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08/16/2006 23:22

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08/16/2006 23:22

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latest info ?

I have been all over the place reading what ever I can on the DC subject I have had the problem for 7-8 years and it has recently got to the stage where i need to do some thing I have DC in my right hand pinkie and thumb , I am not keen on surgery when there are other options and from what i have read my only option is to go to France ?? Hunter Smith seems limited at the moment ?? can anyone give me the costs to go to France and can a claim be made through private health insurance Medibank , I thought on another site that a special circumstances claim can be made ? I would like to hear from anyone that can help . cheers Dave

08/16/2006 23:57

not registered

08/16/2006 23:57

not registered

DC info Australia

Hi David and welcome

Costs to go to France and return from Australia are something like this:
Airfares - $1,600 - $2,200 low to high season - non rebatable (NR)
Acommodation - Minimun two nights $200 per night- NR
Meals - say $100 per day - NR
Paris trains and incidentals - say $200 - NR
Dr's Badois or Lermusiaux - one session - say $300 and with luck could be rebatable. Check GWB's success -but I think this rebate has been dropped, Medibank private anyway.
In any event David if you succeed out of a total cost in the vicinity of $3,000 plus you might get $200 back being a portion of the Dr's costs. GWB could correct me if I'm wrong
All this still beats having OS.
Good luck

08/16/2006 23:17

not registered

08/16/2006 23:17

not registered


Thanks Graeme I appreciate your info , when you contact the doctors do they ask for pictures etc ?

08/17/2006 23:21

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08/17/2006 23:21

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DC in Australia

Hi David

yes they will. They wont do a booking without a couple of good photos and some background on previous surgery etc.

08/19/2006 23:54

not registered

08/19/2006 23:54

not registered

MediBank refund

Hi David

I successfully applied to MediBank private for a refund under their special purposes fund scheme. I had treatment by Dr Eaton in Florida. MediBank refunded the full cost associated with the clinical/medical intervention, but not airfares or accommodation.

Below I have copied a post I made last year for your information. The post is under “needle aponeurotomy in Australia”

“MediBank Private has a special purpose fund. The Fund is able to make payments for leading-edge clinical intervention procedures that meet the qualifying criteria, such as new drug therapies, surgical procedures, and treatments not usually covered under Medibank Private’s rules.

I applied to the fund for consideration through their web site. A research Doctor was appointed, and after some weeks of research the research findings were put to the special purpose fund board for consideration.

They approved the expenditure based on an estimate I supplied, they asked for a report pre and post procedure and paid the medical expenses.

I guess as much as anything it also validated that the procedure was “main stream”. In fact they are staggered no Doctor in Aus has taken this on board!”

Good Luck,


08/20/2006 23:26

not registered

08/20/2006 23:26

not registered

MediBank Private

Hi Terry

would you mind telling us how much you received back from the fund?



08/21/2006 23:48

not registered

08/21/2006 23:48

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MediBank refund

Graeme, they refunded any medical expense, from initial consultation, through to the clinical expenses. All travel costs etc we had to wear ourselves.

08/21/2006 23:10

not registered

08/21/2006 23:10

not registered


HI Graeme and David,
Sorry but I didn't try to get back a rebate from MBF. Maybe I should have tried but I am sure it would have taken a lot of mucking about before going over and I just wanted it done as soon as possible. The cost of the proceedure is small compared to the trip and accommodation though. But hey, if you're prepared to try, why not. It all helps.

10/17/2006 23:56

not registered

10/17/2006 23:56

not registered

DC from Australia

I have just had the ok from Medibank Private to pass on the costs of the procedure to them on return from overseas . I may go to Paris, March / April 2007 or earlier is anyone else doing something similiar from Aust at the moment ???

10/17/2006 23:38

not registered

10/17/2006 23:38

not registered

Upcoming Trip

Hi David, good news re the refund, I found medibank private very good to deal with. I may have to go to UK in the enxt xouple of months, in which case I will go to Paris and get my left hand done again. Have already started sending pics to the Dr for his consideration. Don't know when I'll definitely be going. Anyway if there's anhting I can do to help let me know.

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