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NA experience by Australian Users
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11/16/2009 05:04
11/16/2009 05:04

Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi Hughes 2,Australia Calling-Adelaide. For information NA is an option only after there is contraction. Radiotherapy is most benificial in the early stage on active nodules. Sounds like what you posted. You can try Newcaste Mater Hospital(Waratah) which is public/private hosptal . www.mater.net.au I have made enquiries -Dr Chris Wratten is the head of Oncology. e-mail Chris.wratten@mater.health.nsw.gov.au enquiries 02 49211211 They certainly have the equipment. You need to have a referral and maybe go armed with Prof.Seegenschmiedt's book -download "Radiotherapy for Non-Malignant Disorders. "-Click Radiation therapy-Literature. to view! In Australia RT has mainly be for the treatment of cancer . If you are well read and informed you stand a good chance .Dr BORG here in Adelaide listed under- clinics offers Radiotherapy for Dupuytrens /Ledderhose. Let us know how you progress I never ever got around to making contact with Dr Wratten. Regards

11/16/2009 05:40
11/16/2009 05:40
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Thank you Barry for your helpful information. I will certainly chase up those contacts and see what eventuates. Thanks again

11/17/2009 03:00
11/17/2009 03:00
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hi Barry,

My computer has problems. It often does not allow me to answer by clicking another e-mail address.
It kicked back my answer to you. In case you wish to correspond directly, my e-mail is tswift@csus.edu.

Thank you for the information and advice. I will try Scripps Clinic in San Diego. Coincidently, my sister lives 3 miles from it. Very fortunate. I tried the Palo Alto Medical Clinic. Dr. Chang there is new at the procedure and has only 5 patients for radiation therapy thus far for Dupuytren's. God bless him for being will to learn about this procedure. But I think I can get more knowledgeable care at Scripps--thanks to your information.

And thank you for the advice about the pain ointment. I will ask my doctor to prescribe it. I also have fibromyalgia pains. Do many people with Dupuytren's also have FM? I wonder if the pain from FM could cause Dupuytren's?

Take care,


11/18/2009 08:29
11/18/2009 08:29
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Newman - responding to your email re Radiation therapy available at Mater Hosp.Newcastle....I refered to it on this thread back early in 2008. Not sure how to respond to your email directly, so attempting to do so via this forum thread. Truth is, I have not pursued any therapies since. However, your email is very timely. Since the surgery on my left hand, the right hand has been getting progressively worse, but at this stage I have been recomended by the Specialist not to undergo surgery. The right hand has net been as problematic as the left in that the hard nodule has not formed on the palm, and I still have reasonable movement in my fingers. Hence I am able to do most things (including golf and playing piano) unimpeded..at least at this stage.

HOWEVER, one thing that has flared up again is the shoulder pain...in both shoulders. In 2004 and 2006 I underwent shoulder surgery to relieve shoulder impingement probelms. All was well for 12 months, then RH Shoulder began to ache...and about 3 weeks back the LH Shoulder has quickly caught up. It now getting serious. I have read a number of items regarding the link between shoulder pain (ie particularly frozen shoulders) and Dupytren (and indeed Diabetes), but other than understanding there is an recognised link between theses conditions, I can see no (permanent) relief.

On a positive note, the surgery to the left hand back in 2007 has given me complete relief from the DC in that hand with no apparent recurrence in sight. Only negative is the loss of sense of touch along scar line, and on back of ring finger..but small price to pay given previous state of hand. So, mark one up for surgery. I can actually bend the ring finger backwards to almost 90 degrees...a test I do daily as a check on the condition. Most likely will snap the damn thing off one day..the ultimate cure to DC.

Finally, I did pursue the NA approach with Dr Jennifer Green (?) of Sydney some time ago, but was advised to back off until I reached 60 as the chance of recurrence was high. Well, I am 55...so 5 years to go!

I would appreciate any feedback re the shoulder pain..has this been discussed previously in this forum?


