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NA for DC in New Zealand?
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04/28/2009 21:38

not registered

04/28/2009 21:38

not registered

NA for DC in New Zealand?

Congratulations and thanks, this is the best site I have seen so far on DC and Ledderhose.

I have had nodules in my feet since I was about 11 (am now in 40s) and recently have "atypical" nodules between my thumb and forefinger. No major problem for me so far but great to hear of the radiotherapy treatment and to get contact details for treatment down under (in NZ).

However my Dad has contracted fingers and has been offered surgery. Being well into his 80s I suspect NA would suit him better. Does anyone know of NA being done in New Zealand? I see that it can be done in Australia but the less travel the better at his age.

04/29/2009 04:52
04/29/2009 04:52
Re: NA for DC in New Zealand?

Hi there

I'd had hand surgery in the past with limited success so I looked at NA. I couldn't find anyone in NZ to carry out NA so I flew to Sydney last October. It is a very simple procedure that took 15 - 20 minutes, and so far, seems to have been more successful than previous surgery on the same hand. I was advised that any decent surgeon could carry out the procedure but most avoid it because there's no surgical challenge.

04/30/2009 09:48
04/30/2009 09:48

Re: NA for DC in New Zealand?

Hi Kiwi,Australia Calling,
Could you please post your experience who did the NA and the Cost. Regards Neighbour.

05/10/2012 00:27
05/10/2012 00:27
Re: NA for DC in New Zealand?

Hi, I was looking for NA in New Zealand for a year or more and sad that it was not practiced here.I was really in despair at the thought of having to travel overseas for treatment. However when I looked up 'needle fasciotomy' I discovered an excellent plastic surgeon in Christchurch - Stewart Sinclair. http://www.stewartsinclair.co.nz/dupuytrens-contracture/. I contacted him and was extremely pleased that he took the time to answer emails and talked on the phone. I live in Auckland, but it was well worth a day return flight to Christchurch.
I had the treatment just over a week ago and it has healed really well. My little finger was bent about 35 - 40 degrees prior to surgery. I can now lay my hand flat which is fantastic and do yoga again and function normally. I have to wear a splint at night but that is quite comfortable. There are still a few minor lumps under the skin which I hope will diminish. I can now bend my finger right back, which is such a joy and will need to keep up the exercises recommended by the Merivale hand clinic, who made the splint after surgery.
Generally there is a reluctance in NZ by plastic surgeons to perform needle fasciotomy. I could not get past the receptionists with other surgeons in the north island. From all the research I've seen on this website and others - patients would rather have this less invasive treatment then wait till the hand is totally unuseable and have full fasciotomy. Stewart has been doing full fasciotomies for 20 years and I highly recommend him.

05/10/2012 05:44
05/10/2012 05:44
Re: NA for DC in New Zealand?

Hi, I was looking for NA in New Zealand for a year or more and sad that it was not practiced here.I was really in despair at the thought of having to travel overseas for treatment. However when I looked up 'needle fasciotomy' I discovered an excellent plastic surgeon in Christchurch - Stewart Sinclair. http://www.stewartsinclair.co.nz/dupuytrens-contracture/. I contacted him and was extremely pleased that he took the time to answer emails and talked on the phone. I live in Auckland, but it was well worth a day return flight to Christchurch.

That is great news artishand. I was unaware of anyone performing this procedure at all in nz.... Let alone someone proficient....I will keep this in mind if I need na....

Best of luck to you


05/11/2012 00:49
05/11/2012 00:49
Re: NA for DC in New Zealand?

Glad you found someone competent and willing to do your treatment.

Can you get your surgeon's permission to post his information on this website for others to easily see under Treatment/NA list for other countries? That would be very helpful to others.

05/12/2012 21:41
05/12/2012 21:41
Re: NA for DC in New Zealand?

Cheers, I have forwarded the message to be listed on this website to Stewart and await his reply.

05/13/2012 07:26
05/13/2012 07:26

Re: NA for DC in New Zealand?

Hi you might also send the email address of the International Dupuytren Society to the practitioner . He will need formally advise Dr. Wolfgang Wach before the details can be included on the web site. PS He has a very good web site which would also appear on this site if he requests. Regards

Edited 05/13/12 10:31

07/24/2016 21:11
07/24/2016 21:11
Re: NA for DC in New Zealand?

I know this is an old thread but I was hoping the information might still be relevant.

I too have had the nodules on the arch of my foot for a long time, and recently they have dramatically flared up. I contacted Dr Jesse Kenton-Smith who works at the same clinic as DR. Sinclair, but he said he doesn't do feet. Does Dr. Sinclair? If not, has anyone found a doctor in NZ that does?

I too, am looking for someone who does NA a little closer to home for my father. We took a trip to paris about 8 years ago to see DR. Lermesiaux and he got NA then (after already having one round of surgery in NZ). He has since had 2 more rounds of surgery in NZ - including the amputation of one of his little fingers, and is desperate to not endure anymore surgery, despite the duypuytrens continuing to aggressively advance.

Even a specialist in sydney would be fine.

Any help would be appreciated. It's pretty hard to come by any solid information in NZ apart from what the referred specialist has to say- I'd just like to see someone who specialises in DC, rather than a genral hand specialist.


07/25/2016 04:54
07/25/2016 04:54

Re: NA for DC in New Zealand?

Hi Ryan; A few things to respond to there. I am a kiwi living in Sydney.

I have had bilateral LD and DD for more than 40 years. One foot was operated on for removal of a lump in my early teens. Doctors did not know what it was and the LD returned twice the size in the same spot and then developed in the other foot.

Not sure what your thinking is for your feet but I will throw in that doing nothing is the best option in my view. Every time I get a new growth I get all sorts of pain and blisters etc. I now think this is due to displacement of tendons and nerves etc. Work the feet, push through the pain and eventually it just disappears.

The NA doctors that I have seen in Paris are rheumatologists and they say they work with surgeons with hand issues but not with feet. They caution against digging around in your feet as it spreads the disease. One told me that a biopsy can spread the disease.

My DC is aggressive and I have to work to control it. I have had surgery once and NA 8 times. 7 in Paris and once in Sydney. On my last trip to Paris Dr Marie pascale MANET CHOPIN told me that I had left it too long before returning. She emphasized that if I am to avoid surgery I must get NA done regularly. If I lived in Paris I would go back every year.

To answer your question about someone local for NA on DC for your father. There are several hand surgeons in Australia who are now doing NA. I went to Mr David Dilley in Sydney in 2014. He is building in experience and does NA procedures one day a fortnight.

The only issue for me with Dr Dilley is that he is tied up in the Australian medical system. You can't just book an appointment and go in and get the NA done as you can in Paris. You must first get a referral, then there is the prior consult and then the procedure booked weeks ahead. And nobody runs to time. In Paris you book the appointment and that time slot is yours. And they assess the hands and do the procedure immediately.

Having said that a visit to Dr Dilley might work for your father.


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