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Pain with onset of Dupuytren's
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07/25/2009 00:10
07/25/2009 00:10
Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

Dupuytren's and pain? I have only had one nodule for a year. It is getting bigger. The pain level changes but there is always pain. Sometimes it is bad enough to prevent sleep but most of the time it is just bad enough to remind me that something is wrong with my hand. I can't find any information about pain related to dupuytren's. Has anyone else experienced this?

07/25/2009 02:03
07/25/2009 02:03
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

Generally, there is little pain, if any, associated with Dupuytren's. But, it is not unheard.

07/25/2009 03:16
07/25/2009 03:16
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

Yes, there can be pain involved. I stopped lifting weights because of the pain it caused. Although, i never had pain that would keep me awake at night. Since the onset of DC the pain has decreased.

07/25/2009 14:00
07/25/2009 14:00
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's


Mine started with a sore spot on my palm, I thought I had pinched it doing yard work. Then I had a nodule. As the nodule grew, so did the pain. I had pain that kept me up at night. My whole arm would ache for hours on end. Heat helped relieve the pain. I still have pain when I overdo it. Like today. Yesterday I worked on installing a hot water dispenser under my sink, I had to cut a copper pipe and that gripping and twisting motion set it off. I wear a bicycling glove that protects my palm yet is cut off on the fingers when I drive, mow the lawn, or typically do long term work that involves touching my palm. That helps a lot!

I know others on this forum have talked about having pain.


07/25/2009 14:55
07/25/2009 14:55
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

My nodule aches sometimes. It reminds me that I have Dupuytren's. Luckily it isn't severe. After reading in the forum I also purchased bicycling gloves. They help somewhat.


07/26/2009 00:50
07/26/2009 00:50
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

Sherry, I had a lot of pain in both hands first a long time, then it has settled down and only hurts ocassionally

09/10/2009 15:18
09/10/2009 15:18
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

Glad to find this forum - thank you all.
I am here today specifically researching pain associated with D.C. since I have found very little on the web regarding D.C. pain. The few references I have found, most notably on Wikipedia, state there is little to no pain associated with D.C.
I can't even recall when the first symptoms showed up, perhaps 10 years ago. I am 55 year old male. I met with a surgeon about three years ago and was diagnosed with D.P. We discussed pain at the time and I came away with the understanding that it was not at all uncommon.
One finger in my left hand and two in the right are involved. The right hand fingers are in the very early stages and seem stagnant while the left hand has progressed slowly and surely. The 5th finger is bent at about 20 degrees from normal and the edge of my palm has noticeably begun to curve inward. I am not up to speed on nomenclature but I would guess I have a node at the base of the finger and another nearer the knuckle.
I've had numbness in the edge of the hand for some time now.
Certain hand positions can set off severe cramping with pain. It is sharp and severe but thankfully short lived.
Lately however it seems to be moving up into the arm and even the bicep. It can be absent at times and at others range from sharp to dull. I can localize it and it seems to run along linearly. Last evening while trying to get to sleep I believe it was throbbing.
I can't seem to find any O.T.C. meds that touch it but I've only tried Aspirin and Ibuprofen. Massaging and heat seem to help a bit.
Any tips appreciated.

09/10/2009 18:10
09/10/2009 18:10
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's


I had pain similar to yours. My whole arm would ache up to and including my shoulder. I had the sharp to the dull also. My DC started quickly and in less than 6 months went from a sore spot to a node and cord. It kept me up at night and I also had throbbing. No matter what position I was in, it hurt. I had a steroid shot for the pain and that helped and knocked it back to almost nothing. Knowing you could only have a limited number of shots (3 I think), I looked for something to stop the growth and potentially the pain. I chose radiation and as an added benefit it also stopped most of the pain. It also has shrunk my nodule and cord.

I could not find anything to relieve the pain except for heat. Winter is approaching and I am concerned it will start up again. I did not want to start taking aspirin or other pain medicine because I figured since there was no cure for this, I would potentially be taking a lot of pain meds for a long time. I am experimenting with crushing an aspirin and adding some of it to lotion to make a paste with it and applying it topically to the cord when I over do it to relieve the pain. I keep asking different doctors for a topical cream to apply to relieve the pain and they don't know of one. So I figured I would make my own and try it. I have not gotten the formula down yet, because I have not had enough pain that required it since radiation.

Sorry I could not be more helpful on the pain. I know before radiation it felt like it was continual and I could never get comfortable.

Why don't you look into radiation since you said it is growing?


09/11/2009 03:31
09/11/2009 03:31
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

Thank you for your response. I also suspected the pain was in my shoulder but it's been hard to discern because my back was in a stress mess for the past week.
I was very uncomfortable this past winter and began to suspect cold weather when things warmed up and the pain went away. But here we are in the waning days of summer and I've never been so uncomfortable. I don't trust my cold weather theory now.

I only discovered this forum earlier today and was unaware of of all the treatment options. I've been waiting patiently for the enzyme treatment but may will investigate the other options, thanks for the recommendation.
I have a friend with D.C. who opted for surgery about two years back. He was not happy with the recovery for a long time and when I checked a few weeks back he was 50/50 when I asked if he would make the same choice today.
This same fellow also recommended a couple of ointments from an outfit called Christopher's Original Formulas. I found them on-line. I only use them occasionally and the jury is still out. One is called 'Complete Tissue and Bone' and the other is a 'Cayenne Heat Ointment'. I wish I could give a glowing recommendation but like I said the jury is still out.
Thanks again for your response.

09/11/2009 03:34
09/11/2009 03:34
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's


Glad to find this forum - thank you all.

Certain hand positions can set off severe cramping with pain. It is sharp and severe but thankfully short lived.
Lately however it seems to be moving up into the arm and even the bicep. It can be absent at times and at others range from sharp to dull. I can localize it and it seems to run along linearly. Last evening while trying to get to sleep I believe it was throbbing.
I can't seem to find any O.T.C. meds that touch it but I've only tried Aspirin and Ibuprofen. Massaging and heat seem to help a bit.
Any tips appreciated.

Hi Tom,
Welcome to the forum. You'll find it extremely helpful. I also have cramping and spasm with one of my hands. When I get it in certain positions, it just starts involuntary contracting. I call it "claw hands"-- I hadn't seen anyone mention cramping before. What I have found helpful is heat-- I have a neck-type pillow filled with brown rice ( I made it but it's based on commercial designs I've seen sold) that I heat in the microwave and then use for my hands. You might try a heating pad, warm water, etc. There is also something called "hand putty" that I got from my PT after my recent NA that seems to help to stop the cramping if I use it several times a week. You can also try rolling your hand on a cylindrical object-- something smaller than a rolling pin but large than a pen-- to help. There's info and a picture of something like this on Dr. Eaton's website about half way down this page:

Somewhat virgorous massage with the thumb of the opposite finger and lots of creams seems to help also. As far as pain meds, Aleve is the best I've found but surely not perfect.


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