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Ledderhose specialists in France
12/28/2009 14:21

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12/28/2009 14:21

not registered

Ledderhose specialists in France


My young brother aged of 17 years old contracted Ledderhose disease, one year and half ago, with a nodule in his foot. The disease has been confirmed by the clinic Heinrich Seegenschmiedt by mail.
We are looking for a specialist in France because it is quite expensive for us to move to Germany, and there is a barreer of the language for my mother and brother that don't speak English or German.

Do you know any specialist in France that could advise us on this disease? The doctor lermusiaux who was part or your advisory board is now retired, could you please help me?

Thank you very much.

12/31/2009 02:41
12/31/2009 02:41

Re: Ledderhose specialists in France

It is worth a phone call. Try Feiburg /Germany being close to France you may be in luck to find someone who speaks French. Look on the German Website for details.

Edited 01/01/10 07:14

01/03/2010 03:12
01/03/2010 03:12
Re: Ledderhose specialists in France

i saw dr. badois for na on my hand. he was great. i would contact him and ask for referral. he is about a half hour outside of paris.

02/16/2011 09:29
02/16/2011 09:29
Re: Ledderhose specialists in France


I am a 47-year old woman also living in France (Toulouse area). I have Ledderhose in both feet, although one is worse than the other and beginning to be painful.

To my knowledge there are no Ledderhose specialists in France and there is very little information for French-speaking people on Internet. Doctors don't seem to know much about the disease and are certainly not up-to-date with latest treatment, which is pretty understandable as this is a relatively rare disease. Most of them simply suggest surgery but as many of you seem to be saying, surgery can just make things worse. I have therefore chosen to try radiotherapy, but like you I do not want to have to go to Germany (cost and language barrier).

As you probably know, Ledderhose is in fact a tumour and seems to respond well to radiotherapy. I have therefore called my local "Centre de lutte contre le cancer" and asked them if they are able to give me radiotherapy treatment on my feet. As they don't seem to have had any previous Ledderhose patients, they have submitted my request to a skin oncologist who is going to do some research on Ledderhose and get back to me.

So you may like to simply call your own local "Centre de lutte contre le cancer" and ask them if anyone can help you.
I will get back to you when the skin oncologist has called me with his answer.
I hope this helps.
Bon courage!

understandable   up-to-date   treatment   specialist   beginning   specialists   oncologist   lermusiaux   language   information   French-speaking   certainly   submitted   Seegenschmiedt   relatively   Ledderhose   disease   radiotherapy   contracted   therefore