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NA experience by Australian Users
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07/22/2009 02:31
07/22/2009 02:31
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi Tim, I can recommend Dr David Dilley in Sydney. I had NA treatment by him 5 months ago and still smiling.Any questions welcome

07/27/2009 01:00
07/27/2009 01:00
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi BrianL or James,

You have both mentioned that you have gone to Paris for treatment and I was wondering how it went and how did you go about contacting Dr Lermusiaux.

I had successful NA treatment for my left hand a year ago by Dr Green; still no sign of contracture. She said that my right little finger could not have NA and suggested I needed open hand surgery. I am very hesitant to have this done!!!

I am going to send a photo to Dr Dilley in Sydney to see what he thinks, but he may however be of the same opinion as Jennifer Green.

Regards BrianC

09/01/2009 05:52
09/01/2009 05:52
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi BrianC,

Once again, my apologies for my slow response - I have not logged onto the Forum for a while.

My experience with Dr Lermusiaux was amazing!! and I would highly recommend him - well worth the trip to Paris! ( The stay there is of course not a hardship ).

I had work done on both hands including the correction of a 90 deg bend (at the PIP) on my right little finger. I had this done over two consecutive days. The right hand took just over an hour and the left about 45 minutes. The total cost was only 200 Euros. There was no pain and I could use my hands immediately. The light bandages came off after 3 days. I went to see Dr L's hand therapist after the treatment who made me a splint which I've worn most nights since, until it broke the other night.

Nearly a year later I feel that I could benefit from a follow up treatment (my little finger is at 30-40 degs) and I'm going to contact Dr Dilley to seek his opinion. I'd be very interested to hear of anyone's recent experiences with Dr Dilley.

Before going to Paris I saw Jennifer Green and she told me that my finger was too severely bent for NA too be appropriate. Because of the research I done and the DC sufferers I'd spoken to (some of whom I'd met) I knew that her opinion was simply wrong. I suspect that she just didn't have the level of experience/skill and/or she was in some way hampered by the conventional Australian medical system in which she has to operate. I'm very pleased to see the positive posts about her. (She is a very pleasant lady). Dr Lermusiaux told me that he had treated "many, mnay people" with a DC condition far worse than mine. Bear in mind that over the past 30 years he would have done thousands of NA procedures.

I trust this helps. If anyone would like to contact me please leave a post with contact details - I promise to log onto the Forum more regularly. I feel guilty that I haven't recently because I obtained all my information about NA and the contact details of some Australian sufferers who had undergone NA treatment.




09/20/2009 12:44
09/20/2009 12:44
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi Brianl

I am seriously considering doing the Paris trip to see Dr Lermusiaux. Do you have any tips that may help?


09/21/2009 14:59
09/21/2009 14:59

Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi Andrew, Aussie Calling. I would just mention that the use of needle aponevrotomy is becoming more widespread in Aust. In June I spoke to Dr Greg Bain in Adelaide (Hand & Upper limb Surgeon ) ,who advised that at least half of the procedures for Dupuytren now is NA. Some patients have a combination of NA and minor surgery. The GovT. Hospitals are also carrying ou the procedure. You did not mention if you have any contraction. Regards

Edited 09/21/09 18:01

09/22/2009 09:56
09/22/2009 09:56
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

HI Newman

Thanks for replying.I have seen Dr Bain a couple of months ago and he said surgery was the only option. I've already had surgery 2 years ago & it has come back more aggressively. Yes i do have contraction to about 45 degrees. He did not recommend NA because the DC is on the joints, it seems that in France they will do NA in cases like mine. I feel that surgery hasn't helped but may have made the DC worse, given that it has come back so fast & in more places in my hand.

09/25/2009 01:36
09/25/2009 01:36
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi Andrew,

Please post your email address and I'll make contact with you. I'm very happy to pass on everything I know about a visit to Dr Lermusiaux in Paris.



09/26/2009 00:30
09/26/2009 00:30
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi Brian

My Email is andnadz@bigpond.com.

I sent a email ti Dr Lermusiaux on Tuesday but have not had a reply yet.
How did you contact the Dr?
Was all your contact with him by email ?

Thanks for offering to pass on all your knowledge on NA in Paris.


09/27/2009 00:46
09/27/2009 00:46
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi Brianl,

I am interested in Paris as well as Andrew. Here is my email address:



11/16/2009 02:05
11/16/2009 02:05
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi . I am new to this forum and am interested in any treatments that slow down the progress of this disease . In April this year I had my thumb joint removed [and replace by a tendon graft] by a Newcastle hand surgeon . This was supposed to relieve the severe pain of arthritis but unfortunately not only does the pain persist but not long after the operation I developed uncomfortable nodules under all fingers except thumb.
A trip to Paris is out of the question financially so it looks like I would have to make a trip to Sydney. Do any Australian doctors offer radiotherapy? I live on the Mid North coast.

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