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05/11/2016 21:49
05/11/2016 21:49

Have DD in both hands, right hand severe, have had xiaflex injection twice and on scheduled for 1st round of radiation next month. Have seen 5 hand surgeons. 2 wanted to operate. Their cuts would be extensive and I opted for xiaflex (twice) with no effext. Now worrying potential effects of radiation. Hand pain has accelerated rapidly last 6 months. Any advise? left hand small nodules on palm and contracture little finger..have had no treatment and not rehabilitating.[img][

05/11/2016 21:57
05/11/2016 21:57

Re: Options

Have DD in both hands, right hand severe, have had xiaflex injection twice and on scheduled for 1st round of radiation next month. Have seen 5 hand surgeons. 2 wanted to operate. Their cuts would be extensive and I opted for xiaflex (twice) with no effext. Now worrying potential effects of radiation. Hand pain has accelerated rapidly last 6 months. Any advise? left hand small nodules on palm and contracture little finger..have had no treatment and not rehabilitating.[img][

For better advice could you please specify what you mean by no effect of your two Xiaflex treatments and "no treatment and not rehabiiitating"? And uphold a viewable photo (respect the size limit)?


[54 year-old male, DD diagnosis 2006, RH contracture and NA/PNF 2014, RT 2015, wearing night splint glove]

05/11/2016 22:10
05/11/2016 22:10
Re: Options

Have DD in both hands, right hand severe, have had xiaflex injection twice and on scheduled for 1st round of radiation next month. Have seen 5 hand surgeons. 2 wanted to operate. Their cuts would be extensive and I opted for xiaflex (twice) with no effext. Now worrying potential effects of radiation. Hand pain has accelerated rapidly last 6 months. Any advise? left hand small nodules on palm and contracture little finger..have had no treatment and not rehabilitating.[img][

Did you have DD in both hands before Xiaflex? Are you under 60? When I researched it before my RT effects of radiation are supposed to be less than 1% and only risk is to hands not entire body. I only had one round of RT but found it helped with the pain quite a bit. Now 6-7 years later-- DD in all 10-digits-- i only had it in ONE finger before Xiaflex--my hands are getting painful again. Have you seen a surgeon that does NA or considered it?

05/11/2016 22:43
05/11/2016 22:43
Re: Options

Moondanc: NA was an option but stats given me of reoccurring were great.Have had DD nearly 10 years. (69 now). Very active yogi and able to flatten hand for "down dog" with pressure. Now impossible to flatten and painful. Also recently excessive itching.

05/12/2016 02:34


05/12/2016 02:34


Re: Options

That's amazing because statistics for recurrence after Xiaflex are not better than after NA. So why did you decide to have Xiaflex injected? And why did Xiaflex not work?

If you are stretching your hand very actively you might aggrevate the disease. Any chance to avoid stretching your hand?

At the age of 69 the chances that radiotherapy will cause cancer in your hand are very, very low. I would not worry about that. Cost might be a much bigger issue.


Moondanc: NA was an option but stats given me of reoccurring were great.Have had DD nearly 10 years. (69 now). Very active yogi and able to flatten hand for "down dog" with pressure. Now impossible to flatten and painful. Also recently excessive itching.

05/12/2016 11:35
05/12/2016 11:35
Re: Options

I have little to no concern with radiation/cancer connections. Concern is fibrosis. My nodules are very thick and hard at base of fingers. Contracting cords thumb middle ring and little finger..they are very tender to the touch and particularly at the site of the xiaflex injections. I had 1st xiaflex 2012 in ring finger cord..it did initially help after cord broke but came back more constricted. I had another series 2014 with no effect. Ever since hand is cupped, stiff and achy.Although 69 very fit and active and can not imagine life without exercise involving hand. As well as yoga, I hike and paddle canoe and kayak. Have resorted to glove as poles and paddle pressure hurt. Wonder if I should have the surgery and going radiation route is just delaying inevitable.

05/12/2016 11:48


05/12/2016 11:48


Re: Options

Surgery can be fantastically successful, if done by an experienced surgeon, and you are someone who heals well; good blood circulation, no adverse effects such as scarring to keloids, etc. But probably be ready for 6 months to 1 year recovery, anything less is a blessing. It's not clear with a slight contraction if you could have RT, the radiologist would have to advise. I have never heard of fibrosis as a secondary effect of RT with DD since the dose is so low and depth penetration minimal. There does have to be signs of active disease for RT to be effective. It might soften the nodules eventually, but the main thing it does is slow or stop progression.

05/12/2016 14:37
05/12/2016 14:37
Re: Options

If only I could find a fantastical doctor in my in-network healthcare provider area. Have seen 2 surgeons here which left me unsure. Any recommendations for Rochester NY? I found out about xiaflex and RT from DD foundation research onlne and in my case surgeons were not willing to go outside.their area, ie surgeon wouldn't talk xiaflex, nor other talk RT.
I would willingly go through 12 month recovery process if I got someone I had confidence in. As for now have appointment for radiation with oncologist I found name thru DD foundation. Talked with her once..she is up to doing it but know it is all about future progression not reversa. l She wanted to start me on Pentixifylline to soften nodules (I believe) but insurance wouldn't pay because it is used for circulation not DD. When I told.the office.their response was "okay you don't have to take.it" huh?? Guess that's why I'm having mixed feelings about RT.

05/12/2016 15:03


05/12/2016 15:03


Re: Options

Hi Joyce, unfortunately surgery does not mean healing. Surgery, and all other treatments of Dupuytren's, are only treating symptoms. The disease will persist and will probably come back, at the operated location or elsewhere. Surgery usually has a longer recurrence period but also a longer recovery. Should you decide for surgery you might look for a surgeon experienced with Dupuytren's not someone who does that only a few times per year.


I would willingly go through 12 month recovery process if I got someone I had confidence in. ...

05/12/2016 20:48
05/12/2016 20:48
Re: Options

The effectiveness of any DC treatment is highly dependent upon the skill and knowledge of the doctor. Effectiveness also varies from person to person so there are many "wild cards" when it comes to treating DC. I was advised about 10 years ago that I needed surgery to correct my progressing DC but I couldn't take time from my job for rehab so I procrastinated. When I heard about Xiaflex I started doing a lot of research and found a doc in my area, a plastic surgeon who had performed about 50 successful Xiaflex procedures so I had that done on my left hand in July of 2014. I am extremely pleased with the results and will probably opt for the same treatment on my right hand when the time comes I can no longer use it. So far i can still hyperextend my left hand about 20 degrees or more. I would try to get another opinion from a practitioner who has experience with DD.There is no cure per se, but I think there are doctors who can provide improved remedies. BTW, my doc wasn't in my provider group and my insurance would only cover about 1/3 the cost of Xiaflex, but healthwell Foundation helped me out so there was only about $350 out of pocket. I am now donating back to Healthwell when I can.

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