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Recently diagnosed and looking for advice. (N CA Bay Area)
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01/18/2014 06:23
01/18/2014 06:23
Re: Recently diagnosed and looking for advice. (N CA Bay Area)

Nan, yes thank you, that's what I had thought I had seen. I am thinking the 4-6 week time frame the doctor is giving me is off. But I guess it could be different between Ledderhose and Duyputrens? Still seems off though. How are you doing now with your hand that was treated? Did Dr S say a timeframe for noticing any results?

01/18/2014 16:34
01/18/2014 16:34
Re: Recently diagnosed and looking for advice. (N CA Bay Area)

Nan, yes thank you, that's what I had thought I had seen. I am thinking the 4-6 week time frame the doctor is giving me is off. But I guess it could be different between Ledderhose and Duyputrens? Still seems off though. How are you doing now with your hand that was treated? Did Dr S say a timeframe for noticing any results?

Hi Tamara,

No, it is not a different time frame between treatments with Ledderhose. 12 weeks between RT for hands or feet is Prof. S' standard protocol. In short: It is what he has the most success with.

I was told to expect or hope to see results within 4 to 6 weeks of RT to my hand. I saw results with reduction in pain symptoms almost immediately. That was somewhat masked by about a week or so of some radiation discomfort. Trying not to say too much too soon, but so far very pleased with the results I am seeing.


01/18/2014 17:18
01/18/2014 17:18
Re: Recently diagnosed and looking for advice. (N CA Bay Area)

Good to hear Nan. Yes, I am going to find Prof S info an send the first email. That is too big a discrepancy in treatment and thus I have now made my decision not to go back for second round next week in San Diego. It feels good to make the decision and the choice!


01/18/2014 18:00
01/18/2014 18:00
Re: Recently diagnosed and looking for advice. (N CA Bay Area)

while stretching and messaging my foot I think I have come across 2 more small, soft, painless nodules both parallel to my original nodule that has been giving me trouble. They are asymptomatic and not much of a worry for now. I took pictures to document and follow. I'm starting to hate touching or thinking about my feet. Nothing good seems to come of it.

02/07/2014 04:26
02/07/2014 04:26
Re: Recently diagnosed and looking for advice. (N CA Bay Area)

After tracking and evaluating the area of the new bumps/nodules in my affected foot, it seems more obvious that this is the area of my foot causing pain with walking due to it being a weight bearing area. My larger fibroma in the middle of the arch seems to have stabilized in terms of size and tenderness.

I decided to see a new podiatrist for a second opinion since the last one didn't seem to care or think my pain was a result of anything other than plantar fasciitis. My symptoms were so atypical from plantar fasciitis I couldn't accept that as the correct diagnosis.

The podiatrist today seemed way more interested in a patient (me) who has done research on the matter and he was willing to have an educated discussion on my foot pain and fibroma treatment. My large fibroma was very obvious. The 2 smaller bumps weren't so straight forward. They are small and soft and the best I can tell seem to be liquid filled more like a cyst rather than a fibroma. The podiatrist wasn't 100% sure whether the lumps were cysts or fibromas but we came to the conclusion together that as a conservative treatment we would use a cortisone injection directly into the lump to see if it helped. The larger lump was injected as it seemed to be the cause of the pain.

I'll probably hear some disagreement about treating a foot bump without complete confirmation on what it is. After all the research I've done I feel confident that cortisone is the method I would use in either a cyst or a fibroma in terms of first line conservative treatment. I had an MRI done and the 2 smaller lumps were so small that there wasn't an obvious diagnosis for them.

I've been dealing with pain in the area of the foot for over 2 months now and it is severely affecting my quality of life. I have no idea what the outcome of this treatment will be, but I'm trying to be optimistic. Just 12 hours following the treatment I'm still having pain in the area but possibly due to the trauma involved with the injection. I'll track it over the next few days before I decide whether it was a success or not. I'm really hoping for a positive outcome. As usual I'll keep everyone posted as my story progresses.

02/07/2014 20:50
02/07/2014 20:50
Re: Recently diagnosed and looking for advice. (N CA Bay Area)

An MRI is about the best way to be sure what it is other than a biopsy, but that would mean surgery. I had an MRI and believe the diagnosis was correct. Did the doctor say how long it takes the shot to fully kick in? I had a steroid shot for a bone spur on top of my foot and the doctor said it could take at least a few days to get the full effect. The shot is certainly worth a try and many people have had really good success going that route. I'll be hoping for the best for you!

02/07/2014 22:55
02/07/2014 22:55
Re: Recently diagnosed and looking for advice. (N CA Bay Area)

Great to hear how it goes Prickler. Good luck and i hope this works for you. Can i ask why you decided on the shot? Its one of the options i haven't looked into much but i may research. Hope your pain is minimal and recovery speedy.

02/07/2014 23:54
02/07/2014 23:54
Re: Recently diagnosed and looking for advice. (N CA Bay Area)

I had an MRI done a month ago and there was one 9x5mm confirmed fibroma in the center of my left arch. The two small lumps near where the arch and the ball meet were barely palpable even with the fascia stretched to push them up. That area of my foot has been in discomfort for some time now, but just recently I was able to notice the bumps. Due to their small size they couldn't confirm much via the MRI other than "edema" in the area. They feel squishy like there is liquid inside and painful when walking. My guess would be cyst but could just as easily be a new fibroma due to my history of LD and DD.

The pain was getting to be too much when walking and I had no hope they would go away on their own. I've read online, and the podiatrist confirmed that the treatment with the cortisone was the same regardless of whether it was a fibroma or a cyst. (injection straight into the lump)

I've read positive short term results with cortisone, so if it helps with pain and delays the need for radiation I thought it was worth a shot. The larger confirmed fibroma seem to have stabilized and doesn't seem to be causing as much discomfort as it did a month or 2 ago so I left it alone for now. I'm having pain at the injection site but I'm hoping as the swelling goes down and the foot heals I'll feel better. Time will tell.

02/11/2014 17:13
02/11/2014 17:13
Re: Recently diagnosed and looking for advice. (N CA Bay Area)

6 days since the cortisone injection and the painful lump is more tender than before. Epic fail so far and very frustrating!! The lump hasn't shrunk at all and I think the poking from the needle just made it more irritated. I'm going to email the podiatrist in a few days and see what he thinks. I'm assuming a week should be enough time to expect relief from a cortisone injection if its going to work.

02/11/2014 20:31
02/11/2014 20:31
Re: Recently diagnosed and looking for advice. (N CA Bay Area)

Hi Prickler,

Sorry to hear its not what you expected yet , i do remember reading stories that say in the short term the shots do help. Are you sure its not just a bit soon for it to be taking effect? Hopefully the lumps are just swollen and sore from the shock of the injection? Keep us updated and as you say if you email the podiatrist he will advise im sure


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