Massage therapy |
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05/14/2017 12:04
05/14/2017 12:04
Re: Massage therapy
aryan: It is very reassuring to have found a treatment which will hopefully keep my hands in reasonable working order into the future.
Hello Aryan,
I am curious as to the state of your DD some 4yrs later.
05/17/2017 01:33
05/17/2017 01:33
Re: Massage therapy
I'm a 52 year old male and was diagnosed a year ago. I have it in 3 fingers, with pronounced lumps on the palm of two fingers on my right hand. and slight lump in my 3rd finger. I have no contractions as yet. The lumps grew rapidly over the 3 months following diagnosis and my hand was painful. I went to a physio and he massaged my hand weekly and advised I self massage twice a day. I was very conscientious about this and very quickly I could feel the fascia tissue start to soften. I've kept up twice (sometimes more) daily massages since. I use almond oil but any oil will do. The disease has stopped progressing and the pain has gone but I'll keep massaging twice a day for the rest of my life and hope it stays like it is. It may be there is no relationship between the massage and the improvement but it certainly gives me a feeling of control and a better mental attitude. (David, NZ)
05/21/2017 14:47
05/21/2017 14:47

Re: Massage therapy
Great news David !, glad to hear you feel you have taken control. This is something the Doctors rob their patients of when they say don't worry about it until you have contraction.
Regards Stephen
05/23/2017 01:16
05/23/2017 01:16
Re: Massage therapy
Cumulus, try to use warm hemp oil and you will be surprised.
Also try to cut radically sugar(all kind), animal protein and improve the consum of hemp seeds, flax seeds, lime, turmeric and ginger.
I had a great improvement in few days over my Dup and rheumatoid arthritis. Avoid tomatoes. As Italian I use to eat tomatoe every day and I have noticed that when I ate tomato the contracture was improved.
05/23/2017 04:31
wach  Administrator
05/23/2017 04:31
wach  Administrator
Hi Regina,
nutritional recommendations for Dupuytren's are difficult, possibly because of different body reactions and constitutions. Eating tomatoes actually has been one of the few likely good recommendations for reducing Dupuytren's. A forum member reported that when it was tomatoe harvest time, he ate a huge a mount of tomatoes and noticed significant improvement of his Dupuytren's, some time after the harvest his contracture eventually severed again. But obviously everyone is different, which makes recommendations generally difficult as long as they have not been verified on a larger number of patients. Of course there is nothing wrong in reporting own experience, that's what our forum is for, but you should be aware that it may not be effective for every patient.
Regina: Cumulus, try to use warm hemp oil and you will be surprised.
Also try to cut radically sugar(all kind), animal protein and improve the consum of hemp seeds, flax seeds, lime, turmeric and ginger.
I had a great improvement in few days over my Dup and rheumatoid arthritis. Avoid tomatoes. As Italian I use to eat tomatoe every day and I have noticed that when I ate tomato the contracture was improved.
Edited 05/23/17 07:32
05/23/2017 13:39
05/23/2017 13:39
Re: Massage therapy
NewtoDD: Hello Aryan,
I am curious as to the state of your DD some 4yrs later.
Sorry for the delay in replying. My hands are fine. I get a treatment from Steven Jeffrey regularly just to keep them supple and for my peace of mind and reassurance. I really feel that massage therapy is the way to go as an initial treatment anyway. What have you got to lose!?
04/13/2018 02:25
04/13/2018 02:25
Re: Massage therapy
Hi, just wanted to share my experience with everyone. I’m a 35 y/o male who was first diagnosed about 2 years ago. I have one small nodule / tight cord on my right hand, and a bit of thickening in the thumb webbing on both hands. So pretty mild in the grand scheme of things but certainly still a concern for me in the long term.
I got fed up with the “there’s not really much you can do” advice I was getting and started to look around for alternatives, which eventually led me here. Massage makes sense to me and I don’t think there’s any harm in trying.
I’m based in Australia but I happened to be travelling in Europe last year, so I went to visit Stephen. He was very understanding and if you have the opportunity to see him I’d certainly recommend you do so. I’m now seeing a massage therapist nearby home who is roughly following Stephen’s protocol.
Overall my hands seem pretty stable, I generally do a few minutes of self massage a few times a week and I haven’t really seen any progress either way for about a year. I’ll keep up the self massage and monthly visits to the massage therapist, and hopefully that’s enough to keep things stable.
04/13/2018 06:20
04/13/2018 06:20
Re: Massage therapy
Hi Ben
I'm in NSW send me your number if you want to have a yarn about this, cheers, John
04/16/2018 13:19
04/16/2018 13:19
Re: Massage therapy
Hi all, I am a 61 year old man and was diagnosed 3-4 years ago. The ring finger on my right hand was contracting with a number of nodules forming in my palm which felt quite sore and painful. Interestingly, one of my 3 brothers also has Dupruytens in the same finger. About a year ago, I found this forum and went to see Stephen Jeffreys in London for massage therapy. I experienced immediate positive effects and it was a great relief to notice the painful contracture eased up after the first treatment. Stephen very generously shared the massage protocol and, as I live abroad and not able to see Stephen on a regular basis, I was able to continue the massage on my own. Since then the contracture has been stable i.e. it has not got any worse and if the palm gets painful I am able to relieve the intensity of the pain through massage. While this may not work for all Dupruytens sufferers, it is definitely worth giving this method a try before submitting to surgery.
Edited 04/16/18 16:21
09/18/2018 00:34
09/18/2018 00:34
Re: Massage therapy
Thank you for all your support on this page. I am in Brisbane Australia and have just been diagnosed with DD. It is not causing finger curving yet but the growth of the nodules towards my wrist is progressing quickly...days not months. Very keen to start some massage therapy as soon as possible but the massage therapists I have contacted have not treated DD before. I have read that you can cause further inflammation and progression of the symptoms if you irritate or force through mistreatment. Would it be possible to have further information on your protocol or access to the relevant pages in Rattray's book. Thank you again for your continuing interest and care in relation to sufferers of this condition.
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