1/8th of an inch in width. Without a doubt the pain is diminished. I noticed that around day 30. I've posted a couple of times on the yahoo group but the posts don't show up so I thought I would try here. Is anyone else having success (or failure)? My doc, a foot and ankle surgeon, says he has seen good results in the past few years. I am posting my pictures and diagram info online is anyone is interested. I would love to hear anyone else's feedback. bethann
Edited 10/20/12 22:54
10/21/2012 15:21
10/21/2012 15:21
Re: Second trry- verapamil gel 15%
I'm so glad for your response! I am beginning verapamil and will see...My dupuytrens is, after RT, slightly worse in some ways and slightly better, if you can imagine that! So I'm back to Verapamil...and another RT in the near future. Good luck to you! cureall
10/23/2012 21:40
10/23/2012 21:40
Re: Second trry- verapamil gel 15%
Cureall, how do you use the gel?2x per day, applying twice? I find it's difficult to get it to dry in the morning and my shoes are being ruined!
10/26/2012 00:20
10/26/2012 00:20
Re: Second trry- verapamil gel 15%
I use it on my hands and apply quite frequently. I was having the tingling thing and when I started the verapamil, the tingling ceased immediately. Not sure what this means...I'm hoping to get another dose of RT soon... cureall
10/27/2012 13:01
10/27/2012 13:01
Re: Second trry- verapamil gel 15%
Had my 45 day measurements taken. The largest nodule on my left foot has shrunk 1/8 of an inch. I am so pleased. No other dimension changes on the other 4 nodules. I have to say the biggest change is the decreased pain level. That is very encouraging to me and is making day to day life much more enjoyable.
10/30/2012 22:30
10/30/2012 22:30
Re: Second trry- verapamil gel 15%
congratulations to you! cureall
11/20/2012 22:55
11/20/2012 22:55
Re: Second trry- verapamil gel 15%
where do receive treatment for this gel. I am in Atlantic Canada and wondering if it is available in Canada I have nodules in both feet and in my hands now.
11/21/2012 08:17
wach  Administrator
11/21/2012 08:17
wach  Administrator
Re: Second trry- verapamil gel 15%
Hi JoelC,
transdermal Verapamil had good effect on one of bethan's nodules but it doesn't work for everyone. This is just a caveat. If you want to read about other results you can search the forum (left menu) and have a look at
JoelC: where do receive treatment for this gel. I am in Atlantic Canada and wondering if it is available in Canada I have nodules in both feet and in my hands now.
11/26/2012 03:28
11/26/2012 03:28
Re: Second trry- verapamil gel 15%
Hi guys
I have had a play with verapamil......which I take is cheap with few side affects.....however I have little to report in it's effectiveness for dups.....
Just wondered if anyone can put me in the picture as to why the cream would work better.....or worse than an oral dose.....
12/13/2012 21:51
12/13/2012 21:51
Re: Second trry- verapamil gel 15%
Although I have not had the nodules measured again, I did want to report that the pain from them is reduced by at least 75 percent. I can take long walks and do step exercises again. I'm also able to do medium intensity weight bearing workouts without having to ice up my feet afterwards- and I've stopped PT because the pain is so diminished. So far so good. This is especially important to me because the breast cancer drug I am on has caused bone loss so i need to be able to get on these feet! I'll repost when the measurements are done.
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