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Pain with onset of Dupuytren's
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09/21/2009 21:24
09/21/2009 21:24
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

hi everyone, i am so happy you are all there! i'm very new to dd. and this site is so comforting. it began with sensitivity, then puckered skin, nodules and now definite achy and tender feelings. i also have a less tender lump on the bottom of my right foot. as i was madly researching for the last 2 weeks or so, there really isn't much mentioned about discomfort. i don't want to clap my hands... and i'm even cautious about holding someone's hand... my hand feels vulnerable... and tender. it does seem everyone is a bit different than the next. many thanks ...

09/23/2009 18:40
09/23/2009 18:40
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's


I went to see Dr. Crimaldi for my RT check up and he gave me a perscription for Voltaren, per yours and others suggestion. Any advice for use? He said not to combine it with pain pills like Advil, Aspirin, Ect.



09/23/2009 20:33
09/23/2009 20:33

Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

Hi lori. I was surprised you needed a prescription for Voltaren. In Australia and Europe it is freely available over the counter. It is a great product and has been around for a long time. I usually apply on the palm of the hand and rub the lower arm of the opposite hand with a firm grip (ie the hand then flexes somewhat) massage in well.Do the same on the other hand before going to bed .I would not use it long term only when you need to. It work well on all aches and muscle pain. Regards

09/23/2009 22:18
09/23/2009 22:18
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

Thankfully my pain subsided last week. I am left with some dull aches and numbness from the tip of my small finger to mid point up my forearm. After learning about RT on this site I had my first appt at VCU with Dr. Weiss yesterday. The team of MD's agreed that most my pain symptoms were probably originating in my back and had much more to do with my spine then my Dupuytren's. The case they made was convincing and I now believe my Dupuytren's was a Red Herring. The claw hand cramps hand aches around the nodules are associated with DC but from what they explained most any pain outside of the hand would be localized on the inside of the wrist.

I had my 2nd RT therapy session today, I have faith that this will work for me.

re Voltaren prescriptions and use - I was curious and did a bit of looking around. It appears that this product is available in a variety of forms: pill, injection or topical ointment. Is everyone on the same page regarding the form? Also that it is not available except by prescription would suggest that we are talking about the USA where the powers that be seem to work diligently to keep helpful drugs out of the hands of the populace.

Edited 09/24/09 01:21

09/24/2009 04:56
09/24/2009 04:56
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's


Thankfully my pain subsided last week. I am left with some dull aches and numbness from the tip of my small finger to mid point up my forearm. After learning about RT on this site I had my first appt at VCU with Dr. Weiss yesterday. The team of MD's agreed that most my pain symptoms were probably originating in my back and had much more to do with my spine then my Dupuytren's. The case they made was convincing and I now believe my Dupuytren's was a Red Herring. The claw hand cramps hand aches around the nodules are associated with DC but from what they explained most any pain outside of the hand would be localized on the inside of the wrist.

Hi Tom,

How very interesting that the MDs agreed that your pain symptoms were originating in your back/spine. I've had spinal issues for many years and had a cervical spine fusion in 2000. I had no issues with claw hands or pain in my hands until the last year or so when my DD started progressing so fast. Also, I only have "claw hands" in my left hand-- the hand that I've never had treated, which has three fingers involved and which is much worse than my right hand (my thumb and index finger on my right hand are numb as a result of my surgery) and I've an EMG- Electromyogram- which have confirmed my left hand problems aren't coming from my spine. Did your docs suggest any further exams or treatment for your pain?


09/24/2009 14:36
09/24/2009 14:36
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's


Thank you for your imput. It helps. Yes I needed a perscription for the GEL. Who knows why a perscription but I was pleased to see it was FDA approved in the US and that Dr. Crimaldi was willing to give it a go based on my suggestion.

