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What have you had done for fibroma and when? (Trying to accumulate many answers to get a theme.)
05/25/2014 17:06
05/25/2014 17:06
What have you had done for fibroma and when? (Trying to accumulate many answers to get a theme.)

I have the sensation of "something" under my left foot, just to the left and very slightly forward of the ball of my foot. I have read of people getting Radiation Therapy for this and also Hyaluronidase injections and sometimes cortisone injections. My podiatrist also mentioned injecting an "acid", I missed the name and maybe it is hyaluronic acid?

So, what have people had done for this "thick" sensation near the ball of the foot and when relative to the first sensations? Did you think it worked? Please also include how long ago you had this treatment.

I am going for RT in the last week of June and this will help me decide what areas of the foot to get RT on. I am not sold RT is the best for fibroma but I will need it on the LD nodules.

I appreciate your time answering.


05/27/2014 08:49
05/27/2014 08:49

Re: What have you had done for fibroma and when? (Trying to accumulate many answers to get a theme.)

Hi Mike,
In 2000 after numerous hand surgeries I discovered in the arch of my left foot a pea size nodule .I found that if walked bare feet on the beach and stepped on a shell or a small stone I nearly collapsed with the pain.I visited the surgeon and his advice was never tackle surgery in this area. I then visited a podiatrist and was prescribed authodics for both feet ,which I wore until 2007.
I visited Prof Seegenschmiedt then in Essen Germany ,to seek advice on Rt in the web of my hand as the result of a repeat surgery a month or so earlier. In the meantime I had developed a symptom that you describe on the ball of the other foot.
The end result was that I did have Rt on both feet leaving about 3 months between treatment. On the ball of my right foot the area was increased and also another area of the same foot had developed, which was not identifiable at the original consult. This meant I visited the Prof on a third occasion to administer the 30Gy to the new area. After the Rt I dispensed with the authodics . I found that I now only buy shoes that have soft innersoles which will mould to the feet. The nodule has all but disappeared and the area on the ball of the foot gives me no trouble at all. I do use a crème containing urea regularly . Finally I think in my opinion that extending the time between treatment is a positive as it gives one time to consider the result and check if there has been any progression. Regards from down under.

Edited 05/27/14 11:55

06/21/2014 20:57
06/21/2014 20:57

Re: What have you had done for fibroma and when? (Trying to accumulate many answers to get a theme.)

Hi ,
The first symptom of Ledderhose for me, was a "presence" in the ball of my left foot 2 years ago. I had just started to see nodules in my hands and were traveling to Germany for Radiation. Dr. S. diagnosed me ledderhose as well, but I did not feel any symptoms aside from the "presence" in the ball of the foot and some pain when applying pressure on the arch. Dr S made an IRM on the left foot and it did not show any fibroma on the ball but there was inflamation. The fear was that it would transform into fibrosis and ledderhose. There was no reason to have the regular dose of radiation, but he suggested a lower dose, an anti-inflamatory dose to see if it would help. I accepted and had anti-proliferation RT dose for my left hand, and lower anti-inflamatory dose for the ball of my left foot. Well it work !. It removed the sensation that there was something under my foot when I was walking. Maybe it would have gone away anyway, but maby it would have become LD ... So I am happy with my choice since I seem to have a pretty aggressive disease.
I developped more LD on both archs of my feet and had RT later for those area, but hte ball remained fine.

Edited 06/22/14 00:00

injections   inflamation   identifiable   discovered   progression   anti-proliferation   prescribed   accumulate   sensation   podiatrist   treatment   Hyaluronidase   disappeared   Ledderhose   MikeNinerSeven   Seegenschmiedt   Radiation   anti-inflamatory   visited   fibroma