Has anyone had this? |
08/22/2007 19:38
Brandynot registered
08/22/2007 19:38
Brandynot registered
Has anyone had this?
Hello all, I am a 54 year old female with both LD and DP both on my left side. I am excited to say that Sept. 10 I will be seeing Dr. Eaton for my hand and I am so thrilled at the thought of getting some help.
The pain in my foot is getting pretty bad and the knot in my arch has grown larger this past year. But now it feels as if there is a shortening taking place in the back of the heel of my foot. When I get up in the morning it really hurts ...I have to move around and then it starts to loosen up. I am not explaining this very well but if anyone else has had a similar experience and knows what's going on please let me know.
I don't want to see a doctor as I know he will just advise me to have surgery and from what I have read I think I want to wait on that one. Cheers, Brandy
08/22/2007 21:22
Nananot registered
08/22/2007 21:22
Nananot registered
Re: Has anyone had this?
Hi Brandy,
I basically had the same problem........although I had several nodules and they gradually got larger and had become quite painful. I too had the heel problem..........could barely walk in the morning because it hurt so bad and then as I moved around it would ease up. I did see a Dr and had the surgery almost 4 weeks ago. I just had the stitches removed today and was released from wearing the cast. Intially I had a regular cast and last week they switched me to an air cast. He gave me a foam boot type thing to wear at night for a while. I am to start gradually weight bearing as tolerated so at this point I really can't say how successful the surgery has been. I have posted a few updates since the surgery you might want to go back and look at, and I will continue to give updates as I progress through the healing process. All I can say is so far so good. It has been somewhat of a long uncomfortable road but if it works and I am able to walk without pain afterwards it will all be well worth it.
08/23/2007 03:47
08/23/2007 03:47

Re: Has anyone had this?
Hi Australia Calling, I have a similiar problem in the arch of my left foot with a definate nodule in the arch about the size of a pea.Strong band through the arch but no contracture. I went to a Podiatrist and had authodics made for inside my shoes .They took a plaster cast before they were made.I have high arches which I was told was a bad as having flat feet. It has made a big diffence probably because it distributes the weight over a larger area.My plastic surgeon was against Surgery. I have had numerous operations on my hands. As the result of the information I have gained from the forum I visited an oncologist who was aware of what is going on in Germany with the treatment of D.D. I am visiting Prof. Seegenschmiedt in a few weeks in Germany.After his assessment I will report back and may have Radiotherapy.
08/23/2007 03:50
08/23/2007 03:50
Re: Has anyone had this?
Hi Brandy,
I have LD on both feet and so does my brother and my son. My father had DP on one hand. I am actually interested in Cryotherapy at the moment, would like to get some additional info on long term results of the 2 cases on Dup website and a doctor who performs the procedure close to my neck of the woods in NC.
I am sure that the % of people affected is larger than reported in the literature.
All the best,
09/07/2007 16:02
Brandynot registered
09/07/2007 16:02
Brandynot registered
Re: Has anyone had this?
Thanks everyone for sharing. Well, I broke down and went to a foot doctor and it was pretty sad. He asked what the problem was and I told him I thought the pain in my heel shooting up the back of my ankle was related to my LD. As I was talking I saw this blank look come over his face and so I stopped. I said you don't have a clue as to what I am talking about do you and he replied he did not. He remembers reading something about LD years ago but has never seen anyone with it. He wants me to come back next week but I think don't think I will.
I leave this Sunday for Jupiter to see Dr. Eaton for my DC I hope for the best and this works as well for me as it has others. I will let you know how it goes.  All the Best, Brandy
09/08/2007 09:57
Wolfgangnot registered
09/08/2007 09:57
Wolfgangnot registered
Re: Has anyone had this?
Brandy, why not ask Dr. Eaton about your Ledderhose as well? He probably won't treat it but he knows a lot and might be able to give advice.
Thanks everyone for sharing. Well, I broke down and went to a foot doctor and it was pretty sad. He asked what the problem was and I told him I thought the pain in my heel shooting up the back of my ankle was related to my LD. As I was talking I saw this blank look come over his face and so I stopped. I said you don't have a clue as to what I am talking about do you and he replied he did not. He remembers reading something about LD years ago but has never seen anyone with it. He wants me to come back next week but I think don't think I will.
I leave this Sunday for Jupiter to see Dr. Eaton for my DC I hope for the best and this works as well for me as it has others. I will let you know how it goes.  All the Best, Brandy
09/14/2007 17:12
Brandynot registered
09/14/2007 17:12
Brandynot registered
Re: Has anyone had this?
I did ask Dr. Eaton about my LD and he took a look. He told me the pain in my heel area was not related to my LD, that I should avoid the surgery if possible and that I can get injections that will shrink the nodule and soften it. I just need to find a doctor here that that knows about LD and it's treatments which could prove difficult.
I cannot say enough about the treatment I recieved from Dr. Eaton he is wonderful. I learned so much about the biology of DC that I never knew. My hand is swollen, sore, and black and blue in the area's where he did his work. My hand is also tension free in the palm area my fingers are straight and my hand lay's flat! It is just the best thing in the world to be able to use my hand again. I am so very happy that I was able to get this done.
Jupiter is a wonderful town I stayed at the Jupiter Beach Resort and feel as if I just had a mini vacation. Met some fellow suffers at the hotel and they were just as thrilled as I to be getting this done.
To anyone who needs help with DC you should run not walk to the Hand Center.  All the Best, Brandy
09/14/2007 17:40
09/14/2007 17:40
Re: Has anyone had this?
This may or may not be of any help, but for years when I woke up in the morning and my feet hit the floor, the pain was so bad that I would have to just stand in one place and move my weight from one side to the other until the pain lessened enough for me to walk around. After 20 or 30 minutes the pain would go away. I do have a nodule the size of a pea in the arch of my foot.
I started going to a homeopathic doctor, who took me completely off everything white (sugar, flour, white bread, white rice,etc.) and alcohol.
It was such a slow progression that I didn't even notice that my feet didn't hurt any more. A few weeks later I decided to enjoy life and sort of went WAY off the diet. When I woke up the next morning I was shocked when my feet hit the floor and hurt again! I didn't realize how good it felt to not have it, until I had it again. That pain in the morning really helps me to stay on the straight and narrow.
I can't remember what the doc said about the pea size nodule, but he wasn't too worried about it and it has shrunk somewhat.
Obviously I don't have LD. If you do have LD I'm sure the pain and experience is so much worse. But, I would hate to see someone go through LD treatment, if diet is the answer.
The same doctor saved me hundreds of dollars for an emergency room visit. I had been dizzy for a couple of days and it suddenly got so bad that I was sick to my stomach and couldn't stand up. I called the doctor to make sure that none of the supplements he has me taking could cause the dizzyness. My husband was on his way home to take me to the hospital. The doctor told me to take 5 potassium tabs and call him back in 30 minutes. I did what he said and in 30 minutes the dizzyness was completely gone. Could you imagine how much they would have charged me in the emergency room and how many tests they would have put me through. I don't think alternative medicine gets enough credit these days!!