Tom, It does come in pills, etc. but I wanted the gel to rub on as needed. Also, I did have pain all the way up to my shoulder and it was not my back that caused it. My arm ached with the onset of DD and stopped after about 6 months. I don't have pain in my arm anymore, I only have it in the palm of my hand.

Tom, Keep us posted as to your progress. I am to check back with Dr. Crimaldi in 9 months to see how my hand is doing.



09/25/2009 16:58
09/25/2009 16:58
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

RT treatment 4 of 7 today. The only way the treatment could be easier is if the hospital were closer then the 100 miles I need to travel.
Diane and Lori, thanks for the posts. No the docs have not suggested any further investigation regarding my back. Whatever pain I have remaining is mild and easy to forget. "Out of sight, out of mind"
I believe I also aggravated the situation a few weeks back while acting as a good Samaritan with a fellow on the street who I believed was having a stroke. I held him in a position that had me most uncomfortable and I am now pretty certain I just put too much strain on my back. The rescue squad had misunderstood my position and drove around for 5 minutes till they located me. By the time they relieved me my back was screaming. Turns out the "stroke victim" was only a booze addict that had downed a bottle of mouthwash for a buzz at 9 in the morning. My troubles are minuscule when compared to his. And to look on the bright side it was my pain that lead me to this site and hopefully an end to the progression of D.C.
I will be certain to post my results but first I need to make a donation to the site.
Thank you all.
Claw Hand Man

Edited 09/25/09 19:59

01/16/2011 19:13
01/16/2011 19:13

Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

You can also try rolling your hand on a cylindrical object-- something smaller than a rolling pin but large than a pen-- to help. There's info and a picture of something like this on Dr. Eaton's website about half way down this page:

Somewhat virgorous massage with the thumb of the opposite finger and lots of creams seems to help also. As far as pain meds, Aleve is the best I've found but surely not perfect.


I recently tried the rolling pin and I am astounded by the positive results. My hand feels so much better, stronger and more flexible. I don't know why this works, but it has been the best treatment yet for my dups.

Feeling better,

Edited 01/16/11 21:19

08/24/2011 07:56
08/24/2011 07:56
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

I have yet to have a definite diagnosis. I either have one or both of Keincock's Disease(very rare & have it in right hand which is why my right wrist is fused together & Dupuytren's Disease, I found just last week nodules and a prominent chord & dimple in the palm of my left hand.I have severe pain(ache). Has been just at night but recently started constant pain, day and night. Always my wrist/hand and sometimes my bicep (top & nouter) up to shoulder. It keeps me up. I take tramadols at night and eventually I fall asleep with the pain, but very tough...Went to an urgent care and they had never heard of Keinbock's so I told them about it and gave them a basic education of it(they researched it while I got x-rays) & I was diagnosed with possible Dupuytren's. He didn't want to give any diagnosis as he knew I have my ortho app the end of Sept and he didn't know anything about KD, at least he'd heard of Dupuytren's.... OMG the pain though.,... I can't take it! Need a diagnosis so can be fixed!!!

11/13/2012 15:44
11/13/2012 15:44
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

Hi, everyone!

I am new here...I am a 44-year-old male and was diagnosed at least 6 years ago. It started with a lump in my palm and the pucker, and I finally went to my osteopath because I thought it was CTS. He took one look and told me what it was. I have had the needle aponeurotomy and it released the fingers in my right hand and they have just started to curl again.

My major issue is the pain associated with my DC. It is unbelievable, and when it accelerates it means (for me) that it is spreading. I can see new puckers and cords in both hands and it always aches. I also get pain spikes that can only be compared to my kidney stone pain. I find that high sodium levels, high humidity and cold can set it off, and those little hand warmer things help immensely if I am going to be in cold weather for a while.

I had surgery relatively recently, and while the oxycodone helped the pain in my hands, there is no way I could take that stuff regularly. OTC pain meds do nothing, either.

It is, though, comforting in a way that I am not the only one with pain, as most of the doctors I have seen tell me there is no pain with DC. I offer to trade hands...

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