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NA experience by Australian Users
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07/29/2012 06:13
07/29/2012 06:13
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Dr Griffin at Flinders Private Hospital has performed a successful NA on my thumb.

This website names three other Drs, One each in Sydney, Melsbourne and Brisbane

08/30/2012 03:06
08/30/2012 03:06
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

I am delighted to see that Dr Griffin is registered on this site and hope that south australians are able to take advantage of his services

12/07/2012 11:29


12/07/2012 11:29


NA in West Australia

Stuart Flemming has moved from the UK to Australia and is now practising in Fremantle/Perth, WA



01/02/2013 03:22
01/02/2013 03:22
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi,Just back from NA treatment from Dr Griffin at Flinders Private, Adelaide. The initiall pain of anaesthetic easy compared to hopper ant bites if you've met these SA critters. The cost compared to major hand surgery is relatively fair when you take into account time off work, post operative complications etc. Great feeling to feel bands give way & in my case thumb flexed out.
I would recommend follow up with hand physio after the NA. Dr Griffin has a visiting hand physio.

01/03/2013 08:47
01/03/2013 08:47

Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi Hamish, it is great to see that Dr Griffin has listed on the Society web page. I checked out his web site where he has included a direct link to the International Dupuytren Society for patients to visit. Did you prompt him to be included on the Australian list ?

Edited 01/03/13 10:48

01/03/2013 09:11
01/03/2013 09:11

Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi,Just back from NA treatment from Dr Griffin at Flinders Private, Adelaide. The initiall pain of anaesthetic easy compared to hopper ant bites if you've met these SA critters. The cost compared to major hand surgery is relatively fair when you take into account time off work, post operative complications etc. Great feeling to feel bands give way & in my case thumb flexed out.
I would recommend follow up with hand physio after the NA. Dr Griffin has a visiting hand physio.

Hamish; I don't understand the comment about the involvement of a phyiso following NA. I have had NA 5 times and it hasn't featured.

Also what cost for NA with Dr Griffin. I live in Sydney and will be in Adelaide in February. I am thinking that I could see him to tweak a problem I have with one finger.

01/03/2013 10:20
01/03/2013 10:20
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi,Just back from NA treatment from Dr Griffin at Flinders Private, Adelaide. The initiall pain of anaesthetic easy compared to hopper ant bites if you've met these SA critters. The cost compared to major hand surgery is relatively fair when you take into account time off work, post operative complications etc. Great feeling to feel bands give way & in my case thumb flexed out.
I would recommend follow up with hand physio after the NA. Dr Griffin has a visiting hand physio.

Hamish; I don't understand the comment about the involvement of a phyiso following NA. I have had NA 5 times and it hasn't featured.

Also what cost for NA with Dr Griffin. I live in Sydney and will be in Adelaide in February. I am thinking that I could see him to tweak a problem I have with one finger.

I had a successful NA with Dr Griffin in June 2012 following a referral from my GP. I was happy with the cost. I had had surgery several years ago which was painful and expensive. My physio (after surgery) gave me Dr Griffin's name when I was reluctant to undergo further surgery. It would seem you have the options of seeing the surgeon in Sydney or contacting Dr Griffin. I had a wait of 2 or 3 months for my initial appointment with Dr Griffin. Good luck. My experience of NA cf surgery - go for NA!

01/03/2013 22:59
01/03/2013 22:59
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Dear Aussies especially Sydneysiders,

I had an NA treatment in October on my left hand with Dr David Dilley in Harris Park ( near Parramatta ) which was very successful. I would highly recommend him. ( He charges $380 per cord and in my case there were two cords - I haven't tried to claim it yet so I don't know if I'll get anything back on Medicare or my health fund ).

Also, I just got back from a trip to Europe and as I was going to be there I made an appointment with Dr Manet-Chopin ( the Doctor who took over Dr Lermusiaux's practice ). She is absolutely delightful and worked for an hour and half on quite severely bent right hand that involved a number of cords and nodules. Even though this was my fourth NA treatment ( two with Dr Lermusiaux 4 years ago and one in October with David Dilley ) I was amazed at how much she achieved. All but my little finger are now completely straight and the web between my thumb and forefinger is 95% open. Dr Manet-Chopin charged me only Euros 250. After my NA treatment I saw her hand therapist who made me a splint for Euros 38!

Another thing that you all might be interested in, is that my Sydney Hand therapist, Rosemary Prosser, gave me a silicone gel sheet to put under my splints and it's having a marked effect in reducing the swelling the and remaining lumps. It's the same kind of silicone gel sheeting that's used for wound scarring reduction.



01/04/2013 01:11
01/04/2013 01:11
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi, I reckon you should contact Dr Griffin's office to get his rates as they maybe different for each patient. Email admin@flinplas.com.au There is initial visit with follow up visit for treatment then another to check post treatment. One of the hassles with Dup. Most of us end up visiting a number of surgeons. I don't think we can compare costs with the French who have practised NA for a long time with more practioners.
Why I say we need follow up with hand physio is to get better flexion through exercises & a splint. Plus they take measurements of finger extension. Also they pickup complications as in my case picking up a post op Reflex sympathetic dystrophy after surgery. This is my opinion Seph because we all have different experiences from treatment.

Hi Newman. I didn't ask Dr Griffin to list. I think surgeons have to be committed to NA to list & I hope will pickup Collagenese when it is released in Australia. Wolfgang may pick this up when it happens.

Edited 01/04/13 03:19

01/05/2013 10:15
01/05/2013 10:15

Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Brian; I agree that Dr Manet-Chopin is very good. She performed NA on my right hand in the first week of December and on my left two weeks later. When were you there?

But why did your splint cost 38 Euros when mine cost 70 euros. Must be discrimination against us poor Kiwis again.

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experience   recommend   contact   fingers   Lermusiaux   Griffin   successful   Surgeon   Flinders   doctors   Wolfgang   Regards   surgery   treatment   procedure   Adelaide   disease   Australian   Australia   Dupuytren