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Needle Aponevrotomy
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11/15/2010 12:17
11/15/2010 12:17
Re: Needle Aponevrotomy

I posted under another thread also; I verified last week that Dr. Michael Doyle in Dallas does NOT do the NA procedure and has never been trained on it. He DOES do Xiaflex. As far as I know there are no surgeons in the Dallas area who do the NA procedure.


11/15/2010 13:50
11/15/2010 13:50
Re: Needle Aponevrotomy

Some months ago, I also searched Dallas Area and did not find a Doc that performed NA. Several people on the Dupuytren's forum advised to only consider a Trained NA Doctor. I found Dr. Harris Rose in Austin, Texas ( 512 551 0375) on the Dupuytren's Web site. A couple of weeks later, I hoped on an early flight, and arrived Dr. Rose's Office in Austin by 11:00 AM. Dr. Rose evaluated my hands and advised that only surgery could help my right hand. However the little finger on my left hand could be improved with NA. He decided to do the procedure that day. By 3:30 PM, I was on the plane back to Dallas wearing an important looking bandage. The little finger is dramatically better, no longer pulls into the palm. My hand now opens fairly flat. Finger still bent at about 25%.

Ron McHam

11/15/2010 19:44
11/15/2010 19:44
Re: Needle Aponevrotomy

I found a Dr. Keith Denkler, in Larkspur, California, just a few miles North of San Francisco. I had an open hand procedure on my right hand, and it was a long 6 month recovery, plus I developed Reflex Sympathetic Dystropy, a condition that only 5% of people with hand trauma get. I have been living with it ever since, 10 years now.

When my left hand starting getting to the point with Duputren's, that I was unable to work, I checked into the NA procedure! Dr. Denkler only took about 45 minutes, (as opposed to a four hour surgery), with just numbing meds, and I was back to work in three weeks. No 6 months of physical therapy. I highly recommend it!


11/16/2010 16:38


11/16/2010 16:38


Re: Needle Aponevrotomy

Paula, for Dallas we are listing Nilpesh Patel http://www.dupuytren-online.info/NA_list_North_America.html. he might be an option for NA in Dallas.


I posted under another thread also; I verified last week that Dr. Michael Doyle in Dallas does NOT do the NA procedure and has never been trained on it. He DOES do Xiaflex. As far as I know there are no surgeons in the Dallas area who do the NA procedure.


11/16/2010 17:51
11/16/2010 17:51
Re: Needle Aponevrotomy

Thanks Wolfgang, I will check him out!


11/19/2010 07:38
11/19/2010 07:38
Re: Needle Aponevrotomy

Can anyone recommend a Doctor in Dallas (North Texas) that performs needle aponevrotomy?

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Many thanks to ur post. I love it.

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