11/20/2009 00:22
11/20/2009 00:22
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Dear Roscoe,

I'm a healthy 61 year old living in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney. I'm Anglo
British by birth so I have one of the genetic predispositions for these
various diseases/syndromes.

1) Re: Frozen Shoulder

In addition to DC, for about 30 years I've had mild cases of Peyronies
Disease and Ledderhose, neither of which, fortunately, is severe enough to
cause me any problems.

I've also had quite severe frozen shoulders, first occurring about 10 years
ago. This was fixed 99% by a Chinese doctor of TCM (in Sydney) using massage and
Since then I've kept the shoulders strong and flexible through regular (2
hours, 4 days/week) Ashtanga yoga and other exercises plus top up treatments
with this Doctor.

2) Re: NA

I visited Dr Lemusiaux in Paris a year ago and was absolutely amazed by the
results (see my posts on this Forum). Prior to my trip I was told by Jennifer
Green that my finger was too far gone for NA, but I knew that that statement
was quite wrong as I'd already seen far worse conditions corrected both on
YouTube and meeting with Aussies who've been to Paris or the US. Dr L told me
that he regularly treats patients with DC conditions far more advanced than

I have no idea why Dr Green advised you to wait until you're 60 - makes no
sense at all to me. Best to get it done in the earlier stages.

I feel that I could get even more improvement with my hands with a follow up
treatment, so I'll be seeing Dr Dilley in Sydney soon for his opinion. I'll
post a report after I've done so.

3) Re: Radiation Therapy

I've had no experience with this so can't help.

Feel free to email me directly and we can exchange telephone numbers. Where do
you live?

Kind regards,


01/07/2010 02:30
01/07/2010 02:30
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Hello All,

Im new to the forum Im from Melbourne and have dupuytrens in both hands. I have a nodule under both little fingers on the palm and one on the right hand under the middle finger (this was a result of a tendon injury). My little finger on my right has started to contract probably about 45 degrees now and this started from an injury on the 2nd joint. I am only 25 years old and do a lot of strength training using my hands so I would like to treat this so I can continue persuing my strength goals.
My brother who is 28 has had hand surgery on his right hand for his ring and pinky finger and he requuired a skin graft. Two years after the surgery his fingers are contracted again but he tells me that they wont get any worse but will stay in that contracted position. They have contracted past 45 degrees.
I went to see a hand surgeon last year and his only response was to have surgery and after seeing my brothers fingers i would much prefer an alternative like NA. My email is tdbas1@gmail.com if someone with information about contacting Dr. Lermusiaux can help me. Thanks for your help.



01/07/2010 04:55

not registered

01/07/2010 04:55

not registered

Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Tom, I believe Dr. Lermusiaux went into pension and doesn't treat patients anymore but you don't need to fly to France to get NA. Some doctors in Australia offer NA, too http://www.dupuytren-online.info/NA_list..._countries.html.


01/18/2010 04:29
01/18/2010 04:29
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Re Wolfgang's post re Dr Lermusiaux: can anyone confirm if he has retired? I spoke to a couple of Australian sufferers late last year and one said that he hadn't had replies to emails sent to Dr L. (Dr L relied very promptly to the emails I sent him in 2008) Does anyone know which of the long list of Parisian doctors Dr L would recommend? Cheers, Brian

01/18/2010 07:50

not registered

01/18/2010 07:50

not registered

Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Drs. Badois, Lellouche or Manet are certainly worth a try. I know that Badois speaks English, not sure about the other two.



Re Wolfgang's post re Dr Lermusiaux: can anyone confirm if he has retired? I spoke to a couple of Australian sufferers late last year and one said that he hadn't had replies to emails sent to Dr L. (Dr L relied very promptly to the emails I sent him in 2008) Does anyone know which of the long list of Parisian doctors Dr L would recommend? Cheers, Brian

01/19/2010 01:10
01/19/2010 01:10
Re: NA experience by Australian Users

Thanks Wolfgang

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