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Every day management of Ledderhosen
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01/17/2011 20:40
01/17/2011 20:40

Every day management of Ledderhosen

Hi All
My feet actually feel better on the days that I exercise than when I don't, which is a good sign that it doesn't make things worse... for me at least. Breaks in between extended walking and exercise also help me. Other people may have different experiences?

Initially I was a little scared to even touch the nodules, in case I made them worse, but daily massage gives me relief from the aches in my feet (mainly 'feel good' as described by Wolfgang ).

These sorts of self observations made me wonder about how people 'manage' Lederhosen on a daily basis, both the people who have treatment and otherwise.

So far I've leaned about Verapamil cream and orthotics (thanks Loonsong ), massage with a tennis ball and regular exercise, even running can work (thanks Newman, Sentinnel and others ). Some with neuropathy type of pain are using Lyrica to manage life with Ledderhosen and the good news is that David26 has reported little or no side-effects (whereas others simply can't use it).

Has anyone tried anything else or had any other successful management strategies?


Edited 01/18/11 06:09

01/20/2011 19:35
01/20/2011 19:35

Re: Every day management of Ledderhosen

I have this wierd thing that I need to wear socks, even when warm. Does anyone have the same thing? Why does it seem less painful when covering feet up?
It's one of those times I'm not sure if this is real or imagined!

01/20/2011 20:05
01/20/2011 20:05
Re: Every day management of Ledderhosen

I thought I was the only one, mine seem to hurt or bother me more when my feet are bare, even when I am just sitting, must have socks on or socks and shoes all the time. I have also found the Asics are the most comfortable athletic shoe.

01/21/2011 07:00
01/21/2011 07:00

Re: Every day management of Ledderhosen

Hi Soonerfan
It's great to hear I'm not alone - I wonder what it is? Perhaps the nerves are a bit hyper-reactive because of the condition?

I also wear Asics for cycling and walking.. and now also Nike Free's mainly for walking, as recommended by Newman and Prof Seegenschmiedt who apparently also wears them. They're really light and flexible, while still supportive and no added arch support, which leaves room for the lumps and bumps. They look good too

All the best

Edited 11/10/11 12:27

01/21/2011 07:41


01/21/2011 07:41


Re: Every day management of Ledderhosen

Hi Di,

Seegenschmiedt is a long distance runner (ran 100 km on his 50th birthday)http://www.runners-power.de/inhalt/index...5&Itemid=43 . He ought ot know what shoes are good!


Edited 01/21/11 09:43

01/21/2011 12:05
01/21/2011 12:05
Re: Every day management of Ledderhosen

Hi Di,

Where do you find Nike Bare's? I googled it and went to Nike's site but couldn't find them.


I also wear Asics for cycling and walking.. and now also Nike Bare's mainly for walking...

01/21/2011 14:39
01/21/2011 14:39

Re: Every day management of Ledderhosen

I wear the best Asic running shoes, with Thorlo socks all the time. I can manage with dress shoes for a wedding or funeral, but the socks need to be thick. Socks provide some cushion all the time. Look into RT for treatment. And, I agree with the Asics being the best shoe = I have some A+ hiking shoes, but the arches in the shoe are a little different, and after a day of several miles, I suffer the next day with some sort of soreness.

Keep in mind = it's not how much you walk/run or time on your feet, it's the amount of IMPACT on the nodules that are the most problematic = if that is repeated, say in the course of playing golf, softball, or tennis, whatever, they more they are impacted, the more it's gonna hurt. But, if you take a long walk, with proper shoes and good socks, you may not experience much, if any, problems. I have found that once you feel that 'burning, rocks in the shoe' feeling? It's time to stop. I do know that much. I think that burning sensation is irritation of the affected area = and to anyone reading this who has had a burning/soreness in your foot/feet? Be keenly aware of what LD is, as I remember that being the first signs of problems for me when I had NO idea what was going on (this was some 20+ years ago).

