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07/08/2008 20:59

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07/08/2008 20:59

not registered

Re: How many are we?

I am a female from Maryland, USA. I had one foot nodule in my twenties. I had surgery and it came back slightly bigger, so I just ignored it. Back then I didn't even know what it and I'm not so sure my doctor did either. I am now 56 and have DC, 2 Knuckle Pads and Five large nodules on my left foot and 2 small ones on my right foot. You can see the ones on the left foot if I wear certain styles of sandals. I have had to give them up. Just another concession to older age. Other than occasional twinges I am not having pain so I guess I will wait until it interfers with my walking.

07/09/2008 01:01
07/09/2008 01:01
Re: How many are we?

Hi I'm 57 yrs old and developed ledderhose first about 5 yrs ago. Now I'm developing dupuytrens in one of my hands. I'm curious to know if the most common progression is hands to feet or feet to hands. Does any one know of any genetic research being conducted. Hope to hear from everyone what your experiences have been. Since we seem to get very little interest from the general medical community maybe its time we started gathering history and facts on our own. carol

07/09/2008 13:52
07/09/2008 13:52
Re: How many are we?

I'm 53. I't really seems to vary person to person. Mine stated as a knuckle pad at around 46. Then nodules in the hand follows by ledderhose. Fist in the right foot and then the left about two years lates. Feet don't really bother me too much so I'meaving it alone. I stated taking the NAC about a year ago and they are less noticible from a feeling stanpoint. I,ve had 1 NA from Dr eaton about 3 years ago on my eft ring finger and it remains straight today.

08/27/2008 19:51
08/27/2008 19:51
Re: How many are we? - Ledderhoses´ + Rheumatoid arthritis ?


It is interesting and sad to read about your problems. I think we are more than just us that have writen on this page, but it is god to have atleast one way to find people with ledderhoses´.

I have a new question for you.
I wonder if Ledderhoses and Rheumatoid arthritis is a common combination.
I read something a couple of years ago that gave me that idea. I´ve got Polyarthritis and i want to know if there is a conection.

So, if you have similar problems, please write and tell me about it.

Kajsa, Sweden

08/27/2008 22:46

not registered

08/27/2008 22:46

not registered

Re: How many are we?

im 48 y.o. male, live in so. calif., first got DC in left little finger, age 35. now at 48 y.o., DC in both hands and LH in both feet. open hand surgey for little finger about 10 years ago, NA in 05/07, both plams, 5 fingers, both thumbs. both procedures provided only short relief. my mom has DC nodule in right palm, got 2 years ago at age 68, hasnt progressed at all. mine is currently in an agressive spurt, one finger @ pip went from 45 degress to 90 in a month at the same time i noticed first indication of LH.

i have read some info on DC/LH and Rheumatoid arthritis, something about both having similar auto-immune reaction. i believe some have tried Rheumatoid arthritis medications/treatments for DC/LH without much success.

08/28/2008 15:51

not registered

08/28/2008 15:51

not registered

Re: How many are we?

Hi Kajsa, actually the correlation with rheumatoid arthritis is negative, i.e. people with rheumatoid arthritis are less likely to develop Dupuytren's (see e.g. the paper by Thurston on http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytren_literature.html ). "There is a statistically significant lower incidence of the condition in patients with rheumatoid arthritis than in age- and gender-matched control subjects." The reason for this is unclear.

PS: the paper by Thurston is somewhat lengthy and in medical terms but may still be worth reading it in total.



It is interesting and sad to read about your problems. I think we are more than just us that have writen on this page, but it is god to have atleast one way to find people with ledderhoses´.

I have a new question for you.
I wonder if Ledderhoses and Rheumatoid arthritis is a common combination.
I read something a couple of years ago that gave me that idea. I´ve got Polyarthritis and i want to know if there is a conection.

So, if you have similar problems, please write and tell me about it.

Kajsa, Sweden

09/04/2008 16:02

not registered

09/04/2008 16:02

not registered

Re: How many are we?

i mentioned rheumatoid arthritis similar to DC as an auto-immune condition, not related to. i will try to find info i read about how both seem related to an over active immune response the body is reacting to. as i remember, in the case of DC, our bodies produce a cell that has corrupted DNA in the hand. the immune system sees this as something wrong and tells our system to make more cells to replace the bad ones. our bodies produce more cells, but they are also "bad". so the immune system agains tells the body something is wrong and to produce more cells as the old previous ones where bad. only thing is, the cells we keep producing have corrupted DNA. so we are caught in a circle where our immune system is overactive trying to respond to bad cells being replaced by more bad cells. mentioned this could explain how some with DC speak of growth spurts along with periods of no growth-flairups in our auto-immune system. then again, im no expert by any means, so i am relaying this as info only. thanks

09/05/2008 06:40
09/05/2008 06:40
Re: How many are we?

Linda in California, U.S.A

KELIG..This makes sense to me,, I have auto immune desease..Hashimotto Hypothyroiditis...had most of thyroid removed at age 18..I then developed Graves Desease..another auto immune desease at 32..this in about 3 years got better...then at age 58..D.D. ,,Then at 69 I am seeing signs of Leddarhose..not real bad yet so I am leaving that one alone for now..ALL AUTO IMMUNE DESEASES..I have read somewhere the same theary that you are speaking of..where the body rushes back in to fix what has gone wrong...I also read to stay away from Aloe..vitamin e too, I believe..as these cause the dups to flare up...The old forum in the 04 year had some articles on flareups

09/14/2008 15:11

not registered

09/14/2008 15:11

not registered

Re: How many are we?

Hi ! I am a 52 year old female from Texas... Born in Alabama...adopted.. so I don't know my family history...I have Dupuytrens and ledderhose's... Two year ago I went to Dr. Barry in Fla. for needle aponevrotomy... in was incredible.... and has seemed to put the dupuytens in "remission" at least for now... It took about one hour was totally painless and cost about $500.... I have one nodule in each foot that really hasn't bothered me .. however recently the entire sole of my hurts like crazy when I first wake up... or if I get up during the night... does anyone know if that is part of this or is it a different thing all together to worry about? FUN FUN FUN!

09/15/2008 00:39
Linda B

not registered

09/15/2008 00:39
Linda B

not registered

Re: How many are we?

Hi Pat..
I never really noticed any discomfort until last Feb. Now my hands feel as if the skin is pulling tight and sometimes tingles and burns and just feels tight....My feet sometimes get a feeling a a thousand hot needles sticking into bottom of sole..Cramps also...this comes and goes...also sometimes have a hot shooting pain down one of my legs..always in the same spot..vertically..also I feel my balance when walking is off..Hard to put your finger on it...I am beginning to think this desease affects more of the body than I realize.....I am glad to see the forum growing..That means the word is spreading and more and more people are realizing they have a place to go for informatiion and help
It is also good that we have some doctors that are paying attention to this forum...Thank you doctors...
I plan to see Dr Dinkler in Dec. and hope I do not ask too many questions..Poor man...I will probably drive him goofy in one visit..

Afternote here....Pat..I see you are in Texas..I hope you are ok.. with flooding and all

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