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NA experience by Australian Users
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04/07/2008 04:29

not registered

04/07/2008 04:29

not registered

NA experience by Australian Users


Has anybody in Australia had any experience of NA being done by any of the two surgeons listed on this site?


04/07/2008 07:12
04/07/2008 07:12

Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi Brian , Australia Calling,
Firstly ,where are you calling from? I am in Adelaide. I have corresponded with Dr Hunter -Smith in 07 when he advised he has carried out NA since 2004 on in excess of 60 patients. He is a welll respected Surgeon who speciallized in hands. NA is not for everybody and he believes is best suited to a patient with a slow progression of the disease which does not affect the 'pip 'joint. Why don't you become a Registered User and you can contact other users. I know "Pierre" was treated by him. The other female doctor is located near the Sydney Airport. Both these doctors would treat as a Private Patient. Here in Adelaide a Dr Phillip Griffin and Dr Alexia Potter both use NA.
Dr Potter is at the Govt. Hosp." Flinders Medical Centre " south of the city. I have tried to contact both doctors but they have not returned my correspondence. Dr .Griffin is also in private practice. Have you any idea of the cost as I believe there is a considerable out of pocket expense even when you have top table Private Health Insurance.(Hospital and Extras. ) Hope this is a starting point for you. Regards.
Update. Dr, Jennifer Green carrying out average of 4 needle releases a week . Secretary advised this procedure is not for everyone.

Edited at 04/14/08 03:28

04/22/2008 21:13
04/22/2008 21:13
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi Newman,

I have been in contact with Doctor Hunter-Smith's office and will probably have NA done in Melbourne.
I live in North Queensland and have had the contracture for at least 15 years but it is only in the last year that it is starting to progress at a faster rate. Newman, you certainly give a lot of your time to this forum and you should be congratulated.


07/15/2008 21:17
07/15/2008 21:17
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

G'Day to fellow Aussies,

Just thought I would bring you up to date with my NA experience.

I went to Sydney rather than Melbourne for my NA treatment last week. I have to report that my experience was a ten out of ten. The whole procedure took about ten minutes, it was painless (except for a couple of needle pricks for the local anaesthetic) and I could hear my cords snap. I am typing this now with two hands and I only have to wear a splint at night for the next 3 months.

Unfortunately, I have one hand that could not be done, as the contracture is into the second joint on that hand and the surgeon said I will have to have open hand surgery for that one. I am not looking forward to that!

My surgeon was Jennifer Green ph 02 9587 1116 and she is listed on this site. Very pleasant lady.


07/16/2008 06:55
07/16/2008 06:55

Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi Australia -Adelaide Calling:-
It is great to hear your experience with Dr Green . How about dropping me a line about the cost, where the NA took place etc. for further reference. I have not yet had time to get in touch with Dr. Green .I ve been in touch with Dr. Greg Bain down here in Adelaide and he also offers NA. Regards Barry.

Edited at 07/16/08 09:57

07/17/2008 19:48
07/17/2008 19:48
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi Newman,

The cost of the NA treatment in Sydney was $480 for the surgery and $110 for the splint by the physio.

The surgeon's office is 20 minutes from the Sydney airport and I would suggest patients from out of Sydney could have the procedure done in the one day and fly home that day.

My hand is healing very well. I find it hard to believe that surgeons who know about NA could still opt for open hand surgery. Even if DC comes back every few years, the procedure is so simple it will be no big deal to have it redone. My only beef now is that I have to have open hand surgery on the little finger of my right hand because DC has effected the second joint.

By the way Newman thanks for the recommendation on Elmore Oil, it works quite well.

Regards Brian

07/18/2008 04:46
07/18/2008 04:46
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Does anyone have an email address for Dr Jennifer Green?

07/18/2008 05:39
07/18/2008 05:39

Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi Australia Calling :re email
I tried but Dr. Green's secretary would not supply it . I recommend you write or phone. She is listed on the Dupuytren Society web.

Edited at 07/18/08 08:44

07/18/2008 22:19
Larrane Rocky

not registered

07/18/2008 22:19
Larrane Rocky

not registered

Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi my name is Larrane and have just been diagnosed with Dupuytren's Contracture, have been type 1
or Juevenille Diabetic for nealy 30 years. Would be interested to enquire if anyone is a Diabetic
or has any autoimmune diseases, which is often associated with Dypuytrens.'

Also some facts as to how long from when diagnosed to the actual starting of the contractures
leading to treatment?

I help run a charity in Australia for Diabetics called Insulin Dependant Diabetic Trust, it is an international charity which is based in the UK,
and I would like to inform our members about the NA, as this seems a less traumatic, less expensive and
just as effective treatment for Dupuytren.

Thank you Larrane

07/18/2008 23:20
07/18/2008 23:20
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi Larrane,

From my post you will see I have just had NA done in Sydney, with which I was most happy. I do not have diabeties or autoimmune disease. I am a 62 year old male with Northern European heritage. I first noticed dimples in the palm of my hand 15 to 20 years ago and I have only just had to have something done about it. It usually progresses quite slowly, but I have read on this forum that it can move quickly and for some sufferers can be quite devastating. The luck of the draw I guess.

Although NA seems to be the way to go, it is not for all cases. In my case, my right hand will have to have open hand surgery rather than NA.This procedure is quite invasive.

Good luck with your dupuytrens and congratulations on your involvement in the Diabetics charity.


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