Read up and follow this forum = you will learn from real people who have real experience with this junk.

drumhead (still glad I had RT) results will happen slowly, but I'll report whatever happens

01/21/2011 20:39
01/21/2011 20:39

Re: Every day management of Ledderhosen

My "Smart Wool" socks have been discontinued and I am very dissapointed. I bought about 12 pairs before I went to Europe for a month because sending them out every 12 days to get cleaned sounded easier. Thery are wool and the inside is all wooly and cushy and oh so comfy. I put those on in the store (they let me try them on) and didn't want to take them off. Have worn them every day since. Except for the brief times I have to dress up. They now make them with only the wooly part on the bottom (inside), so when I need new ones I will have to make due, but since my nuermo's are better (I hope that is permanent I guess it won't matter).

I too have to have my shoes on all the time and for me it is NB 846. But I must say shoes are very personal. I cannot wear Nike's because I also have (not bothering me now though) huge Morton Nueromo's on the tops of both feet and Nike's run narrow and I can't wear a narrow shoe.

But a good athletic shoe (NB) with my orthotic all the time and my wool socks is my every day wear. I recently purchsaed a diabetic "Mary Jane" to wear to the symphony but these are only to be worn for a short time w/ my orthotics as my pod doc explained. This is the only time I don't wear my wool socks and I miss them.

Also pod doc said I could get a hiking boot, to wear for no more than an hour or so. I got one but am not looking forward to wearing really, b/c my NB shoes are so comfy.

I get a massage every 2 weeks mainly b/c I have fibromyalgia she does not do much with my feet at my request. When LD first popped out and I did not know what they were the massage th at that time, totally avoided the area. And she was very advanced so I think I am making the right decision in continiung to avoid massaging them. She just works the toes and accupressure points and around the sides of my feet. I am not sure massage would be good for them and I am leery of stiring them up.

I use the verapamil/lidocaine gel and this is the best thing in the world for the pain and did shrink the nodules to some degree until the wrong orthotic enlarged them again in no time and had to start all over. I apply thinly twice a day they do not say to massage it in so I do not I just apply without too much pressure. But the Lidocaine builds up in the tissues and the area is pretty pain free these days unless I overdo and it is snowing.

Currently I am seeing an accupunturist, I do not think there is anything she can do for LD or DD but she has taken the pain of my nueromo's away

I walk often and practice T'ai Ji every day. And now thanks to a corrected thyroid and accupunture can climb stairs again. Also do yoga stretches and poses. But I do not get up on the balls of my feet this stretches the tendons and muscles and causes my LD to advance I have found. Oh and I dance thanks to the verampamil

I used to get my feet UP every day at lunch time but lately I have not been doing that I have had so much energy. But at night I sit in a chair and my feet come UP. But I can not stay that way for too long as I have restless leg syndrome so I get up and walk arround do chores etc.

In front of my sink and stove I have two gel pad thick mats bought at "Bed, Bath and Beyond" they are so soft worth the $99 a piece any day. I would highly recommend the envestment of such a mat or 2 in your kitchen your feet will thank you. I find on snowy days I wander over to the mats to stand a bit to relieve the pressure off my feet.

Thanks for the interesting topic


Edited 01/21/11 22:43

01/22/2011 16:43
01/22/2011 16:43
Re: Every day management of Ledderhosen

Can someone tell us more about these Nike bare, please?

Can't believe they quit making Smart Wool socks!!! :-( Love Thorlo for cushioning though!

01/22/2011 17:17
01/22/2011 17:17

Re: Every day management of Ledderhosen

Hi debrr,

They still make several styles of Smart Wool socks they just dicontinued the style I am wearing (the one with the wooly comfort all around maybe because of the cost, not sure or of the bulk). They do take up a lot of room I had to go up a size in my shoes to accomadate all the wool.

But rest assured you can still get many Smart Wool socks.


Edited 01/22/11 19:18

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