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07/05/2005 23:14
Peter Brown

not registered

07/05/2005 23:14
Peter Brown

not registered


I am having my left hand operated on on 19 July.
Can those who have had it done advise Pain (Have been told severe).
Recovery time and any helpful info

07/05/2005 23:54
Randy H.

not registered

07/05/2005 23:54
Randy H.

not registered


Having read on this Forum for almost two years I have learned is that everyone is different in regard to their disease and response to surgery. My response to your inquire comes from the Dark Side of the Knife. Nothing in my life has caused as much physical pain for as long a period of time as my surgery for Dups. My hand is still in constant pain, stiff and swollen.

Without one moment of hesitation and without a shadow of a doubt, I strongly recommend you cancel your surgery and take time to look into the only currently available alternative, which is NA. I have no way of knowing if in the long run Open Surgery might not be your *best* option. However, my firm belief is that before engaging on such an invasive procedure, one should be educated on the options so as to make an *informed* decision. I can almost guaranty your surgeon will disagree with me. Most likely he will say OS is your only hope. If so, I know "first hand" that he is wrong. I've had both OS and NA.

Unfortunately, the only place you can get good info and testimonies on the NA option is here and a few other sites. Read all you can on Dr. Eaton's site before you submit to OS.

Other individuals will offer different opinions based on their experiences. You have mine.

07/05/2005 23:22
07/05/2005 23:22


If you learn nothing else in life, the NA procedure is indeed your best bet. You have absolutely nothing to lose. If you happen not to be a candidate for successful NA then you can always opt for traditional surgery.

Not so if you have surgery first. Your hand(s)may be damaged beyond repair making a later try at NA near impossible.

Please listen to Randy; he offered you the best advice.

Good Luck

07/05/2005 23:22

not registered

07/05/2005 23:22

not registered


I agree with Randy. I am close to having it done too. Pain, stiffness, and now going into yet another finger.
My hand surgeon, who is really well known around here, says " don't do it" Also the same from the PT guy.
I say from my resurch and this forum, that they don't have the background and proof that they can study yet , as it has not been published. Doctors are not Gods. You have to do your own work to decide what is best for you, in Any disease or illness.
I am close to having something done soon, and I am going to choose to go to Dr. Eaton. These other doctor's are all good at what they do, but, until they see the publications come out on the results, that probably won't come out for quite awhile, they will not change their opinions. No different than any other illness or disease in the past that got attention and changed opinions about treatment.
I am not willing to take the chance, that I would have the regular surgery, and further damage a hand that has already been damaged by the trigger finger operation which caused tendon damage. I am not willing to go through Months of PT or (OT) to get my hand back to Not Still Normal..
Think about this, with either of the options, you will have to go back every 3 to 5 years to have it done again. Better not to have your hand carved up over and over, than to have the needle break up. And, if you wait until your fingers are bent in, that is when they have to do the skin grafts, as if they have to open the fingers it rips the skin open. With the NA, that does not happen.
I wish you luck, and just keep informed.

07/05/2005 23:06
07/05/2005 23:06

Where did you get this information? "And, if you wait until your fingers are bent in, that is when they have to do the skin grafts, as if they have to open the fingers it rips the skin open."

My finger was at 85 degrees contracture before surgery. It is now at 0 degrees contracture. No skin graft. It has been 3 1/2 years ago. There is no sign that I ever had Dupuytren's.

07/05/2005 23:44

not registered

07/05/2005 23:44

not registered

Skin Grafts

Here is what I have been told...
If you go in, when the finger is not able to flaten out on the table anymore ( and Dr. Eaton's office told me that) you will be better off to do it then. Not wait until the finger is already contracted to the ultamate point. I was also told that by several other doctor's. They All, Also told me, that it is usually Men, that just wait until the finger is totally contracted before they come in. Even the PT guy told me that.
They said, when the finger is totally contracted, and stays that way for a bit, that stretching it out again ( with the regular surgery) Splits the skin open, and then you need the skin graft. The PT man said he has seen tons of them.
If you go in, when the finger is at a certian point, that will not happen. Just don't wait, like these people I am talking about did, and , go in after the finger is already totally contracted.
Now, I ask you, why would anyone wait that long???

07/06/2005 23:57
07/06/2005 23:57
info on op

Thanks guys &girls.
Im a stupid South African what is NA?
My contracture is not severe but starting to get uncomfortable. My surgeon practices in SA and Ireland also does a lot of work on the mercy ships. Am told he is one of the best for this OS. You have me hesitating, but it must be done

07/06/2005 23:04
07/06/2005 23:04

OK found out about NA dont know if we can get it in SA will talk to my surgeon. In the mean time its still OS.
Will let you know how it goes
Go Well

07/06/2005 23:27
Randy H.

not registered

07/06/2005 23:27
Randy H.

not registered

response to OS

Given the choice of OS or *nothing*, the odds are with you with OS. Do not hesitate over 45 degrees of contracture. Though my definition of "mercy" would be a crack at NA, under your circumstances, unless you had a Diamond Rolex Watch to invest in travel and arrangements, go for OS. Your surgeon will simply tilt his head like a beagle hearing a dog whistle when you mention "NA". Again, my informed opinion. All the best,


07/06/2005 23:26
J Ann

not registered

07/06/2005 23:26
J Ann

not registered

response to OS


I wish you the best in your upcoming surgery. Please make sure you follow ALL post op. theraphy and directed.
If you do not the scar tissur could build up and then your tendon will have a hard time passing thru it and that can cause contracture due to thick scat tissue. Do all of your stretching and scar massage. You should have a night brace and that also should be worn as directed. I wish you the best..God bless... J Ann

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