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10/27/2003 23:45

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10/27/2003 23:45

not registered

LD with Restless Legs Syndrome

I have one nodule in the arch of each foot. One has been there for 4-5 years, an orthopaedic surgeon told me to leave it if it isn't bothering me. Within the last 6 months, the other one has shown up.

One thing that is strange that I'm curious about...at bedtime, I have twitching in my legs and an overwhelming tingling that can only be relieved by curling my toes until the muscles cramp on the bottoms of my feet. Also, my wife complains that my feet and legs twitch like crazy while I sleep. (This is called "periodic limb movements in sleep."

Any body else have these symtoms? Are they related to LD? or just a coincidence?

10/28/2003 23:35

not registered

10/28/2003 23:35

not registered

Legs Twitching


The twitching in your legs is Restless Legs Syndrome and is unrelated to DC.

There's lots of helpful advice on their website:

I lost many night's sleep because I couldn't lie down without the kicking starting. I solved it with large doses of folic acid, one of the recommendations from their web site.


02/08/2004 23:59
C. Adams

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02/08/2004 23:59
C. Adams

not registered

Plantar fibromatosis-acupuncture-it works

Finally, after 4 years of looking for alternative ways to treat my plantar fibromatosis I have found something that reduces the lumps in the arches of my feet besides cortisone shots. For the last 3 years I have being having cortisone shots in the lumps to keep the size and pain under control. In Jan. I asked my acupunturist to see what she could do and after 1 session the lumps and cording were smaller and softer. Since then I have had 2 more sessions spaced a week apart and I am very pleased with the results. She also recommended that I gently massage my feet every day which I try to do and I started doing 20 minutes of beginner yoga several times a week. She thinks it is all of these things which are improving my condition but I know that I had immediate (within a day or two) results from the first acupunture where she concentrated on the lumps (she had successfully treated me for gastro-intestinal symptoms caused by chemo this summer).

I do not have the genetic version of this problem (Ledderhose) but exercise/stress induced lumps which grow very big and are painful unless I get the shots. I am so pleased with the acupunture that I plan to go once a month for a while to see if I can control (or eliminate) the problem with cortisone shots. I have her permission to post her name and telephone number if you live near southern MD. If you want to try an acupuncturist close to you, remember you should see results from the first session. I tried another acupunturist 2-3 years ago who supposedly was working on the problem but I never saw any improvement so don't waste your money on someone who doesn't give you results right away. Her name is Kathleen Tucker and the number for an appointment is: 410-414-4507.

03/01/2004 23:22

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03/01/2004 23:22

not registered

Ledderhose /Lumps

As i sit here in tears from this painful disease.I need your help. If you have this disease and had surgery and they returned .Please e-mail me about your experience.
I have 2 large lumps on the bottom of my foot.I had one removed and it returned, So My DR told me i was not a candidate for surgery again. because they do return.I know oh so well. I have filed for disabliity after 35 yrs. of working. I need proof from all over that these lumps does return again.If you have had surgery please e-mail me about your problems after surgery.I have a pain management appointment March 8 to hopefully get some relief.
Please help me so i can get my disabliity!!
God be with each one.And i pray that if you have this dreadful disease you too can get help!!!!!!
Good Luck and God Bless

03/13/2004 23:41

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03/13/2004 23:41

not registered


I have found a place with TONS of info and experiences for us Ledderhose sufferers.
Come join and maybe you can find the info your looking for.

03/24/2004 23:58

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03/24/2004 23:58

not registered


To any and all suffering from Ledderhose/Dupuytrens or almost any other pain.. PLEASE, whatever you do, no matter how good it feels in the beginning, STAY AWAY FROM OXYCONTIN. I would almost rather have my feet cut off than be addicted/possessed by Oxycontin. It was a blessing in the beginning, but now the only way I can get off this nightmare drug is by rapid detox, at 8-12 thousand dollars, which I don't have short of winning the lottery. I hear people are having positive results with acupuncture for the disease(s). There's also a rub-on called Verapamil from PDLABS (800-687-9014) that has worked for numerous people. ANYTHING BUT NARCOTICS!

03/25/2004 23:46
jim h

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03/25/2004 23:46
jim h

not registered

Joining the ranks

Matt - have you heard about success with the PD Labs product from any independent sources, or just what's on their web site?

03/28/2004 23:49
03/28/2004 23:49
Joining the ranks

Well, having pretty much disregarded a small lump for a couple months, now it has gotten a bit larger and with more tenderness. Having read alot of the posts here and elsewhere I am now in that wonderful position of deciding what to do next. Surgery just does not sound good, both how long the recovery period is and also its success (or lack thereof) rate. Guess I am one of the gang now!

Quick (possibly silly) question....can someone let me know exactly what NA means here? I have some guesses, but am curious as to what the abbreviation means as used here.

Thanks and thanks to all with very informative posts!

07/11/2004 23:51

not registered

07/11/2004 23:51

not registered


Has anyone looked into cologen shots into the effected area(s) to restore the loss ?? Thanks


07/11/2004 23:33

not registered

07/11/2004 23:33

not registered

Plantar Fibromatosis/Ledderhose

I too have a lump on the bottom of my arch on my left foot. I believe it is hereditary and I have heard that it can be mis-diagnosed as arthritis. My mother has had 11 foot surgeries (6 on one foot and 5 on the other) and 2 surgeries on her one hand. I first found the lump on my left foot when I was 32 (1997) and had the surgery done that same year by an orthopaedic surgeon as it quickly became uncomfortable walking. My surgeon didn't believe in physio and my recovery took about 3-4 months before I could walk without discomfort. It was back within a year in the same spot and this time I went to a different orthopaedic surgeon who said it was detail work that should be done by a plastic surgeon therefore I had the surgery done by the plastic surgeon. The second time around I went to physio as soon as the stitches were out and was back running within 3-4 wks. I was clear for about 3 yrs then it's been back for the last couple of years, but it has really started to bug me in the last 2 months. I looked at some of the pictures on the net and saw how bad it can look on the foot - never has mine looked so bad - I would describe mine as a one inch lump on my arch. It's not nearly as bad as what I saw in photos, which makes me wonder if I should be considering surgery at what might be considered an early stage, however it has effected me adversely. I run quite regularly and since the lump has always been on my left foot, it's always my left side that gives me trouble and keeps putting me back in the chiropractor's office. Any ways, I'm back in the plastic surgeon's office for a consult and will ask more questions, but expect that I will have the surgery again. The thing that really concerns me is that I am at least 10 yrs younger than my mother was when she found her first lump on her foot. Mine keeps coming back around the surgical incision.

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Surgery   complications   fibromatosis-acupuncture-it   Ledderhose—Indication   podiatrist   radiation   painful   anti-inflammatories   cryotherapy   orthotics   Fibromatosis   surgeon   plantar   Results   plantarfibromatosis   nodules   experience   Ledderhose   treatment   Disease