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My story...and Radiation therapy
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11/10/2010 01:52
11/10/2010 01:52
My story...and Radiation therapy

I hope some of what follows is helpful to someone. Today is Nov.9, 2010

I am a devoted guitar player, and often play for hours on a daily basis. I am 45 yrs. old.

First noticed the lump in my right palm about June, 2010. Ignored it.

About 2 months later in August, my hand began to feel "tight" on the side with the pinky and ring fingers. Saw my GP, and we agreed to watch it for a couple of months to observe its progression. I can't remember if she said it was Dupuytren's or not, but she did say it was a stricture of some sort.

About Nov. , I was practicing for a very short time, only 5 or 10 minutes, and my hand and the lower side of my entire forearm along the muscle became unusually and heavily fatigued. It likely had been progressing to this point over the months without my really paying much attention and simply working and playing thru it. Now it seemed more certain the matter was becoming serious as I was less able to play even for short periods without considerable fatigue. The feeling was as if I had done 10-20 pull-ups in just one arm. Also, oddly, I have noticed slight but distinct muscle pain in both shoulders right where the delt meets the bicep. As if I had done a few sets of lateral raises after being off of working out for awhile. This continues to today.

There is definitely a slight pain emanating from the lump in my palm. And I've begun to notice an odd feeling with some regularity in the palm of my unaffected left hand. I assumed it to be some sort of sympathy pain, uncertain if it is anything at all. I decided to increase my awareness of the area over the next week or two. I have concluded there does indeed seem to be something going on there as well, but as yet haven't confirmed anything. Once or twice in the last two weeks I also noticed the same type of "sensation" in one or both of my feet. If there is anything going on in these places, it is in very early stages.

Did some research, and found this site and some info on Wiki and elsewhere and videos from the 2010 conference in FL. I feel pretty certain I have Dupuytren's Contracture. My right pinky and ring fingers feel as if they are being pulled toward my palm with a tightening of the muscles. I still have what appears to be a full range of motion being able to lift both fingers with my palm flat on the table. Comfortable motion is noticeably restricted 5-8% perhaps. If there is a cord of some sort in my hand, I haven't identified it.

Read the vast majority of this site other than the forums, which I am now working my way thru. By self-determination, I have concluded I am early stage, moving toward intermediate. Now fearful (the prospect of a surgically mangled hand is disheartening at best to a guitarist), but cautiously hopeful since the reports here of Radiation therapy seem very promising.

I have contacted Dr. Elisabeth Weiss at VCU in Virginia thru a link on this site. I may have been able to find a clinic more local to my home in PA, but I wanted someone with direct experience with DD. She has agreed to a consultation in just a few days for a professional diagnoses. Following that, I will have a CT scan of my right hand (with the lump), and potentially my left as well on the same day. Then, depending on her recommendation, I will receive the first treatment of Radiation therapy on the same day as well. There will be 5 days of the RT, and it will be repeated in 8 weeks.

I will followup at the end of next week with my experience, and intend to followup further as the treatment progresses and whatever is to come unfolds.

Whatever the outcome, I am deeply grateful to the doctors and patients who have contributed to providing this site and for inspiring me to take what I hope is early and effective action to stave off the degenerative nature of this awful malady. While benign is a word commonly attributed to this disease, to me it seems anything but.

Here is a photo, but it is difficult to convey in a photograph.

11/10/2010 02:39
11/10/2010 02:39
Re: My story...and Radiation therapy

Thanks for sharing you Dupuytren's story. It does sound like Dups to me, but Dr. Weiss should be able to make the determination.
I'm one of the RT success stories. Although I had a second RT on the same hand but outside the area radiated the first time, after over a year, I have had no further contracture, reduced & softer nodules, aincrease in span across my palm, no more itchy/crawly feeling. I had a nodule form on the inside of my little finger and one in the web side of my thumb beginning in June and actively progressing until I had radiation done just in those two spots in September. The nodule on my pinky has significantly reduced in size and is much softer. It seems to be getting softer still. The nodule in my thumb web is gone. There is a deep noticeable cord going from the thumb out into the palm as well as other cords. The cords seem to be stable. I'm not expecting my hand to be like it was BD (Before Dupuytren's), but I'll take the arrested Dups and be very happy about that.
We'll look forward to hearing what they say at UV.


11/10/2010 20:04


11/10/2010 20:04


Re: My story...and Radiation therapy

I hope some of what follows is helpful to someone. Today is Nov.9, 2010


Thanks for sharing. Best wishes, please keep us informed.

11/11/2010 17:20

not registered

11/11/2010 17:20

not registered

Re: My story...and Radiation therapy

Sounds like you are getting good advice and taking the right steps to position yourself for the best possible outcome.

11/12/2010 01:48
11/12/2010 01:48
Re: My story...and Radiation therapy

Best of luck to you...hope your RT treatment gives you great results.

I had RT on my left hand and left foot (I also have Ledderhose) in November 2009. After a year, there is no indication of new disease in the radiated areas. My nodules both in hand and foot are much softer, and smaller...no more itching and burning sensation. I am very happy with results, so far. I wish I had done RT on my other hand when my DD was in the early stages... This forum has been wonderful and continues to inspire and help Dupuytren's patients.

Edited 11/12/10 03:50

11/21/2010 16:09
11/21/2010 16:09
Re: My story...and Radiation therapy

Thanks to all for wishing me well.

I met with Dr. Weiss and her assistant, Dr. Mithra (sp.?). They both examined my hands and feet carefully, listened to my heart, and were very thorough, listening patiently to me as I described the history of the lump in my right hand from the moment I first noticed it, as well as a couple of additional concerns I had mentioned above. They confirmed I have Dupuytren's in my right hand, but no indication elsewhere.

