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05/06/2008 03:05

not registered

05/06/2008 03:05

not registered

Re: Phenobarbetol

A guitarist since I was 13, a Firefighter using heavy equipment for 10 years, use of phenobarbital to control seizures since age 17. I am now 51 and my left hand has DC. I make my living as an artist. My husband and I were Volunteer Firefighters. He contracted a Firefighter's lung disease and 2 1/2 years ago received a right lung transplant. We lost our insurance last June. Does anyone know of any experiments to halt my DC or help it. The doctor at my clinic injected cort. steroid shots in my palm. A naturopath has given me a cream (smells awful) to rub onto the bumps and cords. My fingers are not bent...yet? And I can't afford to see the specialists in Dupuytrens.
If anyone knows of a doc that would have a heart, (our money goes for the thousands a month in antirejection meds of which some are donated by the drug company). 4 years ago we were "normal"
Glad you're all here, though wish you didn't have this disease to deal with.
Joshua 1:9

05/06/2008 12:44

not registered

05/06/2008 12:44

not registered

Re: Phenobarbetol

The cream (I forgot to mention the name) is DMSO. I'm hearing good and bad for Dupuytren's. Please enlighten me.

05/06/2008 13:01

not registered

05/06/2008 13:01

not registered

Info on DMSO

You might search this forum for posts on DMSO. There are several. This is how you do it:
- click on Search in the above menu bar
- enter DMSO
- select "Search in topics and answers"
- start the search

An example of posts:

Personally I believe DMSO is of not much value, otherwise we would have seen enthusiastic reports. There aren't any.


Edited at 05/07/08 09:03

05/07/2008 02:24

not registered

05/07/2008 02:24

not registered

Re: Phenobarbetol

Thanks for the answer Wolfgang. I'm thinking that I can feel some pain in my right hand now too, but no bumps or cords yet. Bummer. With no insurance my naturapath is trying the DMSO. I was surprised to even see it mentioned here. I guess I have nothing to lose and paid for it...
How are you doing?
Appreciate your helpfulness and I love emoticons!!
Pam, from Wisconsin, USA

05/07/2008 06:07


05/07/2008 06:07


Re: Phenobarbetol

Hi Pam, why not try DMSO? Everyone reacts differently and there is always a chance. Let us know how it worked out.

I am doing OK and will go on 3 months vacation soon, at least I hope so ... I have to go to the hospital this week because of some heart problems. The outcome will determine whether I can embark on my travel. Compared to this stuff Dupuytren's is a nuisance and not worth panicking which is, in some way, a relief.


05/09/2008 05:59

not registered

05/09/2008 05:59

not registered

Re: Phenobarbetol

Hi Wolfgang
Thanks for the reply. I do hope your heart problems are not serious and do not prevent your vacation. I agree, in light of the diseases so many suffer, my sister and my husband-I can do this one. I'm glad to have you guys that understand.
Praying for your appt.

05/14/2008 16:40
05/14/2008 16:40
Re: Phenobarbetol


This is just to send you best wishes and hope your heart problems are easily delt with.


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