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NA Procedure Done and Very Happy!
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08/26/2016 03:42
08/26/2016 03:42
NA Procedure Done and Very Happy!

Hello, Ranger Tim (57) here. I just had Needle Aponevrotomy (NA) done to my right pinkie/palm by Dr. David Kline in Boise, Idaho. Wonderful man and wonderful results! I had contracture of approximately 35-40 degrees and involvement of the MIP and PIP joints. It had progressed to this point over a ten year period and I have been watching for when I felt it should be corrected. When no longer able to wash hands easily and grip efficiently I decided it was time. I was not aware of the latest radiation therapies available.

Dr Kline was able to consult and treat (NA) my hand in less than an hour. He was also very informative and up front about the prognosis. I am extremely pleased with the outcome after having dealt with the slow contraction over the last few years. Perhaps once again I will be able to reach the shift key with my little finger!!!

Yes, I will probably be back in a few years, maybe even less time, but I am encouraged by such a painless and low impact remedy to such a nagging problem. Recovery is amazing -- no pain, full extension and no scars to heal. Simply amazing. He educated me on the option of having follow-up radiation treatment for a more long term solution and I will probably opt for that next time. I have a nodule forming in my left hand as well so it will need to addressed eventually.

Thank you everyone for this website and for your contributions to the knowledge base. It is encouraging to read your stories.

Ranger Tim

08/26/2016 04:57
08/26/2016 04:57

Re: NA Procedure Done and Very Happy!

Hi Ranger Tim. The evolution of your DD seems to mirror mine closely and I will be following it with big interest. I also looked into and had RT after NA on my right hand pinky and when the nodule started growing on my left hand pinky. I have had the right hand treated so far (with good success although already advanced), but not yet the left which was considered to be too early.


[54 year-old male, DD diagnosis 2006, RH contracture and NA/PNF 2014, RT 2015, wearing night splint glove]

08/26/2016 04:57


08/26/2016 04:57


Re: NA Procedure Done and Very Happy!

Hi Tim, glad to hear about the very good results of your needle fasciotomy! By wearing a night splint you might be able to maintain your results better and escape recurrence for a while. The good news is, the older you get the slower Dupuytrens is coming back http://www.dupuytren-online.info/NA_side_effects.html. One of the benefits of age ...


08/30/2016 00:47
08/30/2016 00:47
Re: NA Procedure Done and Very Happy!

Hi Ranger Tim. The evolution of your DD seems to mirror mine closely and I will be following it with big interest. I also looked into and had RT after NA on my right hand pinky and when the nodule started growing on my left hand pinky. I have had the right hand treated so far (with good success although already advanced), but not yet the left which was considered to be too early.


[54 year-old male, DD diagnosis 2006, RH contracture and NA/PNF 2014, RT 2015, wearing night splint glove]


What resources did you use to learn about RT after NA? I'm trying to find justification for the combined procedures.


08/30/2016 11:55
08/30/2016 11:55

Re: NA Procedure Done and Very Happy!

Hi I listened to a lecture given by Prof. Seegenschmiedt a couple of years back in Munich and from what I understood for patients ,who had aggressive dupuytrens ,then the option of RT after surgery might be beneficial . In my case in 2007 I developed numerous nodules within 4 weeks of Surgery and I did have RT to treat the Dupuytrens. I would not think it a good idea to just have Rt after NA on the off chance . Remember once the area has been irradiated it cannot be treated again .

08/30/2016 12:05
08/30/2016 12:05

Re: NA Procedure Done and Very Happy!


What resources did you use to learn about RT after NA? I'm trying to find justification for the combined procedures.

I read pretty much everything there is to read on this site and looked at many of the videos from the conferences of the Dupuytren Society, including those by Prof. S.. In my case a little more than a year elapsed before I had RT on the hand of the pinky treated with NA. I believe that in my case it would have been treated the same had I consulted right after the NA and probably there would be less tension on that pinky now which I am keeping in check with the night splint.

08/31/2016 11:08


08/31/2016 11:08


Re: NA Procedure Done and Very Happy!

Hi Tom,

radiotherapy for Dupuytren's may help to slow down growth of fresh nodules and to relieve pain. So far no studies have been published combining NA and RT or surgery and RT (but studies have been started). In case you develop new nodules after e.g. surgery, RT may be helpful. I mself used it for that purpose after surgery and was able to stop further growth of these nodules.



What resources did you use to learn about RT after NA? I'm trying to find justification for the combined procedures.


Edited 08/31/16 14:09

09/01/2016 07:51
09/01/2016 07:51
Re: NA Procedure Done and Very Happy!

I would like to add a comment regarding a stage 3 dupuytrens contracture on my right ring finger. I'm 73 years old and live in Europe.

From eventually deciding to do something about it to the present time is less than one month. I decided on needle aponeurotomy, returned to my office to continue my days work immediately after treatment, removed the dressing 4 days later and today, under one week from my treatment, am so happy with a virtually straight finger, I can get change out of my pocket, use a mouse on my computer and actually wash my hair properly (plus numerous other small things). There remains very slight discomfort, but one must concentrate to realise any discomfort is there.

The treatment was painless, maybe a bee sting like feeling as the local anaesthetic was applied. It took maybe 15mins or less to treat and then after a dressing was applied, I traveled back to my office and continued my days work. The finger remained numb for a few hours. I really did continue with normal activities apart from keeping the dressing clean and dry for 4 days.
I removed the dressing three days ago and am positively staggered by how great it is to get the palm of my hand exposed again and although I will have to be careful for another couple of weeks whist the healing process continues, it is difficult to explain how may confidence has increased so, so much. I can shake hands normally (and already do so!!!!)

If I can help anyone, don't hesitate to leave a message me for any other information.

09/02/2016 15:13
09/02/2016 15:13

Re: NA Procedure Done and Very Happy!

Hi crate
Where did you have the treatment in Europe? Were you told to wear a night splint?

09/05/2016 08:54
09/05/2016 08:54
Re: NA Procedure Done and Very Happy!

I was treated in Paris and although I asked about a splint, was told it was not needed at any stage. The surgeon was right as now, only 10 days after treatment, my finger is almost flat.

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dupuytren-online   treatment   Procedure   surgery   apprehensive   Aponevrotomy   contributions   aponeurotomy   Dupuytrens   inconvenient   justification   radiotherapy   contracture   results   although   dressing   incapacitating   Seegenschmiedt   approximately   treated