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NA experience by Australian Users
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07/09/2013 15:08
07/09/2013 15:08
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

To all.

Thank you very much for sharing your experiences.

I did a few years ago attempt to contact an NA DC specialist in the USA by email a couple of times and never got a reply. So I binned that idea.

Indeed it appears the consensus here in Australia is surgery from the local GP's. I guess they only profess what they are told to. The scary bit was the way the GP just said if surgery fails they just lop it off. Who cares right. It's not their fingers. As you all have explained it is a re-occurring condition anyway and will return. So after surgery amputation will be the surgeons next option. This is something which is a last resort for me and avoid at all costs.

In fact I'd rather keep a bent finger than lose it. The fingers can still serve a purpose and luckily there is no pain involved. Just discomfort when typing. Although the odd hooking of the finger on objects does cause issues at times.

It is a shame that here in Australia the same attitude is not applied as in France where the condition is more common. Perhaps for financial reasons there are so very few and inexperienced here.

I'm in two minds to try NA here in Australia by a competent NA specialist for monetary reasons. Preferably one who has served a few years gaining the skills from France. Sounds ideal but might not be realistic. In the time between re-occurrences I could try to save enough for a trip to Paris. Or would it be better to save up and take the trip to Paris first? Might be the better option as over time treatment will improve here in Australia I hope.

I will consider Dr Hunter Smith or David Dilley here in Australia as recommended by your distinguished selves although according to the Worldwide list of French trained doctors they do not appear on the official list.

Looking at the French list there is a lot. Any which are notably better that can be confirmed or recommended by Aussies?


Edited 07/09/13 19:32

07/09/2013 21:01
07/09/2013 21:01

Re: NA experience by Australian Users

I have been treated by Dr Badois and Dr Manet-Chopin. Both are rheumatologists and both seem very knowledgeable and capable. Dr Badois is older so has more experience while Dr Manet-Chopin was recommended by Mr LERMUSIAUX when he retired.

Email addresses for each are:

BADOIS <dr.f.badois@orange.fr>

mariepascale manetchopin <mariepascalemanetchopin@sfr.fr>

08/04/2013 08:39
08/04/2013 08:39
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi, I'm a 61year old woman living in Victoria. Have dupuytrens in right hand - three fingers. Nodules developing very quickly and cords visible. My Dad had it in one finger. I also have lump under ball of one foot. My GP words when I showed him were "oh yes that's dupuytrens and when they curl up just chop off". Wonderful, how caring and no advice as to what to do or who to see. I am having pain in palm and wrist. I'm reading about radiation therapy and am wondering if anyone here knows of or can recommend a doctor who performs this in Australia. Thanks.

08/04/2013 10:33
08/04/2013 10:33
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

see someone who performs NA. I have had surgery and NA. Surgery is complicated and painful. NA is a ten minute op - if you can find someone to do it. See this website for surgeons in australia. I used Dr Griffin in Adelaide.

08/04/2013 23:12
08/04/2013 23:12
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi Vonmae, If you checkout some of the answers in the Dupuytren's site you will find out more on radiation treatment in Australia & why it is successful overseas & not yet developed here. You can find links to NA practitioners listed on this website closer to you than Adelaide. They should give you advice on NA or surgery? Your feet maybe Ledderhose? Again, check out this site to give you more info before going to specialists. It is good to know as much as you can. Many personal experiences here go back many years .

08/15/2013 02:04
08/15/2013 02:04
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Has anyone had experience with Mr Stewart Fleming in Perth?

12/28/2016 05:24
12/28/2016 05:24
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

If anyone is considering NA with Dr Dilley, I can highly recommend based on my experience. He treated me April 2011 and my finger on right hand was so curled, I could no longer shake hands or touch type. It was very successful and thus far I have been very lucky in that it has not yet returned. I have a check-up each year with him, for his research. Unfortunately, I now had Nodules in my foot, so he can't help with this so have been checking out website for any new treatments.
DC is really very debilitating and I'm surprised there is not more awareness of it. In fact, it was only via my own research and finding this website that I found out about NA. The hand specialist I had been seeing prior to Dr Dilley, only ever advised I would need surgery eventually. Never mentioned NA, obviously didn't know how to do it or felt it would detract from his earnings. Where Dr Dilley is so good, is he can do both and recommend best course of action. Hope this assists anyone looking at the NA option and here in Sydney as well.

12/28/2016 10:40
12/28/2016 10:40
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

I can recommend Dr Philip Griffin at the Flinders Medical Centre in Adelaide
Much better than surgery

12/28/2016 20:07
12/28/2016 20:07
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi, I have had N.A. done twice in the last ten years, both in Australia and Europe. I still find it difficult to understand how hand surgeons do not at least suggest the alternative of N.A. The procedure is so quick and simple and even if it may not last for ever, it is an inexpensive and relatively painless experience. The risks of the procedure as far as I can judge are minimal. I urge everybody to at least investigate the procedure.

12/29/2016 06:46
12/29/2016 06:46
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi Bcareyau,
I was part of a study at Flinders Medical Centre into the effectiveness of NA. A paper was given at a medical conference but I don't know if it was presented to hand surgeons. I understand it looked favorably at NA as a procedure for Dup sufferers. And there is a need for funding for a follow up on how patients are now years later. I did get a left thumb & small finger done by Dr Griffin with NA. It needs a follow up as the bands are contracting but that is about 5 years ago. There is a Dr Paul van Minnen who trained at Utrecht Uni in Netherlands who is in Glenelg SA. He is a hand specialists who advertised he does NA. I don't know his experience. What it may show for us Dup people is that surgeons from overseas may bring their procedures to influence our surgeons to use NA before going to radical surgery with all its problems. Hope this helps? Hamish

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