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NA experience by Australian Users
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08/18/2008 01:42
08/18/2008 01:42
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Thanks for all that. I have emailed Dr Dilley on a totally different address given by his secretary. No reply yet so maybe it's gone astray. I need to get it looked at soonish I think. My GP had a look about a year ago and just said 'come back when the fingers won't open properly and we'll operate'. That's when I started looking for something else! I have a friend who was the receptionist for a surgeon for a while. She said that many people had surgery then came back later for an amputation. I'll watch the video carefully when I have a few minutes. Cheers

11/18/2008 04:18
11/18/2008 04:18
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Dear Australians,

I am the Brian who started this thread so I apologise for not contributing to same for several months. Hitherto I had nothing to report, but I've just returned from Gagny (an outer suburb of Paris) having undergone extremely successful NA procedures with Dr Lermusiaux I have much to report if anyone is still reading posts to this thread. So rather than type away not knowing if anyone is reading this, I'll hold off providing a full report until I see anyone requesting information. What I will say is that several Australians have had extremely successful treatments with Dr Lermusiaux over several years. Before I went to Paris saw Dr Jennifer Green at St George at she told me that NA was not suitable for my degree of Dupes, the worst of which was a Stage III, 85 deg bend at the PIP of my right little finger. Dr lermusiaux, who 'invented' NA 30 odd years ago, told me that he does up to 15 procedures a day and that my condition was not particularly severe and certainly easilly treatable by an EXPERIENCED NA practitioner. Anyone who cares to look can verify this with their own eyes by viewing the various video clips of NA procedures at http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=8MiNMIFpRSQ

Kind regards,

BrianL (Sydney)

11/18/2008 06:38
11/18/2008 06:38

Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi Brian Australia/Adelaide Calling.
We are certainly interested .Lets have the full report, including costs in Euros. Did you take any videos etc.
NA. is slow to take off in Oz. Any information to spread the word is helpfull. Regards.

11/18/2008 06:38


11/18/2008 06:38


Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi Brian, good to hear that everything went well with your NA! Dr. Lermusiaux and his colleagues have a long history of experience in treating Dupuytren patients with stage 3 and 4. He provided us with a copy of one of his papers (http://www.dupuytren-online.info/NA_training_literature.html and http://www.dupuytren-online.info/images/...lermusiaux1.jpg). Pictures of NA for a stage 4 patient, provided by Dr.Keith Denkler, are shown on the bottom of http://www.dupuytren-online.info/needle_aponeurotomy.html.

This supports your statement that an experienced doctor can treat advanced stages of Dupuytren's contracture with NA. Unfortunately contracture will usually recur earlier for patients treated in stage 3 or 4 (similar to surgery) but recurrence can be postponed by wearing a night splint.


11/19/2008 08:23


11/19/2008 08:23


New NA doctor in Sydney area

Just to make you aware that we added Dr. Dilley to our list of doctors offering NA in Australia http://www.dupuytren-online.info/NA_list..._countries.html .


Edited 11/19/08 10:24

11/19/2008 08:29
11/19/2008 08:29
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi Brian,
That is good news. I am off to Paris in February so would be pleased to learn any more. I sent photos of my hand to Dr Dilly who said there was nothing to be gained by treatment at the current stage..quite early, fingers still straight but getting stiff etc. Dr Lermusiaux saw the same photos and said that one treatment would fix it. I hope he is right and from all the reports I have seen I am confident.

I'll report to the group when I get back.


12/11/2008 23:16

not registered

12/11/2008 23:16

not registered

Re: NA experience by Australian Users

It is wonderful to hear that experienced practioners can treat advanced Dup. I am concerned the Aussie thread has suferers needing to go to Paris to be treated. I'm part of a trial being conducted at Flinders Medical Centre in Adelaide. It has some time to be finalised & I believe has finished recruiting patients. I don't know how we motivate more surgeons to gain experience in NA or even use the technique in Australia. I feel we are being left behind despite the efforts of locals like Brian & Newman.

12/12/2008 06:51
12/12/2008 06:51

Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi Dirk.Australia Calling/Adelaide.
How did you find out about the trial at Flinders. I was told they were investigating NA. In April 08 I sent faxes and email to both Dr, Potter and Griffin but no response. Please push the envelope and spread the word about the Dupuytren Society- giving the web www.dupuytren-online.info . Keep us posted.

Edited 12/12/08 09:00

12/16/2008 01:54

not registered

12/16/2008 01:54

not registered

Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi Newman, I was being treated by my hand therapist after surgery with the complication of dystrophy on my right hand when she told me about the trial because one of team doing the trial had presented a preliminary paper on their study, I think to a group of occupational therapists. With my physios referal I was able to sneak in as a patient to treat my left hand. It was difficult to get in & I don't think I would have been included if it wasn't for my physios help. Flinders being a public hospital has limitations & I don't know when the results will be presented. I guess it is up to us to push NA. Seeya Dirk

01/04/2009 09:21

not registered

01/04/2009 09:21

not registered

Re: NA experience by Australian Users


Just noticed this forum after a Google Search.

My father recently underwent open-hand surgery for DC in the UK, and passed on the cheery news that it is a hereditary condition. So I looked a few things up.

I just thought the "gentle curl" in my fingers was just down to a commencement of advancing years (sorry, I'm only 38) and the odd broken finger playing sport. My wife also regularly accused me of dragging my knuckles, so I have happily put those rumours to sleep!

Having emigrated to Australia some years ago, I cannot use the same sepcialists as my Dad, so I was wondering if anyone could recommend a decent hand-doctor in Sydney?

Also, I did notice a reference to Epilepsy. I would love to follow up on that as my 4yo daughter is a severe sufferer of this disease, and any heads-up we could get on that would be a bonus.

Any suggestions - please post here and I will check back regularly.



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