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Pain with onset of Dupuytren's
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09/11/2009 12:38
09/11/2009 12:38
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

"I also have cramping and spasm with one of my hands. When I get it in certain positions, it just starts involuntary contracting. I call it "claw hands"-- I hadn't seen anyone mention cramping before."

Claw hands - You describe it perfectly.

Thanks for the tips Diane.

The Claw Hand Man

09/11/2009 12:45
09/11/2009 12:45
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

Dear Tom (AKA Claw hand)

I laughed over that one as my finger/hand cramped typing this. My hand cramps also, but now with not so much pain. I forgot to add that I have also used those heat wraps you see advertised for backs. It works well at night to get you to sleep.


09/11/2009 16:43
09/11/2009 16:43
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's


Claw hands - You describe it perfectly.

Thanks for the tips Diane.

The Claw Hand Man

I had to laugh outloud at your new signature. I'd echo Lori's recommendation to look into radiation therapy. I'm on my second day of a 5 day course of treatment with radiation therapy on my right hand and plan to also do it on my left.


09/11/2009 17:31
09/11/2009 17:31
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

While driving to work this morning I was thinking of the last time my hand cramped, it's been a few months. It contorts into what could also might be described as a small ice or flour scoop.
I will never be capable of spooking the children as Ice Scoop Hand Man so I stick with the moniker of Claw Hand Man.
Life without laughter, no thank you.
To the creators and members, thank you. Will need to make a Pay Pay donation soon.
Thanks for all your suggestions, I began researching my treatment options this morning.

Claw Hand Man

09/12/2009 10:40
09/12/2009 10:40

Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

Hi Tom Aussie Calling.Firstly dont let the contraction progress too long before having corrected. There is always the chance the contraction cannot be reversed depending which joint etc are affected. You might try bathing you hands in hottish water and add 3 or 4 coffee spoons of baking soda. Then massage the hands and forearm. I found VOLTARIEN very good. I also massage with a 'massage oil' containg Olive Oil/ Eucalyptus/Tea Tree Oil. (Marketed as Elmore Oil. Aussie product available in US online. )I think the massage has benificial effect. Regards

09/12/2009 14:39
09/12/2009 14:39
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

Hi Newman:
You wrote: " You might try bathing you hands in hottish water and add 3 or 4 coffee spoons of baking soda. Then massage the hands and forearm. I found VOLTARIEN very good. I also massage with a 'massage oil' containg Olive Oil/ Eucalyptus/Tea Tree Oil. (Marketed as Elmore Oil. Aussie product available in US online. )I think the massage has benificial effect. "

Would bathing in hot water and massaging...and also VOLTARIEN (what is that?) as well as Elmore Oil help with painful knuckle pads???.... I have Dupuytren on both hands and also one knuckle pad on PIP joint of one finger that is painful when I bend the finger...Also a friend of mine has knuckle pads on almost ALL fingers and is has alot of pain from it...however, she doesn't have any signs of Dupuytren.

Does anyone have knuckle pads without Dupuytren?

09/13/2009 01:41
09/13/2009 01:41
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

I guess i will get in on this -YES i have pain in both of my hands. My DC started about 2 months ago with my right palm feeling tender and then overnight i had nodules. I have 3 on my right hand with cords. About 1 month after that it decided to repeat in left hand with 3 nodules with cords. My hands get very painful and it goes all the way up my arms. I am trying to find something for the pain and so far everything i have tried does not work. I am getting very clumsy with using my hands. Keep dropping things and can't do alot of things either. My hands seem to swell up at night and then they are very tight in the morning. And i agree with most of you about being up all night because your hands hurt so bad they will wake you up. What i don't understand is why they try and tell you that you will have no pain. Are they kidding me? Take care everyone.

Edited 09/13/09 04:42

09/13/2009 02:11
09/13/2009 02:11
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

It's just one more of those things that is so different case by case and hand by hand. I happened to be one of those who had very minimal pain and the only thing I would call pain is the tightness and itchiness. Both, I would have to describe as a nuisance rather than actual pain.
I feel for those of you who have pain as well as the other effects of this disease. It is so weird. It is so important for everybody to know how the symptoms and effects are different for everybody.

09/17/2009 22:23
09/17/2009 22:23
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

I am another who has experienced significant pain. I have DC in both hands with nodules - now cords are just starting to form. It seems to be progressing quite quickly in one hand although I don't have any contracture yet. I have an appt. with a hand surgeon in the Boston area next week who specialized in DC. I'm going to ask about pain relief with meds, massage, radiation, ANYTHING, and I'll write on this forum if he has any decent suggestions. Stay tuned...

09/21/2009 14:49
09/21/2009 14:49

Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

Hi Luba M, Sorry I did not get back to you I am still in Germany, The addition of Baking Soda,Epson Salt or Sea salt are like Bath Salts with out the perfume and relax the tissue. Voltaren is a gel (made in Germany ) no steriods and used for aches and pains ,being used extensively by sports persons. Check Google for more info.
Available in Chemists.Obviously not recommended for long use. Regards

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