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I was in the study for RT, to avoid amputation 1997.
02/13/2013 06:06
02/13/2013 06:06

I was in the study for RT, to avoid amputation 1997.

Hello!, I am new to this but excited to share my story. I was on my way to a professional soccer career until these nasty lumps started in both feet at the age of 16. From the age of 16 i was operated on every year alternating feet and changing types of incisions.The result was always worse, until the age of 28 when the talk of amputation arose. MY PODIATRIST for the last 5-6 surgeries finally found a study at the Cleveland clinic. This was where i should have been prior to the 20+ excisions that has now left me with severe scared plantar surfaces of both feet along with rearranged joint formations from removing so much soft tissue that my bones have shifted and osteoarthritis has set in pretty bad already for just turning 40. The darn scares are like walking on sticks where the nodules,...were asif i was walking with peach pits.Now a days I had to stop working as a nurse on account of shearing between my muscle and skin on my foot. No more facia,or fat pad. This shearing causes a n abscess that comes thru the scar and stays open for months???. No healthy skin left to rejuvenate and seal up. Well my attitude has been always positive and I am unfortunetly recommended to go on disability which was denied once. I am losing my positive outlook and out of ideas.I Ihave been fighting this darn disease and missed out on alot in life because of years of surgeries and recovering from them..So....TO ANYONE WHO CHOSES TO GO WITH"RT"..I have suffered for all of us before we realized surgery was a bad choice,"22 excisions" and all i really needed was a good round of RT which I was lucky to have been a subject of thru the clinical trial. So enjoy your feet and stay away from...."2", many excisions if at all possible and thanks for reading and sharing my emotiona regurgitation. Anyone relate to if i new then what I know now?.

Edited 02/13/13 08:12

02/13/2013 19:08


02/13/2013 19:08


Re: I was in the study for RT, to avoid amputation 1997.

Thanks for sharing. There are a few isolated examples of success with surgery for Ledderhose, but these are rare compared to Dupuytren's, and it really does seem to be that surgery for LD should be a last resort. The US has some clinics reporting success with 'cryosurgery' which is non-invasive. At the moment though if conservative treatment is not helping then RT is likely the best next option. (There are trials of ESWT too).

cryosurgery   excisions   unfortunetly   formations   disability   Ledderhose   recovering   surgeries   conservative   rearranged   PODIATRIST   lik[code][   recommended   alternating   non-invasive   amputation   professional   rejuvenate   regurgitation   osteoarthritis