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My story...and Radiation therapy
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11/22/2010 23:40
11/22/2010 23:40
Re: My story...and Radiation therapy

Larry, yes, 2 courses of 5 treatments eight weeks apart. I inquired with my insurance company before I went to VCU and was told all would be covered. I have Blue Cross Blue shield PPO. So let's hope there aren't any issues. If/when I get a bill, I will try to answer your question. Not really familiar with CPT codes and such since I rarely used my health insurance until recently.

Lori- Good news for you! I am very much hoping for the kind of success it seems you have had. My hand generally doesn't hurt much without use, but definitely does with prolonged use of just about any kind. Steering the lawn tractor for 20 minutes or so will fatigue my whole arm. Or the guitar for 15-20 minutes. Etc. etc.

11/23/2010 13:42
11/23/2010 13:42
Re: My story...and Radiation therapy


I also have BCBS PPO and paid about $250.00 for the entire treatment. I had an MRI which is considered "diagnostic" and had to pay for that out of pocket. Everything else was covered, except for my co-pays. In my office I work with health insurance, so if you need help understanding your EOB, let me know.


11/28/2010 17:29
11/28/2010 17:29
Re: My story...and Radiation therapy

Okay, thanks Lori. So far at least, I haven't paid anything at all. Not even a copay. Maybe they are going to bill me or something. I'll be honest though, I pay next to no attention to healthcare bills or copays. They did not do an MRI on me.

12/08/2010 20:05

not registered

12/08/2010 20:05

not registered

Re: My story...and Radiation therapy

9/12/10 Hi All, I have a nodule on my right hand and am having RT - I am almost finished my second round of a five day treatment which was also given six weeks ago .So, five days treatment six weeks break, then five days more treatment . I have been told the most benefit will be seen after the second round is finished . Not much has happened up until now so I am hoping I will see progress in afew weeks.Does anyone have any comments . Annie

12/08/2010 20:14


12/08/2010 20:14


Re: My story...and Radiation therapy

9/12/10 Hi All, I have a nodule on my right hand and am having RT - I am almost finished my second round of a five day treatment which was also given six weeks ago .So, five days treatment six weeks break, then five days more treatment . I have been told the most benefit will be seen after the second round is finished . Not much has happened up until now so I am hoping I will see progress in afew weeks.Does anyone have any comments . Annie

Hi Annie. Best wishes and thanks for sharing. Please come back in a few more weeks and months and let us know how it goes. Maybe someone else who has had RT will offer some things to look out for as you recover.

Where did you have it done?

12/17/2010 14:18
12/17/2010 14:18
Re: My story...and Radiation therapy

Just an update.. 12/17/10

I did get a breakdown of charges from Blue Cross, and so far after the initial consult and the first 5 radiation treatments along with the CT scan of my hand the portion I owe is $513. So it will likely increase another few hundred dollars after the second set of treatments.

As far as what if any difference I have noticed after the first round and a few weeks gone by-

The slight burning sensation after therapy lasted maybe a few days and is gone now. My hand still feels tight, so no real change there, but the pain seems diminished somewhat. Initially, for several days after the treatments, the pain had increased. The nodule and the surrounding affected areas were agitated by the therapy and were fighting back it seemed.

The real test for me is the ability to play the guitar. Playing fatigues the hand, and the Dupuytren's causes my hand to lock up and lose strength completely after a relatively short period. Just as operating a power tool (like holding a handheld gas blower) or driving a lawn tractor would do the same thing. I cannot say for certain, but I am more hopeful than I have been that there might be a slight improvement. In the last week or so I have been able to play and more or less forget about the issue. I have been struggling with trying to adapt my playing to the reduced hand strength.

I reported sympathy pains in my feet, other hand, and shoulders. The shoulder muscle pain has been continuously present going back to the beginning of this thread. The "frozen shoulder" matter is concerning me since it is unrelenting.

