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10/27/2012 19:00
10/27/2012 19:00
Re: Personal experience

are you saying that this injection would help dupuytrens and soften the cords and nodules? Would it be used for someone who hasn't had contractions?

It does NOT soften the cords. It *may* soften the nodules. Please read the study.

    10/27/2012 19:22
    10/27/2012 19:22
    Re: Personal experience

    In addition to all the research links available on Dr. Charles Eaton's website (my personal Dupuytren crusader hero) there are also some links on the Dupuytren Foundation website. Now that year-end is coming up and folks are thinking about taxable donations, PLEASE consider the Dupuytren Foundation for US Residents and Intl Dupuytren Society (this website) for residents of other countries-- or do both! Dr. Eaton and his foundation support Dupuytren's research and don't just recommend a Xiaflex shot and rake in the money, HE is TRYING TO FIND A CURE through support of research.

    If you're on this website you know how valuable the International Dupuytren Society is in giving you information and the opportunity to exchange information and ask questions of others with DD. Please think about how valuable this website has been to you and support them. Here's the DONATE link:

    Research >>>>>>>>>

    -- make sure to check out all the tabs with research, treatments, news and events

    Here's the link that includes steriod injections as treatment and the quote, "It helps shrink and soften nodules 3973122 and may slow the progression of the disease 11119679,1769995 but does not relieve contracture

    Here's the RT link:

    Here's the *DONATE* link:

    Hand Center links:

    You can spend a couple days here checking out all the various links and studies--check out all the tabs on the left hand side of the page--here are a couple of them:




    Edited 10/27/12 22:25

      10/27/2012 21:13
      10/27/2012 21:13
      Re: Personal experience

      do you know if steroid injections help with cords?

        10/27/2012 22:13
        10/27/2012 22:13
        Re: Personal experience

        do you know if steroid injections help with cords?

        From what my Dr. said no they do not. Also the studies that Moondanc has posted links to only show that it softens nodules.

        Edited 10/28/12 01:17

          10/28/2012 21:38
          10/28/2012 21:38
          Re: Personal experience

          Putzo- Share with me how you attached your pictures. My file is too large and I tried to zip it but it still would not allow me to attach. Thanks, Bentfinger (now straight!)

            10/29/2012 07:19


            10/29/2012 07:19


            Re: Personal experience

            Downsize your jpg picture to less than 500 k. You can e.g. edit it with Microsoft Paint and reduce the picture size. You should have no problem if your picture has less than 500 k. Pictures from digital cameras often have 2-3 MB but but they are far too large for the PC, so you can downsize them without losing information.


            Putzo- Share with me how you attached your pictures. My file is too large and I tried to zip it but it still would not allow me to attach. Thanks, Bentfinger (now straight!)

              11/16/2012 14:54
              11/16/2012 14:54
              Re: Personal experience

              Can someone give me a since of howpainful the NA procedures is? One Dr. is willing to perform it under light anesthesia
              versus the other Dr. just numbing shot to hand.

                11/16/2012 19:11
                11/16/2012 19:11
                Re: Personal experience

                had na twice ...if done correctly with local...no pain....unless a nerve is nicked..

                  11/16/2012 20:00
                  11/16/2012 20:00
                  Re: Personal experience

                  Can someone give me a since of howpainful the NA procedures is? One Dr. is willing to perform it under light anesthesia
                  versus the other Dr. just numbing shot to hand.

                  I've had NA with two different docs-- 4 times total- (6 procedures if you count when both hands were done) and two totally different approaches. One was very, very aggressive, lots of blood, skin tears that took several weeks to heal, lots of bandaids and hand bandages. With the other doc, only very small punctures from the NA needle remained and I was able to remove the circle bandaids next day. In fact the first time I had NA, I was out shopping 2 hours later.

                  That said, neither required anything more than local anesthesia although I almost always take a Valium prior to the procedure (and have a driver)--to calm my head, not my hand!

                  Good luck and research the doc here:

                  In almost ten years of researching this I've never heard of a doc suggesting anesthesia and I'd be somewhat leary. Make sure you find out how many NA procedures the doc has done.


                    11/17/2012 01:26
                    11/17/2012 01:26
                    Re: Personal experience

                    I certainly am hoping it is manageable!!! I was supposed to see Dr. Raskin in NYC two weeks ago, but Sandy intervened. My appt. is this Monday, and I'm hoping that I am a candidate for NA and don't need a more invasive procedure. Having had 2 xylaflex shots that failed miserably, I'm hoping for better results!! Will report back.

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