Musician, 30, just diagnosed today :/ |
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05/07/2010 18:40
05/07/2010 18:40
Re: Musician, 30, just diagnosed today :/
Yes, every case is different. Mine started when i was 24 in left palm. One small nodule thought to be a cyst so i had surgery and found Dupuytrens. It was somewhat painful in the beginning, but that has subsided. Now 34 and a year and a half ago I developed symptoms in right hand. I now have two nodules in right hand with no contracture in either hand yet. The pain comes and goes but seems to have been the worst when the nodules were developing. I also had cortisone injections in each hand and that has helped with the pain. I have no recorded family history of DC, but have some scandinavian ancestry. Also, I have no other major health problems. Overcoming the mental aspect of this disease has been harder for me than the physical part. Just knowing you are not alone is a very positive note. Welcome to the site.
05/08/2010 12:08
05/08/2010 12:08
Re: Musician, 30, just diagnosed today :/
Thanks Luba and Lori, I surely hope that the RT at least stops the progression; anything else will be just gravy.
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