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05/07/2002 23:31
John Graboski

not registered

05/07/2002 23:31
John Graboski

not registered


I injured my right hand 17 years ago. A growth grew
on the spot, and never realized was causing my
ring finger to contract some years ago.

I was diagnosed with DC 2 years ago, and
the operation took 2 hours. The doctor took out
6 inches of the offensive material from the palm
of my.

Following that, the sutures had cured, but the
4 fingers started to contract with great pain.
A year later, the doctor had to operate "by
revisions of the scar tissue". The relief was
that my 4 fingers cover almost full movement.

However, there remained a painful drepression
in thee dead center of the right palm of my
have, that slightly causing the re-contraction
of all 4 fingers of my right hand.

My doctor (a very good plastic surgeon on hands).
is refusing to operate and remove that cause of the
depression, that is curling, and causig great
pain in the right hand.

How does one deal with a good doctor who will eventually
have to deal with this issue ?

John Graboski


10/13/2003 23:44
John Bently

not registered

10/13/2003 23:44
John Bently

not registered


My hands hurt all the time from this damned disease. No surgery yet. NA? I don't know. But it hurts no matter what the hand doctors tell you. I know!

10/26/2003 23:55
Tammy Hayes

not registered

10/26/2003 23:55
Tammy Hayes

not registered


i also have pain and lots of it, i can not stick my hands in my pockets, open doors, and write, all hurts, but not all the time, every once in a while the pain goes away for a day or two, and the motion returns, but i am seeing less and less of those days, my doc says it is trigger finger, DS and arthritis, not sure myself, i go to an orth surgeon on fri oct 31, what can i look forward too, how do i know if he is just a surgery happy doc?


10/26/2003 23:03
Tammy Hayes

not registered

10/26/2003 23:03
Tammy Hayes

not registered


can anyone tell me how the surgery goes, does it take long, do you have to stay in the hosp. are you in a cast, splint??? i need some specifics please help!!!!


10/26/2003 23:39
10/26/2003 23:39

It just depends on what is the nature of your surgery. If you have all of the problems you mentioned, it will be different than the surgery for just Dupuytren's.
For Dupuytren's there is generally very little pain. I never had to take the prescribed pain pills. I was at the hospital for about 5 hours, mostly sitting around. The surgery took about two hrs. and then I was on my way home with my wife driving because of the anesthetic residual. My hand was wrapped. The wrapping came off in about 5 days.
My hand/finger is now the same as pre- Dupuytren's with no scar tissue. Some people react differently to surgery (all surgery), but usually it is routine. Be sure you are dealing with a hand micro-surgeon who is very familiar with Dupuytren's.
Good luck.

11/19/2003 23:01

not registered

11/19/2003 23:01

not registered


THe doctor told me today that I could have DP. I am still not sure but it looks like it.
But I can definately say that it hurts a lot. For me the pain was the reason I have consulted a doctor not the deformity.
I have nodules in the palm of my hand but nothing yet in my fingers. I tought it was arthritis. I can feel it pulling, it is like feeling the illness progressing. The cord forming in the palm is getting bigger.

Will stop glucosamine, try NSAID Vioxx and wait till I see a surgeon and read as much as I can on this on the internet.

11/20/2003 23:40

not registered

11/20/2003 23:40

not registered

No pain

Hola y'all,
Pain? No pain!
Smoke a pipe of herb.
No pain.
Best treatment I know.
DC be gone!

11/21/2003 23:27

not registered

11/21/2003 23:27

not registered

pain and ledderhose

I too get a lot of pain although I only suffer from Ledderhose in my right foot - at the moment. I've been on incraesing strengths of painkillers for three years now and I'm currently on tramadol which my doc tells me is only a step below morphine. Oh yeah and I'm only 20 years old. I've never had the surgery as my consultant (Geary in Liverpool, UK) doesn't encourage it so I can't say anything from that point of view. Sorry this isn't more encouraging but I'm not feeling too positive about it myself at the moment.

11/21/2003 23:42
Stage One

not registered

11/21/2003 23:42
Stage One

not registered

Dawn and Ledderhose

On the Lariboisiere Hospital web site, DR. Lermuiaux
stated that Ledderhose nodules can be treated with a
combination of cortisone injection and Needle Aponevrotomy.
I have no opinion; however, you might consider following
up on his post. Dr. Lermusiaux's posts are under the
name webmaster JLL on the web site. I had NA on my hand.
My Ledderhose is not a major problem to date. If it
progresses, I plan to consult with the Lariboisiere group.
Hope this is of interest to you.

12/02/2003 23:41
Billy Bob

not registered

12/02/2003 23:41
Billy Bob

not registered


Yes, my hands hurt all the time. Both hands hurt. It really hurts when I bump my knuckle. Ouch!!!

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surgeon   Dupuytren~sq~s   painful   fingers   removed--recently   nodules   disease   surgery   Dupuytren   incapacitated   however   ledderhose   re-contraction   treatment   contraction   diagnosed   started   Disability   experience   good-intending