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Pain from Ledderhose and relief
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12/10/2009 02:10
12/10/2009 02:10
Re: Pain from Ledderhose and relief


I went for a foot massage last week and the masser worked very hard (I mean Hard!) on the arches. The swelling has gone and I am now able to use the treadmill for 40 minutes without pain or swelling.

My question is. Does anybody else have any experience with massage (good or bad), Does massage usualy work.

I have a foot massage done once a week -- the massage therapist has to be very careful around the lump that i have fairly deep in my left arch, but it does provide some relief to me. I'm 42 and an active walker and occasional jogger. Doctors have told me that the massage would not be harmful but neither would it likely make the lump go away.

12/10/2009 07:29
12/10/2009 07:29

Re: Pain from Ledderhose and relief

Hi Australia Calling,I was diagnosed in 2000 with Ledderhose. Typical nodule in the arch plus a cord of my left foot. Had orthodics prescribed. In 2007 I received Low Dose Radiotherapy to both feet in Essen Germany. I have dispensed with the orthodics and have been happy with the result of Radiotherapy. The nodule diminished so that it is only slightly detectable when I stretch the foot.The cord also relaxed so that under normal circumstances it is hard to detect . I have a remedial massage fortnightly where I also have my feet slightly massaged .(Benifit is mainly feel-good). However from time to time I do massage the arch of the foot with the use of a tennis ball. If it is not painfull extra pressure can be applied by standing instead of being seated. Some use a rolling pin or golf ball but there is no give and I believe is a bit harsh. Finally I now only use shoes with good inner soles. The 'Nike-Free' are great and are very Light.( The base of the shoe is segmented and the manufacturer idicates it like walking bare feet. I also wear German Rohde or Birkenstock slip in sandles. The base is moulded with good arch support and there is a toe grip in the front . Worth investigating. At your age the Low Dose Radiotherapy is worth considering as the risk is low.

10/16/2010 17:55

not registered

10/16/2010 17:55

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Re: Pain from Ledderhose and relief

I avoid massage because I cannot stand to have anyone touch, much less massage, the bottoms of my feet. The podiatrist prescribed completely flat, but well padded insoles for my shoes.

My ledderhose nodules are usually not painful unless they get irritated by arch supports or another part of the shoe rubbing on them. Massage would be intolerable for me.

10/18/2010 03:10
10/18/2010 03:10
Re: Pain from Ledderhose and relief

My husband has no symptoms of Ledderhose's, but he has been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy. He describes the exact same feelings about his feet as you do. He can't stand to step on anything rough like a rubber mat with his bare feet. He can't stand to have his feet massaged.

I wonder if you might possibly have peripheral neuropathy as well as Ledderhose's or if this extreme sole of the feet sensitivity typical of Ledderhose's.

10/23/2010 03:54
10/23/2010 03:54

Re: Pain from Ledderhose and relief

No one has mentioned the use of a cream for Ledderhosen and it works great. No more pain. I took pain pills and they didn't even touch them I have six nodules on one foot and 4 on the other (both along the instep in a line) from wearing the wrong orthodtic and the wrong shoes. But like most here I am from N. European ancestry.

So the cream....it is mixed with verapamil and lidoderm and applied thinly twice a day and the verapamil shrinks the nudules (slowly and the lido takes the pain away immediately because it numbs the area). I can now walk, practic T'ai Ji and unless it is giong to hail, sleet, snow or a tornado or a hurricane is brewing I am pain free. But the pain I do feel under these weather conditions is still nothing like what I went through for a couple of years before I found a good podiatrists who first tried 2 injections (which did nothing) and then he mentioned the cream.

It is not cheap but it lasts for a long time, they do not realize how long a jar of it will last.

The cream is also mentioned on the web for dups pain.


Edited 10/23/10 06:57

01/01/2011 02:13
01/01/2011 02:13

Re: Pain from Ledderhose and relief

No one has mentioned the use of a cream for Ledderhosen and it works great. No more pain. I took pain pills and they didn't even touch them
So the cream....it is mixed with verapamil and lidoderm and applied thinly twice a day and the verapamil shrinks the nudules (slowly and the lido takes the pain away immediately because it numbs the area).

It is not cheap but it lasts for a long time, they do not realize how long a jar of it will last.

The cream is also mentioned on the web for dups pain.


Hi Loonsong
I haven't thanked you yet, but when I first found this website, I found your messages really inspiring so thank you for sharing your story and experiences!

I'm going to look into getting some of the cream you describe in Australia - would you tell me more about the ingredients? i.e. what percentage of each active ingredient?

So far, the pharmacists and the general practitioners that I have consulted here don't know anything about the condition so I feel like I'm blazing my own trail here ...


01/02/2011 21:18
01/02/2011 21:18

Re: Pain from Ledderhose and relief

I took Newman's advice and bought some Nike Free's and they really are very good. They're light-weight and don't have an in-step built into them so you really feel free in them.

My problem with pain is I'm experiencing a lot of burning and nerve pain.

The burning started in patches when the pain set in a few weeks ago (until then my nodules although fairly large were symptom free) and has now progressed to all over my feet including my toes - daily. Another scary thing is that I perceived a little burning in my hands yesterday and so far I haven't had any signs of DD...

I did find a research paper that mentioned inflamation and vasodilation (blood vessel dilation) that would heat the area by increasing the blood flow, but I've also read on this forum that some develop Reynaud's disease, a different condition where the blood vessels die off, creating a perception of burning. Is this a coincidence or are the diseases related?

I also get nerve pain in the ball of my feet and sometimes in the soles. Has anyone discovered a medication that knocks out the burning or the nerve pain? I took neurofen (ibuprofen) last night and it seemed to ease the burning but didn't touch the nerve pain. The nerve pain is really the worst - I can cope with the pain in the nodules at this point and the burning, but the nerve pain prevents sleep.


01/02/2011 23:10

not registered

01/02/2011 23:10

not registered

Re: Pain from Ledderhose and relief

Di, you will need to see a doc about the nerve pain (neuropathy). Typically they will prescribe Lyrica or something similar. I've had that issue with my DD (no Ledderhose). It's caused a neuropathy that I feel mainly in the balls of my feet (a burning type sensation). I coped with it for a while, then went on Lyrica which masks the sensation. Hopefully it will go away at some point.

01/03/2011 00:29
01/03/2011 00:29

Re: Pain from Ledderhose and relief

Hi David
Thanks, I'm going to see my GP and will look into the Lyrica - did you have any side effects such as drowsiness etc?


01/03/2011 02:03

not registered

01/03/2011 02:03

not registered

Re: Pain from Ledderhose and relief

no side effect at all, one of the reasons I resisted going on the med were all the side effects listed, my Dr. explained most were extreme low probabilities and the med has done the job for me so far

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