Shooting pain again!! |
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01/27/2011 06:11
01/27/2011 06:11
Shooting pain again!!
I have been pretty much staying off my feet. All of a sudden again tonight I have the shooting pains in my feet. I am grateful my PCP gave me pain pills. Waiting for them to help now. I know it is just my feet protesting about the RT!! Well, they can just shut up because the RT is going to WIN!!!
Has anyone tried lidocaine patches? I wish I had brought a couple I have with me!
I have 2 more treatments and then home again. I am ready to be back in my own comforts now. It sure would be nice if we could all keep each other company during our treatments!! Maybe someday we will all have ONE place to go to get "The Treatment." I've never personally met anyone with this disease, except my brother. Have any of you?
01/27/2011 13:30
01/27/2011 13:30
Re: Shooting pain again!!
debrr: I have been pretty much staying off my feet. All of a sudden again tonight I have the shooting pains in my feet. I am grateful my PCP gave me pain pills. Waiting for them to help now. I know it is just my feet protesting about the RT!! Well, they can just shut up because the RT is going to WIN!!!
Has anyone tried lidocaine patches? I wish I had brought a couple I have with me!
I have 2 more treatments and then home again. I am ready to be back in my own comforts now. It sure would be nice if we could all keep each other company during our treatments!! Maybe someday we will all have ONE place to go to get "The Treatment." I've never personally met anyone with this disease, except my brother. Have any of you?
Debrr, I have not had a lot of trouble with shooting pain, just occasionally, my issue has been with cramps. I had them before, but seems to have increased since I started RT. I have finished my RT on hands and feet and already notice an improvement. I work with 3 people, one brother and sister and another man, all have it in their hands and feet. I am being the crash test dummy for all. They are waiting to see how it goes with me, then they are going to have RT done.
01/27/2011 23:09
01/27/2011 23:09
Re: Shooting pain again!!
Sorry to hear about your shooting pain. I actually know quite a few people that have this disease. My uncle (1/2 Swedish) had surgery on his hand about a year ago. One of my friends (from Norway) has had surgery on both of his hands at least twice and has HUGE nodules in both of his feet. My brother, a year older than me, has it in both of his hands. He didn't know what it was until I was diagnosed. My two other brothers including my twin do not have any signs of the disease, lucky them.
01/30/2011 21:42
01/30/2011 21:42
Re: Shooting pain again!!
Don't be a crash dummy!!! Be a success story!!! Where did you get RT done? Are you finished?
Quote: Debrr, I have not had a lot of trouble with shooting pain, just occasionally, my issue has been with cramps. I had them before, but seems to have increased since I started RT. I have finished my RT on hands and feet and already notice an improvement. I work with 3 people, one brother and sister and another man, all have it in their hands and feet. I am being the crash test dummy for all. They are waiting to see how it goes with me, then they are going to have RT done.
01/30/2011 21:44
01/30/2011 21:44
Re: Shooting pain again!!
Thanks Sentinella! All empathy accepted! Very interesting your twin has no signs....can you think of any reason why this could be?
Sentinella: Sorry to hear about your shooting pain. I actually know quite a few people that have this disease. My uncle (1/2 Swedish) had surgery on his hand about a year ago. One of my friends (from Norway) has had surgery on both of his hands at least twice and has HUGE nodules in both of his feet. My brother, a year older than me, has it in both of his hands. He didn't know what it was until I was diagnosed. My two other brothers including my twin do not have any signs of the disease, lucky them.
01/31/2011 05:25
wach  Administrator
01/31/2011 05:25
wach  Administrator
Re: Shooting pain again!!
That's a proof that Dupuytren's reuires several things to come together to start the disease. Genetics is obviously only one of them, occupation might be another.
debrr: Thanks Sentinella! All empathy accepted! Very interesting your twin has no signs....can you think of any reason why this could be?
01/31/2011 08:35
01/31/2011 08:35
Re: Shooting pain again!!
I was stunned recently when someone told me of a web site that said this diseases was relatively painless!!!!! I am a 54 year old woman and if it were not for this site I would be in big trouble as my Primary Care Physician knows next to nothing about this and would never have made any of the weird connections. Its in the middle of the night and I have had my 3rd vicodin!!! One year ago I had a strange incident with a horse that attacked me, grabbing and crushing my right shoulder with his teeth and lifting me off the ground, then dropping me to the ground. I believe now that incident set the dupuytren's off. Six months later I noticed a nodule in my right hand. That was July. Then in October, a larger nodule in my left, a second nodule and the beginning of cording in both. Now the pain has increased and sometimes is unbearable even with the pain pills that I have for degenerative disk disease (also due to horse accidents). Initially in November 2010, I was diagnosed while visiting my sister in Pennsylvania at an urgent care facility at the urging of my father who had seen this disease in his friend. I was referred to the Philadelphia Hand Center. My PCM refused to authorize that referral until he saw me. That was and is frustrating as he knows that I live most of the time in Mexico, he is in Utah and I was in Pennsylvania. Help and bother, I managed to get in to see him in Utah in december when he told me my only recourse was to wait until I needed surgery and then go into a specialist for that surgery at that time!!!!!! Thank GOD for this site!!! After many phone calls, I have arranged to transfer my military dependent enrollment TRICARE insurance to San Diego and I have contacted the offices of the doctor in La Jolla for RT. It will still be at least a few weeks before I can navigate through the system but hopefully by March . .. . Meanwhile I have read that massage might help so I started giving and receiving massage. I am trying iodine, magnesium, PABA, DMSO, essential oils to include Myrrh, as well as a few herbal creams. My pain comes and goes but it is intense and radiated up my shoulder. I don't know about anybody else but I have seen the worst pain set off by cold. Last month while cleaning strawberries in a sink of cold water, I almost could not even finish the task of washing just a few pints. The pain was excruciating. Now I am in Utah and of course it is cold, the steering wheels are cold, holding a cold drink, and things like this I am learning to avoid. I have tried not to let this diseases mess with my daily activities but now I wonder what else sets it off???? Tonight I am close to tears and I don't cry. I would appreciate hearing how others have dealt with pain and this disease and what they/you have noticed makes it worse??????better???
01/31/2011 21:17
spanishbuddha  Administrator
01/31/2011 21:17
spanishbuddha  Administrator
Re: Shooting pain again!!
Hi Susan
Thankfully I don't have the pain you describe. I do have some occasional soreness or ache in my hand that has active DD but it's trivial.
So I can't offer any suggestions based on experience, except...
I have suffered severe pain from shoulder and also back injuries, in the past. To help alleviate and cope with the pain I used to use a small portable TENS machine that has a variety of different programmes. In the UK they are not expensive £15-20 so maybe less than $40 in the US. Worth a try?
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