They CT scanned my right hand. The CT scan tells them the 3 dimensional size of the nodule so they can precisely apply the radiation therapy. About 3 hrs. later, I received the first of 5 treatments of Radiation Therapy. A lead plate was created for me about 5 inches square, and perhaps an inch and a half thick. Dr. Weiss had drawn a couple of ovals around the nodule(s) on my hand. The lead plate had been routed to match the ovals the doctor had drawn to direct the radiation onto the area to be treated without affecting the rest of my hand.

The therapy itself was very quick. You go in to a large room, a vault actually, with the big monster radiation machine. They placed my hand on the table, matched up a laser beam directed onto the area to be irradiated thru the lead plate. They left the room whilst I kept very still, the machine buzzed applying the radiation for about 40 secs. And that was it. No pain at all, no different than getting an X-ray. It may have reddened my hand a bit, but it was hard to tell. Later I felt a slight burning, but nothing much to speak of. Later that night, my hand definitely ached more considerably, like the nodule was pissed off or something. Each of the next 4 days was exactly the same, very quick, very easy.

It has been 2 days since my last treatment. Most of the ache and all of the burning has subsided. The irradiated area indicates a very slight scarring, or better said, toughening of the skin. But since the nodule itself left the area sort of hardened anyway, it is practically unnoticeably different. Overall, I feel more or less unchanged, no better, no worse. I go back in 8 weeks for another 5 treatments.

Receiving the treatment in the Cancer center was certainly eye opening. There were a number of cancer patients in the ward, including several children. Very humbling to say the least, making my little problem seem quite insignificant. I have only the highest compliments for both Drs. Weiss and Mithra, as well as the entire staff in the Radiological Oncology ward. EVERY nurse, technician, scheduling person, the guy that made the plate, everyone, was top notch. Including the cafeteria...the fresh made omelettes were primo! VCU (Virginia Commonwealth University) is a very impressive hospital. A wide diversity of races, ages, and students; truly a place to be proud to work or to receive treatment.

And Richmond itself was really cool. There are at least 3 museums less than 1 block from the hospital. The White house of the Confederacy where Jefferson Davis served is open for guided tours, the Museum of the Confederacy where you can see Lee's effects and many other things (3 stories of stuff), and the Valentine house (a history of Richmond itself). I also saw a very nice Holocaust museum which was only a few blocks away (it's free). Many beautiful old buildings, and a park along the James river. On the last day, my niece took me to Colonial Williamsburg (about an hour away). Visit Careytown for beautiful shops and delicious cuisine, and see Monument avenue for several large and beautiful statues of Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and others along the beautiful tree lined avenue lined with magnificent old south homes (don't miss it!). Richmond is a very neat city. I look forward to returning in January where I hope to see much more, including the capitol building (also a very short walk from the hospital), no need to repark! The Museum of fine Art, and the old trainstation with the beautiful clocktower are on my agenda. I plan to see Jamestown and perhaps Yorktown battlefield on my next trip as well. Both only an hour away. If you want to shop, go to the Short Pump mall which is perhaps 20 minutes from the hospital. Very large and new shopping center with loads of other stuff in the vicinity. Reminds me of Tyson's corner, huge.. One last thing, there is a place called Green Top, which if you are a redneck you'll love. It is a huge fishing store (biggest I've ever seen), and they have lots of rifles, knives, and pistols, and zillions of accessories. I was told professional fishermen from all around visit there.

If it doesn't show, I had a blast, and look forward to returning. I will check in if there are any changes in my condition, and again following my next treatment. I am thankful to have found this website, and hopeful the treatment will be a success allowing my playing to be unaffected for years to come.

11/21/2010 17:04
11/21/2010 17:04
Re: My story...and Radiation therapy

Glad you had your first series of treatment...hope it is successful. The positive changes I saw after my RT treatments kept happening over a period of 3-4 months after the treatments were completed, and over a year later, the progression of the disease has halted.

Keep us posted...

11/21/2010 20:28
11/21/2010 20:28
Re: My story...and Radiation therapy

Glad to hear your report on your radiation at UV. Hope progression of Dupuytren's goes into remission as mine has.
Good luck!

11/22/2010 18:09
11/22/2010 18:09
Radiation therapy and Costs ...

Good to read your story .... Hope everything works well for you !

Apparently You have received the "German RT Concept" with 2 periods of 1 week each ... ?

Beyond your case I am interested in the CHARGES (COSTS) involved and the options to get
appropriate REIMBURSEMENT from the health insuarance companies!

Which are the CPT Codes which are mentioned in your bill ? What is the "Technical Fee"" and
what the "Physicians Fee" ? Please keep us informed and to get the costs compared. ...

Thx. Larry

11/22/2010 21:29
11/22/2010 21:29
Re: My story...and Radiation therapy

I noticed the most softening of the nodule, the puckering and pulling disappearing after the 2nd round of treatment. I noticed some change after the first RT, but most was after the second round. I did notice that the pain disappeared after about 2 weeks after the 1st treatment and never came back. I was in constant pain for the DD and that was one of the first changes I noticed.
I also have noticed that over the last few months I have gained more mobility in that hand. It is less tired when I use it to trim bushes, grip something hard, etc.. So my hand continues to improve a year after my last RT. I believe everyone is different in how RT changes their hand. I still have a little dry skin in the treated area. I will always have a cord there, but the nodule can hardly be seen or felt.

As to cost and CPT codes, if you look under the search section; last year we had several people give CPT codes and cost associated with different insurance companies. If you do not find it, I have my paperwork handy since I just had my last check up and will not need to be seen anymore.

Good luck and keep us posted as to your progress.


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