12/17/2010 23:34
12/17/2010 23:34
Re: My story...and Radiation therapy

9/12/10 Hi All, I have a nodule on my right hand and am having RT - I am almost finished my second round of a five day treatment which was also given six weeks ago .So, five days treatment six weeks break, then five days more treatment . I have been told the most benefit will be seen after the second round is finished . Not much has happened up until now so I am hoping I will see progress in afew weeks.Does anyone have any comments . Annie
Everyone is different, but with me improvement started at the end of the second week of treatment and it continued to improve over the next months. I had RT November 2009.

I had multiple hard nodules and dimples on the palm of the hand, and a small thin cord running from the base of the index finger to the middle joint of that finger, and constant itching over the entire palm....after RT, the nodules got much softer and smaller, the thin cord is almost non-existent and the itching stopped......Its been over a year and all the positive changes are still holding and there is no progression within the radiated area.

However, I've noticed two nodules that have developed outside of the radiated area, on the web that runs between the thumb and the index finger. I am watching these nodules closely and will consider doing RT on them, since I would not be radiating the same area over again.

01/26/2011 18:06
01/26/2011 18:06
Re: My story...and Radiation therapy

Okay, it has been about a week since I returned from Richmond's VCU (or MCV as it is known now). I received the additional 5 radiation treatments. Dr. Weiss and the staff in the radiation oncology department couldn't be better. Very very kind and considerate people.

At this point, I can't really say if the treatments have been beneficial or not. I am not supposed to play guitar for more than about an hour which for me isn't much more than a warmup. I find it very difficult if not impossible to avoid the instrument for so long. But I am trying to keep the stress on my right hand to a minimum by only lightly and almost effortlessly holding the pick.

Haven't really noticed any change in the nodule itself. I will try to report back in 5 or 6 weeks and hopefully there will be improvement overall, or even just not getting any worse would be a victory.

01/27/2011 04:06
01/27/2011 04:06
Re: My story...and Radiation therapy

Okay, it has been about a week since I returned from Richmond's VCU (or MCV as it is known now). I received the additional 5 radiation treatments. Dr. Weiss and the staff in the radiation oncology department couldn't be better. Very very kind and considerate people.

At this point, I can't really say if the treatments have been beneficial or not. I am not supposed to play guitar for more than about an hour which for me isn't much more than a warmup. I find it very difficult if not impossible to avoid the instrument for so long. But I am trying to keep the stress on my right hand to a minimum by only lightly and almost effortlessly holding the pick.

Haven't really noticed any change in the nodule itself. I will try to report back in 5 or 6 weeks and hopefully there will be improvement overall, or even just not getting any worse would be a victory.
Don't be discouraged if you don't see immediate results from RT. For me...the shrinking and softening of nodules continued over a period of many months... Now, 15 months after RT, the progression of the disease has stopped. The nodules in left hand and left foot are not gone, but they are definitely smaller and softer, the constant itching and feeling of burning is also gone.

There is new growth of nodules in my left hand, but its outside the radiated area. I am very pleased with the results of the RT, so far and wouldn't hesitate to have it done again if necessary.

Edited 01/27/11 06:06

01/28/2011 22:43
01/28/2011 22:43
Re: My story...and Radiation therapy

I should make it clear that I am not discouraged in the least. When I set about seeking treatment, my hand was "locking up" very quickly it seemed. Only ten minutes of playing or so. In this regard, I believe there has been some incremental improvement. I am better able to play now than then I would say. Probably a combination of adjusting to the malady by placing less stress on my right hand overall AND some improvement from the therapy itself.

I would do it again. Even though radiation does scare me, not being able to play scares me more.

Also, I spoke with my sister in law at VCU today. She is a nurse with at least 30 yrs experience in the Liver transplant area. She told me there is a drug that is being tested for Dupuytren's, though it has not been approved with the FDA. First I had heard of this, but it bears watching for those only now becoming aware of this issue. I know of no other information on it though. Further, a high level doctor applauded Dr. Weiss' work with RT treatment for this matter as well. Dr. Weiss is an exceptionally sweet and caring doctor. I feel lucky to have chosen (and been accepted for treatment) by her.

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