Personal experience |
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09/15/2011 01:43
09/15/2011 01:43
Re: Personal experience
Thanks for the update on your Xiaflex experience. I don't wait for serious contracture to occur. Since I had the 2nd NA on my hand, I will definitely consider that if my hand starts to contract again.
09/20/2011 09:48
09/20/2011 09:48
Re: Personal experience
Just to introduce myself... Hello !
I have had a problem with my right hand and wrist since last October, I was eventually diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, I saw a surgeon who said, I do have CTS but also a problem with my tendons. My own online research has led me to believe that I in fact have Dupuytrens syndrome. My right hand fingers were all impossible to straighten (before the CTS op) and I have small nodule type lump in my palm under the ring finger.
I had an operation on my carpal tunnel last week. I seem to have regained (maybe temporarily) straightness in my little finger, index and middle, however the ring finger is still curled up especially in the morning. I just wondered if there is a known link between Dupuytren and CTS ?
I look forward to reading more on Dupuytrens and finding out what can be done. Just thought I'd give a little detail before posting elsewhere.

09/20/2011 16:19
09/20/2011 16:19
Re: Personal experience
Hi Ember!!
I've been reading a lot about Duputyren and I've not encountered anyone mentioning carpal tunnel with it. As far as the nodules and contracture, of course they are symptoms, but to be sure I'd consult an orthopaedist. That person should be able to confirm a diagnosis. Supposedly this is also hereditary (though I've not been able to trace it in my family tree), so if someone else in your family has had it, probably your diagnosis is correct. Do keep us posted!
09/20/2011 17:29
09/20/2011 17:29
Re: Personal experience
marigail: Hi Ember!!
I've been reading a lot about Duputyren and I've not encountered anyone mentioning carpal tunnel with it. As far as the nodules and contracture, of course they are symptoms, but to be sure I'd consult an orthopaedist. That person should be able to confirm a diagnosis. Supposedly this is also hereditary (though I've not been able to trace it in my family tree), so if someone else in your family has had it, probably your diagnosis is correct. Do keep us posted!
Sometimes CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME occurs - an operation is performed ! This trauma to the hand including possible tourniquet or other intraoperative procedures may be sufficient to TRIGGER DUPUYTREN'S DISEASE ! Similarly other operations or trauma to the hand or arm could be just a trigger to start Dupuytren ...
09/20/2011 18:27
09/20/2011 18:27
Re: Personal experience
Good grief, Larry---I should have thought of that!! My Duputyren was triggered by trauma, and appeared in my right hand shortly thereafter. It hasn't changed and is very mild in that hand, however about 5 years later it appeared in the left hand, where I am having all of my issues. So, carpal tunnel, certainly is trauma to the area could cause this to occur.
12/05/2011 10:56
12/05/2011 10:56
Re: Personal experience
Wow, Ian, that is terrific!! Please do keep us updated on this...I'd try a natural remedy like that in a heartbeat. Is this something I can get in a healthfood store? I'd actually try it now....but I'm heading out of the country for a few weeks and that probably isn't a good idea. But when I come back!! Thanks for sharing the information! Marigail
12/05/2011 12:18
12/05/2011 12:18
Re: Personal experience
Two weeks. Really. Color me skeptical. I took a mushroom extract (Fungi Perfecti brand) last year because of alleged immunity benefits. Took it for several months. Zero benefits noted to hands and elsewhere.
12/05/2011 16:08
wach  Administrator
12/05/2011 16:08
wach  Administrator
Re: Personal experience
Ian, I am sorry but I had to delete your last post. It took advertizing too far.
Edited 12/05/11 18:08
12/05/2011 16:37
12/05/2011 16:37
Re: Personal experience (Update)
Hello again.
I am quite satisfied with the NA I had done by Dr. Grabow I had done in Las Vegas (see my post on the first page of this thread) last January. It is not perfect but I did get probably 80-85% movement and straightening which has pretty much held for the last ten months.
I'm not sure if the small cords I can still feel in the first joint and in the palm below are staring to get stiffer, but I still stretch the finger daily, on my steering wheel while driving or just on my leg while reading or watching TV. I used a splint/brace for the first few months but have not used it since last spring. I do believe that early on right after the NA procedure that my palm wanted to curl up and the brace prevented that happening overnight.
I can see where sometime in the future I may have to have this procedure again or even try the injections, but I think that will be three or more years before I might need it, and at the rate research and treatments have been improving, that might even be for the last time as there seems to be better procedures and more success all the time.
I continue to ski and plan to about 80 days this season and continue to play golf 50 or so dates a year (in fact we are going to play tomorrow here in Las Vegas). My grip works just fine now and just a year ago this was a problem that NA has improved greatly.
Thanks for this forum and all who post here.
12/06/2011 07:48
12/06/2011 07:48
Re: Personal experience
Wolfgang - No problem. Marigail - I haven`t seen Reishi in health food shops; I purchased mine via the internet.
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